DISCLAIMER: This is extremely dangerous. I have been planning this out for the past week, and I am taking many safety precautions. Anyone who has the ability to lucid dream, and thinking of trying this should procede with care. The effects of this experiment will be similar to those experienced with long-term PRIPASM, as seen in those who suffer from sickle-cell anemia. Pripasm can lead to desensification, damaged corpus-spongum and corpus-caveronus, as well as erectile dysfunction. I will not take any responsibility regarding any injuries insued by those who choose to follow this program.
As stated in the titile, I will be using starting my lucid dreaming routine to induce tunica failure. I will be beginning Monday, May 31. This thread will be updated daily (if I can).
Tunica failure - caused by prolonged erection (pripasm) is the weakening of the tunica, by weakening the tunica, it will be much easier to stretch the ligs, and also the tunica itself. I also hypothisize that you will be able to work more closely with the elasticity of the skin while doing both length, and girth work.
Each lucid dream will last 90 minutes (standard length of REM sleep).
I will be performing this experiment over the course of a month (5/31/04 - 6/31/04)
I Penis Enlargement before bed every night, hanging 1-2 sets of 5lbs currently for 15-20 minutes each. 4 sets of basic 30 second stretches in all directions.
Ejaculate before sleeping, to prevent nocturnal emission.
12:00AM - Go to bed. Set alarm for 2:00AM + 105 Minute increments after 2:00AM.
12:30AM - I ususally fall into REM sleep within a half hour, begin first lucid dream. Throughout the night, I will be conciously focused on dreaming of sexually arousing situations and scenarios. thus having an erection.
2:00 AM - Wake up, monitor feeling in penis, allow myself to become 1/2 erect, and then fall alseep again, contuniue dreaming. (After falling alseep once, it is very easy to slip back into REM sleep, and can be done within 15 minutes in my experiences).
3:30AM - Wake up, monitor feeling in penis, DO NOT become 1/2 erect unless something is wrong, fall asleep, continue dreaming.
5:00AM - Wake up, montior feeling in penis, become fully flacid, fall asleep, dreaming of whatever, besides sexual scenarios.
7:30AM - Wake up, perform stretches.
This routine will allow for 4 1/2 hours of continuous erection. If anything feels wrong, or I feel anything but mild soreness at one of the periods while I wake, I will discontinue doing the procedure for the night, which will be documented here. I hope to see great results from this experiement!
OF NOTE: This experiment is not designed, nor intended to gain any length or girth. Any length or girth gained as a result of this experiment is purely conincidental (although always welcome). The focus of this experiment is to induce TUNICA FAILURE, in an attempt to gain more from my regular Penis Enlargement workout.
Any questions, concerns, comments, post here. Sorry for sounding so formal, I'm not really like that .