Double Long Daddy, The Guru
Staff member
Super Moderator
This is incredible! The fabricator that created the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LENGTH MASTER[/words] for [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Matters of SIze[/words] has been using his prototype and he was overjoyed when he told me he gained an inch. He did not believe Penis Enlargement works but now he is a committed member! He went from 5.5 to 6.5 within 30 days! The miracle of Penis Enlargement always makes me so happy. I am trying to convince him to start actively posting...we will see. In the mean time I can't wait to hear and see the gains the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]Length Master[/words] will deliver to it's users.
Bound2Gain;343631 said:
When is this going to be released? where can it be bought?

Years in the making and able to do exercises NEVER BEFORE AVAILABLE.
20 Being Made $168 + $10 shipping PAYPAL to​

<div style="text-align: center;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="color:#0000EE;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="text-decoration: underline;">
</div><a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://www.mattersofsize.com/uploaded_images/Woody-784525.jpg"><img src="http://www.mattersofsize.com/uploaded_images/Woody-784518.jpg" border="0" alt="" style="display: block; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: auto; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; width: 228px; height: 400px; " /></a>This is a brand new penis enlargement stretcher device called the <b>Length Master</b>. In penis enlargement there are 3 "most" effective length exercises being hanging, power assisted stretches and the hot new stretch Bundles. Hanging is a very quick way to make length gains and the <span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-weight: bold; ">Length Master</span> has an ingenious penis hanging device. When removed from the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]power assist[/words] the hanger is easily and painlessly attached to the penis. The <span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-weight: bold; ">Length Master</span> hanger is extremely comfortable and able to handle a lot of weight. The comfort and grip is made from leather suede which offers unmatched grip with no pinching or pain. As you move up into heavier weights I suggest you also pre-wrap your penis (which is easy and can be watched on my free forum). I set the attachment bolts far from the penis allowing for almost no apparent stress points as much of the stress is taken evenly across the device...Simply ingenious. As the hanger is on it also gives enough space so that the penis can be stretched using the hangers edges as mini-handlebars. When the hanging device is reconnected to the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]power assist[/words] stretcher the user can use this combined device to do the all new <b>Power Assisted Bundled Stretches</b>. This is easily understood at the length potential by watching this comical video:
<div style="text-align: center;"><embed src="http://www.ebaumsworld.com/player.swf" allowscriptaccess="always" flashvars="pageurl=http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/73/&amp;file=http://media.ebaumsworld.com/2006/07/meatstretch.flv&amp;mediaid=73&amp;title=Meat Stretch - Long Penis &amp;tags=penis&amp;description=Watch this guy stretch his penis like a gummy worm.&amp;displayheight=325&amp;backcolor=0x0d0d0d&amp;lightoclor=0x336699&amp;frontcolor=0xcccccc&amp;image=http://media.ebaumsworld.com/2006/07/meatstretchprev.jpg&amp;username=ebaum" wmode="transparent" loop="false" menu="false" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="425" height="345" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed></div><div style="text-align: center;">
</div>As you can see, when the penis is comfortably strapped into the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]length master[/words] he can pretty much do the stretching that the man is in the video. This would be extreme but it can be done, on a lighter level, to produce the fastest possible penis enlargement length gains. When the penis (in flaccid state) is bundled, or twisted, it can be stretched producing much faster length gains than if it were not bundled. This will be the biggest thing in future penis enlargement as I believe this stretch, using the <b>Length Master</b> will deliver length gains faster than any other method.

When the hanging/bundled device is disattached from the <span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-weight: bold; ">Length Master</span> it is custom designed <b>Power Assist</b> with some suped up modifications from the other <b>Power Assist</b>. This version sports arched arms in the natural curve of your legs so it's "point" of center is a full inch lower than the <b>Power Assist</b> 1. These arched arms also serve to enhance the strength of the outer arms. WIth this modified version strength is increased by more than 100%! Another thing you will notice is solid 1 piece ash. VERY SRONG! The surface is hand sanded to a silky smooth finish. The wood is then treated, dried and finished. It is a marval just in it's appearance. You could have this in your living room and it would pass for art.

