Disco Dave
Ok Gents. If you have a great idea that may work for a successful Length surgery, then mention it here. Now the person who has the best idea may have a chance to get his method patented and submitted to several top PE surgeons. Also feel free to help tweak each others ideas in order to help make the best method possible. Now please remember that this is only for fun but it may and can lead to a new PE procedure that may work. Now we all know that there is know PE quick fix but If man can travel to the moon in less than 1hr; then maybe we can find away to have science get us a 10-12 incher in less than 1hr. LOL. Who knows? So it doesnt matter if you are working, stretching, hanging, extending, pumping, relaxing or whatever; Take the time, use your mind and help give a descent thought or idea to this thread for the best proposed length surgery method.rofl
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