Originally posted by stillwantmore
:O Holy shit, was that penis on a cadaver?? LOL that was horrible! I never got them that bad or even on my glans. Just the shaft. Yea similar to that in the pic but like I said on my shaft....and smaller. Probably 1/8" in size at the biggest.
Again, I consider myself lucky. I see these commercials about the Herpes meds and I think, geez. Warts are probably almost as bad as Herpes as far as being stuck with the shit once you have it...but, I dont have to take a pill every day, and I dont break out often if at all. I just keep and eye on my dick and surrounding areas...trim the hair real short and do a self inspection once every couple months and if I see a wart, treat it for a few days and it's gone. Havent had a wart in months though.
Another reason to be carefull and use condoms, STD's like warts can be a literal death sentence for a woman. If she gets HPV and doesnt know she has it...and does not get it taken care of soon enough, she can get Cervical Cancer, or need a hysterectomy.