Im made up ive got the [words= ]Bathmate[/words], was a bit unsure at first.
Super fast delivery as well, got it within 3days, very impressed.
I only did 30mins, kept increasing the pressure every 5mins, got up to 180. My dick looked like a huge cucumber in there, i was shocked at how big it was.
I pulled it out after 30mins and it was hangin half way down my leg. I shown my girlfriend and she was scared lol, she said there is no way thats coming near me.
Just wondering now, how often i should be doing [words= ]Bathmate[/words]? I was thinking 30mins AM before work, and 30mind PM with come Jelqs and bit of clamping? Would this be enough to see gains??
Super fast delivery as well, got it within 3days, very impressed.
I only did 30mins, kept increasing the pressure every 5mins, got up to 180. My dick looked like a huge cucumber in there, i was shocked at how big it was.
I pulled it out after 30mins and it was hangin half way down my leg. I shown my girlfriend and she was scared lol, she said there is no way thats coming near me.
Just wondering now, how often i should be doing [words= ]Bathmate[/words]? I was thinking 30mins AM before work, and 30mind PM with come Jelqs and bit of clamping? Would this be enough to see gains??