It is a true Penis Enlargement'ers dream, and INVESTMENT with a price of $180.00 with shipping! This price seems big at first but when you add up the product list you can see the price sore and this is why I am only selling 20 pieces. The lucky 20 will be the voice for if we make a permanent production run.

It can be ordered by <b><a href="http://www.paypal.com/">PAYPAL</a></b> only. Send payment of $169.00 + $10 shipping to <b>doublelongdaddy@mattersofsize.com</b>

If you do not win one of the 20 I will promptly refund your money. I truly hope to make this a permanent [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] installment.

</div><div><b><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size:large;">Did I say it was lined with powerful magnetics!?</span></b>
</div><div style="text-align: center;">
Lovely looking creation and so clever how its been thought out plus with attachments on the horizon if she goes into full production, this babe will be fucking breathtakeing I'm sure and cant wait to get mine.
REDZULU2003;343642 said:
Lovely looking creation and so clever how its been thought out plus with attachments on the horizon if she goes into full production, this babe will be fucking breathtakeing I'm sure and cant wait to get mine.

Production models will be less expensive to make but they will not be made from solid ash and cherry. This device is going to be a sure collectors item. They are very difficult to make by hand but so worth it. I did not know this guy was using the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]Length Master[/words], but when he told me he was and gained an inch I thought he was joking but it is true. It is so cool to actually meet and talk with someone who has gained.
damn, i wish i could get a free one haha. hittin 7" is my short term goal, 8" is long term. An inch would set me at 7.75" so i'd reach my goal in a month. that would be crazy
ithiel;343671 said:
hows the comfort level on the attachment point DLD?

Yes, exactlly what i want to know too.

How's it going to handle a lot of weight if all there is is a piece of leather ? I would like to know how this does not need wraping for heavy hanging.

Would someone explain this to me? I will most likely buy this if it is confortable because if it is then it will be the best thing since sliced bread.


Great product ;)

I can not afford it right now,but in the future I will buy this toy;)
When will it be available for Mass production?rofl
im so glad i ordered one ! just hope there are demonstration vids and what not as i have no dam clue how to use it.

Also DLD you should make a sticky thread for owners and we can report our gains and expereince with it. I know when i get mine im going on a crazy routine for 6 months straight and will report all my progress daily :)
ownd;343743 said:
im so glad i ordered one ! just hope there are demonstration vids and what not as i have no dam clue how to use it.

Also DLD you should make a sticky thread for owners and we can report our gains and expereince with it. I know when i get mine im going on a crazy routine for 6 months straight and will report all my progress daily :)

Great idea, I will do that as soon as users get them. Videos will happen asap, I am looking for a model now.
Inch in a month is nuts, did he know how to measure correctly? almost to good to be true if ya think about it
ownd;343810 said:
Inch in a month is nuts, did he know how to measure correctly? almost to good to be true if ya think about it

He was insistent, he was like confused and proud. He did not even know about this type of thing till I had him make this and when he told me he had been doing pe and gained an inch I was blown away too.
DLD Do u know some way how to not pay on customs because in my country is very expensive with customs.I would have to pay for this + 70 $....How to make to look like a present?
Hi_I_AM_neW19;344723 said:
DLD Do u know some way how to not pay on customs because in my country is very expensive with customs.I would have to pay for this + 70 $....How to make to look like a present?

I send it out AS A GIFT and it gets through every time.
..this sooo looks like what i need right now..am a beginner..and this could really help boast me gains sooner than i thought which would make me happy..yall so lucky...im only 20 but wish i HAD dis equipment..it looks SOOOO AMAZING...WORK oF GENIUS DLD XA
I would like to buy one after i see peoples results because i cant afford to buy something that may not work very well. Can i still buy one later DLD? or are you only making 20 full stop?
DAN-THE-MAN;344836 said:
I would like to buy one after i see peoples results because i cant afford to buy something that may not work very well. Can i still buy one later DLD? or are you only making 20 full stop?

We only made 10 and I still have one left.
doublelongdaddy;343623 said:
This is incredible! The fabricator that created the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LENGTH MASTER[/words] for [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Matters of SIze[/words] has been using his prototype and he was overjoyed when he told me he gained an inch. He did not believe Penis Enlargement works but now he is a committed member! He went from 5.5 to 6.5 within 30 days! The miracle of Penis Enlargement always makes me so happy. I am trying to convince him to start actively posting...we will see. In the mean time I can't wait to hear and see the gains the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]Length Master[/words] will deliver to it's users.

