Jason, I never said there was anything wrong with a lion eating your limb, that's what they do, they're carnivores. There is no "evil" lion, that's an indifferent situation really, well... except for the loss of your limb.
Humans, however are not, but can choose to eat meat because they like to kill. Otherwise there is no real reason to eat meat. Compassion, morality, spirituality, equality, and such are all great reasons to be vegetarian, and those words really gain their meaning when put to practice in such ways. I also see the angle you're taking it at, and that is also a good one. These living beings, that are just as alive as you and I, are tortured mercilessly until the day they get their throat slit and their muscles ripped out of their still flailing bodies, while they can still feel it.
Did you know that when you feel pain, fear, or anger your body releases chemicals and hormones? Well, those animals are full of those harmful enzymes because of the way they were treated all their lives, and also because of how violently and painfully they are slaughtered. Our body takes in those hormones and all those pain and fear hormones are now in our bodies, subtly affecting us beyond our scope of perception.
As for soy milk, I don't drink it. I hear it has it's health values, but nothing can replace good old cow's milk. I want to own my own cow someday.
But yeah, being vegetarian is not only beneficial to you, but also to nature and the animals you didn't eat. It's not that "well, they're already killing them so might as well join in", no, the fewer people eat them the less they kill. Every person counts, every person makes a difference, by their own personal actions, though you may not see the result of it in nature you surely will in your physical, mental, and spiritual health. And it's also not that "it's already dead", no, it was killed just for you. Every bite is the very same as the action of killing the animal personally (karmicly, at the least).
I'm so glad you all are so understanding and kind in this debate here, that's very nice and I appreciate it.
[P.S. -
Warning: Graphic, Very Disturbing Content! Here is a link to a video of just
some of the unspeakable horrors that go on in factory farms and slaughter houses. It is very difficult to get film of these places because they don't want it to be known, but here it is:
Meet Your Meat
And for those of you that are thinking "those fear and pain chemicals aren't in kosher corpse products," there is this:
Kosher Farms?
Edit: The video links are on the right side of both pages.
NOTICE!: I have warned you, this stuff is disturbing. If you get queezy easily, don't watch! And don't blame me for anything if it disturbs you. Blame the people who did it. I could only watch half of the first one about a year ago, the second one is new and I haven't watched it. I stopped halfway on the first one because that is where they started to show cows. The second one starts out with cows. That is the worst... killing a cow is the same as killing a human. These animals on our plates... they're not just "food", they're not some inanimate matter, they are living, breathing,
feeling, conscious living beings just like you and me.