You gained 1.75" in 3.5 months, in girth no less. Really...
This is the foulest smelling bullshit I have caught scent of in a while, no offense.
You claim to have gained around and 1/8th inch in girth each week. Once again, purely impossible.
You know what else I find strange Slack? The moment someone calls you out on your stats you change them. I find that rather odd personally.
It’s a real shitty thing to mess with people’s minds and give them advice while referencing your bogus stats. Penis Enlargement is about honesty with one’s self, your gains and measurements are for you alone. This forum – as many have attested over time - is no place for ridiculous size claims and deceit.
But as they say, if you can really prove me wrong, then I’ll be the first to eat my shoes.