Hey DLD, do you know what kind of routine this dude had who got that inch in a month? did he do it like 5 days a week then 2 days off, or 3 on 2 off, etc that type of thing. Could you find out how much he did it?
Bound2Gain;344923 said:
Hey DLD, do you know what kind of routine this dude had who got that inch in a month? did he do it like 5 days a week then 2 days off, or 3 on 2 off, etc that type of thing. Could you find out how much he did it?

He was not too specific but he did say he was doing Bundled Stretches and Hanging (30 pounds) I will ask him for his specific routine and post it...or have him do it. He posted once, I hope he posts more.
doublelongdaddy;344924 said:
He was not too specific but he did say he was doing Bundled Stretches and Hanging (30 pounds) I will ask him for his specific routine and post it...or have him do it. He posted once, I hope he posts more.

Sweet! that would be great. im looking forward to it :)
I am curious as well about his routine. How was he able to hang 30 pounds right out of the gates? He must be pretty hard core, more power to him. DLD, let us know if you can find out the specifics of his routine. Thanks in advance.
dickfordays;347963 said:
I am curious as well about his routine. How was he able to hang 30 pounds right out of the gates? He must be pretty hard core, more power to him. DLD, let us know if you can find out the specifics of his routine. Thanks in advance.

He did post his routine. Let me try to find the thread.
hell yeah! once his routine is posted and everyone has a [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]length master[/words], we're gonna be unstoppable! lol.. but seriously yeah we need that routine ;)
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Re: I made a 1/2" length gain!
Greetings fellows, I am the designer of the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]Length Master[/words] Device.

to who wanted to know my routine using the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]Length Master[/words] here is the lowdown. I stretch every morning for about 30 minutes. My exercises look like this:

5 minute rice sock warm up.
10 minutes of light hanging using the hanging attachment. I hang 20 pounds as a warm up.
Then I attach the Buncle attachment and I do the following:

5 Twist stretches to the right and held straight out for 30 seconds each. (about 2 twists)
5 Twist stretches to the left and held straight out for 30 seconds each. (about 2 twists)
5 Roll Stretches upward 30 seconds each
5 Roll Stretches back between the cheeks again for 30 seconds each.

I finish the routine using the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Power Assist[/words] A-Stretches. Basically I follow the DLD Blaster theme using the Assister.

Finish up with another warm up for 5 minutes.

Warm down and I am done. So far I am close to 3 quarters of an inch stretches and a solid .5" erect gain.
doublelongdaddy;348912 said:
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Re: I made a 1/2" length gain!
Greetings fellows, I am the designer of the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]Length Master[/words] Device.

to who wanted to know my routine using the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]Length Master[/words] here is the lowdown. I stretch every morning for about 30 minutes. My exercises look like this:

5 minute rice sock warm up.
10 minutes of light hanging using the hanging attachment. I hang 20 pounds as a warm up.
Then I attach the Buncle attachment and I do the following:

5 Twist stretches to the right and held straight out for 30 seconds each. (about 2 twists)
5 Twist stretches to the left and held straight out for 30 seconds each. (about 2 twists)
5 Roll Stretches upward 30 seconds each
5 Roll Stretches back between the cheeks again for 30 seconds each.

I finish the routine using the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Power Assist[/words] A-Stretches. Basically I follow the DLD Blaster theme using the Assister.

Finish up with another warm up for 5 minutes.

Warm down and I am done. So far I am close to 3 quarters of an inch stretches and a solid .5" erect gain.

How long has it taken him to gain 1/2"!?
stevie7inch;349098 said:
How long has it taken him to gain 1/2"!?

I will try to get him to post more. If not I will find out more details.
I was wondering how much people gain on average from the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]length master[/words]. Im gunna buy it regardless but i just wanna know what to expect and if im on the right track. So yea if anyone can answer how much they gained and in how long that would be great.
Kenken20;694084 said:
I was wondering how much people gain on average from the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]length master[/words]. Im gunna buy it regardless but i just wanna know what to expect and if im on the right track. So yea if anyone can answer how much they gained and in how long that would be great.

