I would like to keep this thread on track if at all possible. This thread is about how I set up for the LG
hanger not the cons of vacuum
hanging and why one should go with a compression
hanger. At the moment I actually use both as I trust the bib hardcore for my fulcrum work and use the LG for long sets which I can tell you is a totally different pull than compression hangers and a different kind of fatigue, a good kind. I hang 75% of the time vacuum.
Okay I will try to answer your questions here, I'm sure you won't be the first one with the same questions. I started a little below 5 inches BPEL at 16. I'm almost 30 now at 7.75. I gained 0.5 inches with manual work (stretches, jelqs and Uli's). I stalled out for 2 years with no gains despite doing PE religiously. I took a decon and started
Hanging with a vacuum
hanger. I made a Captain Wench but couldn't get it to work right. I bought a Monkeybars and started at a
weight near you. I was in an IPR experiment conducted by Babbis at Thunders. I started to gain and don't think I stuck in the experiment and just continued to hang. I gained 1.0 inches in 6 months! It took me 1 year to gain my first 0.5 with manuals, then stalling with no gains despite consistent hardcore effort for 2 years. Also at the time, with Monkeybars VacHanger you couldn't add extra vacuum. Slipping anywhere close to 8 lbs became a problem. I didn't know about taping and was paranoid about a blister so I held back, which was good because I never got a blister those first years. I think I might have gained more if I could add extra vacuum to prevent slipping and learned how to tape the glans... but still I made my best gains ever.
(Also I will note that I've done some hardcore pumping up to 17 mmHg for only a few seconds with my cyclic pumping sets and its not comparable to when you are taped and
hanging. The tape and setup will actually prevent one from the vacuum. You still need to progress slow because some level of conditioning is required. I have a new way of taping that I got from tbone at PEgym which is the most superior way I've tried and I've tried them all. Its even more superior than the way I outline here. I will post a link and update the first post to let everyone know. I'm talking no fluid buildup at all with a
weight that would normally produce a little in the way I currently tape as outlined here. It does require micropore tape, cotton rounds, cotton balls and a small amount of lotion, I use the blue sheath from my old max-vac but others could use an outer wrap of coban tape. He posted pictures and a walkthrough so I will post it here as well. It will make sense once you see it. The only downside is micropore requires you to soak your dick in water for 3-5 minutes afterwards to loosen the adhesive and take off. I usually dip it in a container or just take a shower)
I hung while studying in college but I'm sure most of us know how crazy and hectic college can be. When I got out I was getting my career off the ground. I been hit or miss for years and now I finally am in a stable position with privacy to make my last push. Overall I've gained 2.75 BPEL and 1.25 MSEG. I'm over 6.0 BSEG (note I do believe some of this is due to puberty but I only estimate about 0.5 due to puberty) but I didn't measure that starting out. I can say MSEG used to be the thickest. I developed a baseball bat effect when I first started with manuals and once I started to hang my Base Girth grew.
I've since tried about every vacuum
hanger out there, as well as every way to tape and apply the
hanger imaginable. If its been on a board I've tried it. I have had a few blisters but they are totally preventable with the right taping and progressing slowly. They do suck but they aren't the end of the world. I've experienced numbness that lasted months after twisting in the Malehanger when
weight was applied. I've experienced similar with the Bib Starter before getting the right settings (now exclusively hang with Bib Hardcore when it comes to compression hangers) but never twisting and numbness that persisted for months. I think it was a bruised nerve. That really sucked compared to blisters. I couldn't feel having sex for months. A blister you let heal (pinpoint) or pop with a sterilized needle (bigger than pinpoint), apply antibacterial
ointment for 3-5 days and then continue slow and at reduced
weight. I had were the Max-Vac II but the owner had a penis implant that got infected and the business got ran into the ground. The LG is the best one I've ever had hands down. Their customer service is top notch as well, I've had outstanding interactions with them, they even surprised me and sent me an upgrade when I was hard on cash. I recommend it and I recommend vacuum