I must say that I have this problem. i have a hard time seeing how a woman could be loyal and decent and also ravenously enjoy sex. I mean aren't all women sluts by nature just some haven't had the realization yet? This is a problem for me especially in the area of eventually getting married. I realize noone takes the concept of marriage seriously anymore as evidenced by the rampant divorce rates, but I do. I want a women who loves ME enough to want only me for a life time. Even if I did have an 11'' dick that could give her the best sex ever, what if it turns into an addiction for her and she wants variety? Aren't all women this way?
What really bothers me is the stories online about cheating wives, cuckolds, women turning into sluts after experiencing massive cock, etc. There IS SO MUCH OF THIS SHIT!! It makes me depressed. I realize that some of it is fantasy, but HOW MUCH OF IT IS TRUE? Good God, you'd think all women and marriages end up this way! and what the F is with these cheating wives Penis EnlargementRSONALS SITES?? shit do all women get horny from the thought of betraying somebody?
sorry for the rant, I just feel lost.
What really bothers me is the stories online about cheating wives, cuckolds, women turning into sluts after experiencing massive cock, etc. There IS SO MUCH OF THIS SHIT!! It makes me depressed. I realize that some of it is fantasy, but HOW MUCH OF IT IS TRUE? Good God, you'd think all women and marriages end up this way! and what the F is with these cheating wives Penis EnlargementRSONALS SITES?? shit do all women get horny from the thought of betraying somebody?
sorry for the rant, I just feel lost.