I typically hear about 1" but some have gone beyond this. The [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LengthMaster[/words] is all about using it as much as possible. If you put the proper effort into the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LM[/words] you could gain as much as I gained with manual exercises in my first 6 months which was a 2" gain. If I had the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LM[/words] back then who knows how quickly I would have gained or how much. PE takes dedication no matter which route you go.
doublelongdaddy;348912 said:
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 9
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Re: I made a 1/2" length gain!
Greetings fellows, I am the designer of the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]Length Master[/words] Device.

to who wanted to know my routine using the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]Length Master[/words] here is the lowdown. I stretch every morning for about 30 minutes. My exercises look like this:

5 minute rice sock warm up.
10 minutes of light hanging using the hanging attachment. I hang 20 pounds as a warm up.
Then I attach the Buncle attachment and I do the following:

5 Twist stretches to the right and held straight out for 30 seconds each. (about 2 twists)
5 Twist stretches to the left and held straight out for 30 seconds each. (about 2 twists)
5 Roll Stretches upward 30 seconds each
5 Roll Stretches back between the cheeks again for 30 seconds each.

I finish the routine using the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Power Assist[/words] A-Stretches. Basically I follow the DLD Blaster theme using the Assister.

Finish up with another warm up for 5 minutes.

Warm down and I am done. So far I am close to 3 quarters of an inch stretches and a solid .5" erect gain.

Sounds like a great routine :)!
Are twist stretches the same as bundled?
I would probably switch the hanging and A-Stretch/DLD-Blaster with each other.
DLD-Blasters to reduce the resistance the penis has to stretching and the hanging after the routine for elongation.
doublelongdaddy;343623 said:
This is incredible! The fabricator that created the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LENGTH MASTER[/words] for [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Matters of SIze[/words] has been using his prototype and he was overjoyed when he told me he gained an inch. He did not believe Penis Enlargement works but now he is a committed member! He went from 5.5 to 6.5 within 30 days! The miracle of Penis Enlargement always makes me so happy. I am trying to convince him to start actively posting...we will see. In the mean time I can't wait to hear and see the gains the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]Length Master[/words] will deliver to it's users.

ONE INCH ONE MONTH ........?:( Cant be possible,but if i get that inch in one month,id be a really happy bro..what routine did he follow exercises what exactly did he do???
shortdick;694299 said:
ONE INCH ONE MONTH ........?:( Cant be possible,but if i get that inch in one month,id be a really happy bro..what routine did he follow exercises what exactly did he do???

He only used the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LengthMaster[/words] and the gains were measurable to an inch. Pretty impressive but keep in mind some men have penis just waiting to be elongated. In any instance every serious length gainer needs to own a [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LengthMaster[/words].
doublelongdaddy;694305 said:
He only used the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LengthMaster[/words] and the gains were measurable to an inch. Pretty impressive but keep in mind some men have penis just waiting to be elongated. In any instance every serious length gainer needs to own a [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LengthMaster[/words].

Definitely mine is a stubborn one i have been waiting for him to really grow in a serious and definitive way but he is a really uncooperative and disrupted guy:P:O>:(View attachment 31789
shortdick;694310 said:
Definitely mine is a stubborn one i have been waiting for him to really grow in a serious and definitive way but he is a really uncooperative and disrupted guy:P:O>:(View attachment 31789

Same here.
Although I've made some great progress so far.
I just want to get at least to that 8-9inch in length.
Munto;694338 said:
Same here.
Although I've made some great progress so far.
I just want to get at least to that 8-9inch in length.

fuck yeah going to get there ASAP i havnt exercised in days,i have been out of focus lol but yeah that one inch gain in one month sounds great!!

would like to try that and see if it works for me....even when i have spend more than one month using my [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LM[/words] rofl:O:cool:
Who can resist something so powerful and beautiful?

I do sometimes i just cant use it, i enjoy using it constantly but i cant,i have been loosing my motivation lately LOLrofl

should clear my head and continue whit the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LM[/words] sessions:cool:
Last edited:
Munto;694478 said:
I want to use it everyday and most times I'm successful :)!

Definitely! She is a beautiful companion!
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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