doublelongdaddy;624745 said:
Same here and I completely agree with you, most people in the US have no idea on how bad some of the other parts of the world have it. When I made [words=]MOS[/words] my main job I knew I was going to have to sacrifice some of the luxuries in life I was used to when I worked for my family. There have been some hard times along the way, there have been months when I would have to choose between paying the server bill or rent. I have skipped many meals and suffered for the cause. What I try to keep in mind is that I get to do what I love for living and that is what matter most. I have had some good times and in the times when things are good I put money away for the rainy days. I have to say that I feel blessed to have been in business for 13 years and have a job I love to go to everyday. If it means sacrifice sometimes, so be it, as you said, others have it much worse.

I'm thankful for whatever/whoever has directed me in the paths I've taken throughout my life...looking back, it seems more random than it actually was. Fortunately, for me at least, that I truly enjoy what I do for work and the struggles/sacrifices/work are more like challenges. I look at PE similarly where the end-result is far less important than the journey...recognizing this creates a mind-set that is more consistent and less apt for frustration cuz the result is secondary.
So my sincerest 'thank you' to you, Mike for all the sacrifices you've made for have made a profound positive difference in my life
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golferjohn;687765 said:
I'm thankful for whatever/whoever has directed me in the paths I've taken throughout my life...looking back, it seems more random than it actually was. Fortunately, for me at least, that I truly enjoy what I do for work and the struggles/sacrifices/work are more like challenges. I look at PE similarly where the end-result is far less important than the journey...recognizing this creates a mind-set that is more consistent and less apt for frustration cuz the result is secondary.
So my sincerest 'thank you' to you, Mike for all the sacrifices you've made for have made a profound positive difference in my life

The best way to look at it :)
golferjohn;687765 said:
I'm thankful for whatever/whoever has directed me in the paths I've taken throughout my life...looking back, it seems more random than it actually was. Fortunately, for me at least, that I truly enjoy what I do for work and the struggles/sacrifices/work are more like challenges. I look at PE similarly where the end-result is far less important than the journey...recognizing this creates a mind-set that is more consistent and less apt for frustration cuz the result is secondary.
So my sincerest 'thank you' to you, Mike for all the sacrifices you've made for have made a profound positive difference in my life

My God, Thank You! It always feels good to hear this!
lightlyfried;687956 said:

My lame attempt at self-deprecating humor. If there's anything that I've said or done to help, I'm sincerely thankful that I had positive impact. I've received so much from everyone here, I'm just happy I have something to contribute to the cause...
golferjohn;688006 said:
My lame attempt at self-deprecating humor. If there's anything that I've said or done to help, I'm sincerely thankful that I had positive impact. I've received so much from everyone here, I'm just happy I have something to contribute to the cause...

You need to start realizing that 1.5 inch girth gain is huge, 7inch girth is huge, and you have more gains to come!
Thanks seems that you're one of my motivators too. I've found that the more active I am on this site, the more I believe in what I'm doing, (probably an obvious byproduct)
I have another measuring day coming-up...wish me luck
golferjohn;688047 said:
Thanks seems that you're one of my motivators too. I've found that the more active I am on this site, the more I believe in what I'm doing, (probably an obvious byproduct)
I have another measuring day coming-up...wish me luck

I wish you the best of luck! I hope you see some great changes!
golferjohn;688047 said:
Thanks seems that you're one of my motivators too. I've found that the more active I am on this site, the more I believe in what I'm doing, (probably an obvious byproduct)
I have another measuring day coming-up...wish me luck

Thats awesome to hear you think that of me. Just remember, I want nothing more than to be at the girth you're at now, i'd give almost anything, but all I have is hard work :)
doublelongdaddy;687191 said:
Nothing to fear. 90% of the men in the world do not have what it takes to make PR work for themselves. That 10% will remain solid, most men are lazy in general.

hey wait a minute D im not that type of guy im tired and confused but im going to start my [words=!!!]LM[/words] session right fucking now!:cool:
LONGERDICK7+;725533 said:
hey wait a minute D im not that type of guy im tired and confused but im going to start my [words=!!!]LM[/words] session right fucking now!:cool:

The first step is admitting you have a problem :)
doublelongdaddy;725567 said:
The first step is admitting you have a problem :)

yep that is true facing that part can be the hardest...And yeah i was not going to have that session i was tired but i ended up having my session it was ok...well at least i made that decision right...:)

There are so many things i want to solve still, Gains,love,goals i want to achieve..lots of things everything got to get better..
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LONGERDICK7+;725614 said:
yep that is true facing that part can be the hardest...And yeah i was not going to have that session i was tired but i ended up having my session it was ok...well at least i made that decision right...:)

There are so many things i want to solve still, Gains,love,goals i want to achieve..lots of things everything got to get better..

The minute we stop reaching to be a better man is when we start to lose this life. We are here to become the best we can with what the good Lord has given us, I do not think that ever ends until we are in God's arms.
doublelongdaddy;725660 said:
The minute we stop reaching to be a better man is when we start to lose this life. We are here to become the best we can with what the good Lord has given us, I do not think that ever ends until we are in God's arms.

that endless struggle called LIFE lol,this is true this happens whit the gains i do really want to get to 9 but im still a 7 +bpel guy,i get a lot of frustation and dissapointment when i measure my penis.But im almost sure im going to get bigger...I have developed a lot of patience.Otherwise id have left a long time ago......Besides i think im a bit obsessive.And i just cant get PE off my head lol the funny thing is that i dont spend that much time exercising...:O

I just dont have the same depth you have when you bring that Gods issue... Its been helpful tough,Your views about God have a different approach and that is a mind opener!!My goal for now is a 9x5.75 or evn by 6...

