After doing conventional PC exercises for a couple of months, I noticed that I got a lot better at doing the exercises; indeed, my PC was adapting to the new stress. However, my ejaculations were not full force anymore. It was almost as if my PC was starting to apply during orgasm what I had been training it to do during the day... and this got me thinking :s
I remember reading an article by Pavel Tsatsouline about performance specific training, which basically states that the majority of your training should resemble the basic nature of what you are training for (i.e. an olympic lifter should not train like a bodybuilder as far as reps, sets, lifting tempo go). As obvious as this may seem, I was suddenly taken aback when I realized that...
the outstanding majority of PC training as advocated and practiced by modern man is completely antithetical to the explosive-strength required for orgasm.
Now before you deem this blasphemy, hear me out:
If I wanted to hit a homerun, would I practice swinging my bat for two seconds while squeezing as hard as I could? Perhaps 15 seconds? Would I then repeat this hundreds of times until I can no longer swing at all? Or would I WHAM crack that muthafugga, rest as long as I needed, then WHAM swing again, and keep doing this throughout the day while staying fresh, strong, and explosive?
There is no doubt that any form of PC training yields results in strength, hypertrophy, and endurance, however for specifically achieving explosive ejaculation and orgasm a specific training protocol is needed.
Although still in the developmental phase, here is a protocol i've been using for the past few weeks with pleasing results. Give it a try!
1)Temporarily discontinue all other PC exercises.
2)With absolute maximum concentration and focus, contract the PC maximally at the same rate you would during ejaculation (i.e. 1/4 second contractions with 1/2 second rest intervals, for 5-8 reps depending on your personal optimum ejaculation pattern) Grunting, grimacing, and flexing other body parts is encouraged if it helps you activate higher amounts of PC muscle fibers.
3) Do at least 10 sets throughout the day with at least half an hour rest between sets, so long as you stay fresh and can contract maximally.
4) Occasionally use towels/added resistance while erect to ensure the contraction is as explosive as possible.
I remember reading an article by Pavel Tsatsouline about performance specific training, which basically states that the majority of your training should resemble the basic nature of what you are training for (i.e. an olympic lifter should not train like a bodybuilder as far as reps, sets, lifting tempo go). As obvious as this may seem, I was suddenly taken aback when I realized that...
the outstanding majority of PC training as advocated and practiced by modern man is completely antithetical to the explosive-strength required for orgasm.
Now before you deem this blasphemy, hear me out:
If I wanted to hit a homerun, would I practice swinging my bat for two seconds while squeezing as hard as I could? Perhaps 15 seconds? Would I then repeat this hundreds of times until I can no longer swing at all? Or would I WHAM crack that muthafugga, rest as long as I needed, then WHAM swing again, and keep doing this throughout the day while staying fresh, strong, and explosive?
There is no doubt that any form of PC training yields results in strength, hypertrophy, and endurance, however for specifically achieving explosive ejaculation and orgasm a specific training protocol is needed.
Although still in the developmental phase, here is a protocol i've been using for the past few weeks with pleasing results. Give it a try!
1)Temporarily discontinue all other PC exercises.
2)With absolute maximum concentration and focus, contract the PC maximally at the same rate you would during ejaculation (i.e. 1/4 second contractions with 1/2 second rest intervals, for 5-8 reps depending on your personal optimum ejaculation pattern) Grunting, grimacing, and flexing other body parts is encouraged if it helps you activate higher amounts of PC muscle fibers.
3) Do at least 10 sets throughout the day with at least half an hour rest between sets, so long as you stay fresh and can contract maximally.
4) Occasionally use towels/added resistance while erect to ensure the contraction is as explosive as possible.