Usually when you do any type of Penis stretching exercise 2 things are not adequate.
1st its the intensity which usually isnt sufficent enough to "provoke" adaptation mechanism.
2nd its the grip strenght of your arm.
I was doing some thinking yesterday and i came up with an exercise that eliminates both of these "weak points" in Penis Enlargement and it also works on very unusual mechanic.
In this exercise you are using you whole bodyweight as pulling "instrument" which enables you to use forces that are much much higher then the usual amount you can use with your hands or with other types of devices.
Its a combination of Squat stretch and Hanging.
The Exercise:
Warmup your penis like usual. Suggestion>>(do 50 slow semi-errect jelqs in a hot tub).
Wrap your penis up like you would do a set of very heavy hanging.
Get into Squat position and tie your Penis just below the head with the material you use normally for hanging(rope,plastic tape,etc).
Tie the other part of the rope to an imovable object located on the floor(anything that is fixed).
Now use your whole bodyweight as a pulling instrument just like you would execute a Squat motion and try to use as much force as you can and hold it till exaustion(your penis gets to a point of failure and you cannot hold the stretch anymore).
You can put your palms on your tighs to increase the force you are exerting on your penis.
Be very cautios when doing the exercise cause there is a possibility of an injury if you use 2 much force.We dont want you to deadlift your Penis straight away.
p.s.I didnt search for an existing type of exercise so i appologize in front.Enoy.
Below is a picture of how the exercise should look.I took some random photo from the Internet and used paintbrush so you can understand how the exercise should look like.
1st its the intensity which usually isnt sufficent enough to "provoke" adaptation mechanism.
2nd its the grip strenght of your arm.
I was doing some thinking yesterday and i came up with an exercise that eliminates both of these "weak points" in Penis Enlargement and it also works on very unusual mechanic.
In this exercise you are using you whole bodyweight as pulling "instrument" which enables you to use forces that are much much higher then the usual amount you can use with your hands or with other types of devices.
Its a combination of Squat stretch and Hanging.
The Exercise:
Warmup your penis like usual. Suggestion>>(do 50 slow semi-errect jelqs in a hot tub).
Wrap your penis up like you would do a set of very heavy hanging.
Get into Squat position and tie your Penis just below the head with the material you use normally for hanging(rope,plastic tape,etc).
Tie the other part of the rope to an imovable object located on the floor(anything that is fixed).
Now use your whole bodyweight as a pulling instrument just like you would execute a Squat motion and try to use as much force as you can and hold it till exaustion(your penis gets to a point of failure and you cannot hold the stretch anymore).
You can put your palms on your tighs to increase the force you are exerting on your penis.
Be very cautios when doing the exercise cause there is a possibility of an injury if you use 2 much force.We dont want you to deadlift your Penis straight away.
p.s.I didnt search for an existing type of exercise so i appologize in front.Enoy.
Below is a picture of how the exercise should look.I took some random photo from the Internet and used paintbrush so you can understand how the exercise should look like.