Eventually I started taking my own advice and I conquered these issues. Today I think very little about my size or others size...I realize it makes very little difference in my life. I like keeping Penis Enlargement in it's place and not allowing it to rule my life. I keep everything in the moment and keep a good state of mind. Eventually I realized that anything over 6.5" is huge and since I am beyond that I am happy. If a woman ever put so much importance on my size that it became an issue I would cut her loose.
Yep but there's an awful sexualization everywhere n everything is sex related, penis size related ads TV shows series etc,adult entertainment is everywhere n really young people is having access to adult entertainment,that causes a distortion specially for men imho they feel inferior therefore depressed,that's why girls at younger ages "prefer" bigger cocks because they saw a horny cute girl playing Whit a big rubbery cock cause she made it look COOL Acceptable n Normal..
Yep but there's an awful sexualization everywhere n everything is sex related, penis size related ads TV shows series etc,adult entertainment is everywhere n really young people is having access to adult entertainment,that causes a distortion specially for men imho they feel inferior therefore depressed,that's why girls at younger ages "prefer" bigger cocks because they saw a horny cute girl playing Whit a big rubbery cock cause she made it look COOL Acceptable n Normal..
We live in a fallen world and we are surrounded by sin. The flesh will always rebel against the spirit. If I say that I am better than this I would be lying. We all live in the flesh and we all have temptation until the day of our Lord. We’re gonna mess up because that’s our nature. But praise God that we have been forgiven of all of our sins past present and future!
We’re surrounded by it 24 seven the best we can do my brother is pray for each other. There is a beautiful heaven on the way we will never ever have to have these problems again.
You can't talk shit about a woman's vagina first and expect her not to mention something about your penis being a smaller size. Now if a woman slings the size thing first than, game on. You could tell her "Hell, a Boeing 747 looks small flying through the Grand Canyon."
Women got expectations about men some girls sat on my lap wanted me to kiss them,touch em etc n obviously screw them just by reading all the signs they gave me lol.
I didn't have sex with them n i feel ok I just didn't want them to feel that i was the one that was going to roll her eyes lol..
Women got expectations about men some girls sat on my lap wanted me to kiss them,touch em etc n obviously screw them just by reading all the signs they gave me LOL.
I didn't have sex with them n i feel ok I just didn't want them to feel that i was the one that was going to roll her eyes LOL..
We’re surrounded by it 24 seven the best we can do my brother is pray for each other. There is a beautiful heaven on the way we will never ever have to have these problems again.
The thing that turns me on the most is not pornography nor is it looking at people having sex. The only thing that turns me on is when a woman’s face is filled with passion and she’s really enjoying herself. I don’t care if they have clothes on or not, it’s the look in her face that gets me.
But I wonder what would happen if most men worldwide had big cocks let's say 8X6" lotta women worldwide complain n be like if men had smaller penises everything would be perfect..
But I wonder what would happen if most men worldwide had big cocks let's say 8X6" lotta women worldwide complain n be like if men had smaller penises everything would be perfect..
Let’s hope this world never has every man with a massive cock. The privilege of having a bigger penis only goes to Those who have what it takes to put in the work. If you’re not tenacious or motivated you’re not gonna make much progress. It takes a special type of man to make this work. So they will never ever be an average size above 5 1/2 x 4 3/4
Let’s hope this world never has every man with a massive cock. The privilege of having a bigger penis only goes to Those who have what it takes to put in the work. If you’re not tenacious or motivated you’re not gonna make much progress. It takes a special type of man to make this work. So they will never ever be an average size above 5 1/2 x 4 3/4
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