I have changed the goal since i realized that getting to 9+ can be a real life challenge:O:).
CokeCanCock;687594 said:
we're the 1%!

Did not see this tie now, indeed we are! This is the reason no one needs to worry about every dude becoming a monster cock, they just do not have what it takes. If PE was easy it would have little value and every dumb ass would be walking around hung like a horse without having to work for it, that would cheapen this whole art form.
doublelongdaddy;725734 said:
Did not see this tie now, indeed we are! This is the reason no one needs to worry about every dude becoming a monster cock, they just do not have what it takes. If PE was easy it would have little value and every dumb ass would be walking around hung like a horse without having to work for it, that would cheapen this whole art form.

fucking right D if PE was easy shit most men would be walking around whit horse cocks lol PE is an art form.Discipline,dedication,knowledge,consistency.there are so many things needed..
LONGERDICK7+;725763 said:
fucking right D if PE was easy shit most men would be walking around whit horse cocks lol PE is an art form.Discipline,dedication,knowledge,consistency.there are so many things needed..

An earned big dick is like a Ferrari, you need to work your ass off to buy one.
doublelongdaddy;725903 said:
An earned big dick is like a Ferrari, you need to work your ass off to buy one.

mmm no matter how hard id work getting a ferrari sounds way too far fetch,but who knows nothings is for certain,Yep like them ferraris but id like to get a Beemer too.Besides time is tight these Days fuck! lol
LONGERDICK7+;725932 said:
mmm no matter how hard id work getting a ferrari sounds way too far fetch,but who knows nothings is for certain,Yep like them ferraris but id like to get a Beemer too.Besides time is tight these Days fuck! lol

If you do not put in the work you get a Mini-Cooper if you put in the work you get a Unimog :)
LONGERDICK7+;726052 said:
Dont like those mini Coopers D and those unimogs are great :cool:

Matters of Size

The Rest of the PE World
Wow, that Unimog is massive ...

"I want to ride my bicycle ..." Which I do. I'm not a super-enthusiast about biking, just a basic three-gear bike will often suit me fine.
When it comes cars, I like someone driving one for me, taking me to places, so I can just chill ... I'm lazy like that. Well and that I don't have a license.

When it comes to the topic, I think in certain sense this "hidden" aspect is good. Of course the taboo aspect, people nullifying the truth is troublesome at times but;
I feel that many great things in this world might be somewhat hidden. The right people will discover those hidden gems. And the right people are the ones to make the gains.
Just a personal viewpoint. Like it was said in other thread, PE being an artform, it would be somewhat dull if all guys on the planet would be sporting 8x6 or more ...
As us people come in many sizes, I think those many sizes shall remain.

And what's more, the atmosphere in [words=]MoS[/words] is great, pushing men forward in other areas than "just" PE. That's how it should be. "Correcting" just one area in one's life might not fix the total picture. This I've read happening with people losing a lot of weight; while that itself can be great, the other things in life might have not changed and therefore more happiness might not occur, even though you worked hard towards losing that weight.

Just some food for thought I guess, even though it's quite self-explanatory.
stillwantmore2;624631 said:
Trust me, if you're like most Americans, even our "poor"...hell, even our HOMELESS Americans have it better than truly poor people in other countries. Many of them don't have the systems in place to turn to that we do. You're never as poor as you think you are. If you have it in you mentally and truly have the desire to change your life you usually can. Very few Americans anyway, are truly born into completely hopeless situations. I remember getting into a quasi argument on one of these forums a few years back with some guy. He was "broke", but he just refused to believe he could improve his life. He also had the time to sit on his ass a few hours a day on a PE about being productive. I gave him suggestions and ideas on what he could do...a different easy to get into job, for example. Everything I suggested was supposedly too hard, below him in some way, or he'd supposedly already tried it.

Me personally, I'm a damn survivor and I will do whatever I have to do to get to where I want/need to. I've been over my head in debt, about to lose the roof over my head. I hurried up and got a damn job waiting tables. Once I got into my grove at that job I went and got a second job. I would literally get up at 3 in the morning, go work the first job for 8-10 hours, go home and shower, go work the other job...get home around 12-1 in the morning sleep for 3-4 hours and repeat it all over the next day. Did that for over a year, but I got myself out of $40,000 in debt really damn fast. Thing is, I know there are likely some brothers here who have had it even worse than me. Too many people are just lazy and too willing to give up on themselves, or expect a handout, or an "easy" fix.

Poverty is where my life is right now and it is no big thing as I know how much worse others have it. I have been rich I have been poor, I have seen both sides and I can say with complete honesty, I enjoy the latter. Being poor open the mind to creative ways to make money. I have been poor but I have never settled for it, I have always come back. When you consider true poverty, that of which Still was describing, our lives are pure luxury. I guess that is part of the reason I am happy to be poor. I also love living a very basic life and Ii have very little needs besides the very basics. Jesus provides for me everyday, whether I can pay or not :)
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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