penguinsfan said:
It's not a matter of STDs or health. Some people sleep with one person and get an STD, while some sleep with hundreds and never do. That can be checked and confirmed by a physician rather easily.
It is about the likelihood of a person cheating or giving up on the relationship in difficult times. As I mentioned earlier, a large number of sex partners means a person either thinks very little about engaging in casual one-nighters or has been through an exceptional amount of relationships. Either way, it is some concern for the well-being of your relationship. And while this might sound sexist, it is a much bigger red flag when a female is concerned. That is because men are biologically wired for casual sex, while women are more wired towards the love and relationship aspects. I mean, there is a reason where there are numerous books written for men about how to attract and seduce women, while there is basically not a real market for teaching women how to pick up men. So, if you think about the expression "been around the block" there may be a little cause for concern. And if a woman has been around the neighbor and a few adjoining municipalities that is a major red flag.
Emphasis partially mine: I want to repost this because I think it's essentially correct. Women who sleep around arent known as "ho's" because it's a good thing; and the fact that women who sleep around have been disliked in most human societies lets you know that while there were always women who liked sleeping around, society was never too appreciative of these women. You must wonder why this pattern keeps on emerging? I would speculate that it has something to do with our evolutionary past, and goes back to the resources question.
However, I do think one important differnce between our evolutionary past and the (
still evolutionary) present, is that women in the first world have been afforded many more political, social and (importantly) economic rights.
While these have been a boon for countries that practice relative moderation in their moral and civic affairs (
who hears of Swedish people obessing over weight as much as Americans? And who's fatter? Isnt that odd?) the powers American style "bigger is better" mentality AND the VERY American notion of "going it alone" "WIN at all costs" "
the pursuit of Happiness" etc combined with the literally astounding power the "media" (
think about that word for a minute, are we like bacteria growing in it?) forcing people into beleiving that if only they bought something, made this, were skinnier, had firmer skin, a "bigger" boyfriend, etc has caused, in a sense, a Hyper-Sexualization in a fair number of women, people become critical of every aspect of their lives, constantly asking "Am I happy?" "Am I happy?" without realizing the reason they have to keep on taking anti-depressants is because they keep on asking that stupid question (if you're unhappy, you mind will tell you, trust your brain and keep it occupied with something, dumbass, IMHO).
I think more women now have a "base-line" of sexual expectations and fullfillment expectations that are MUCH higher than those a even a couple of generations ago. Women may always have prefered large penises, but now I think they have the political and social freedom to state their preference openly. Many may feel that they "deserve" to orgasm; and with their economic independence, they're isnt much of an insentive to settle down with a husband unless he's really raking in the money.
Now - you may say "But Needkitkats I dont know these women, the women I know are kind, gentle and not that sexual".
Two things - these are a narrow band of women, but their numbers are growing, it's the "MILF" wife, the hot lady in her 30s who still runs and looks great but is single so she can fuck who she wants, the lady that takes Yoga. These women arent ALWAYS cheaters, but many of them are, or remain single and free, and it's usually not "emotional reasons" that they cheat. So, in a sense, it's a small subset of the population that was never there before, and exists only because of the social and economic environment.
Second thing - not all women are always like this, and not all women will want this; it's that simple. Not all women are retarded like this, there are good ones out there, but it's a rare find, and the fact that you cant really be sure...that's something I guess.
ON the other hand, maybe we should accept cheating/promiscuos as a social reality and kind of codify acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Some countries have moved in that direction in law, and in practice brothels have been around forever - as have prostitutes (although looked down upon).
So, it's hard to say exactly, there's a case to be made on each side, but I still think that what I'm seeing (in terms of this "new" women) is absolutely real and is hard to deny.