I don't know if this is just me or if anyone else has this problem but throughout my Penis Enlargement career so far, when it comes to the manual exercises, I am so easily aroused that it is really hard sometimes to keep my penis in a flaccid state for a long time so that I can properly stretch it. I feel like an anomily because before I really got into Penis Enlargement, I searched the web for a way to make my penis bigger and before I ever heard of Penis Enlargement, I got sold on the penis pills which I took for a while to only realize I was wasting my money and not seeing any results. The only thing that the pills changed is that when I touch my penis at all, they have trained my body to start pumping blood into my penis, so that even the smallest touch can lead to a full erection. I have never seen this as a benefit, more as a curse because now that I have started Penis Enlargement, it makes stretches and other exercises like using the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words], so difficult to do because I get erect very easily. It also throws off my jelqs sometimes too, there is usually no happy medium, its either I'm fully erect, or fully flaccid, theres no 60-70% erection which I want and is essential for jelqs. Anyways, I do work through this, not gonna let a little hitch stop me from getting to where I am gonna be, but I was just wondering if anyone else has this problem. Or if there has been anyone to work through and conquer this problem like over time changing the way your penis reacts to you touching it. I also believe that masturbation and Penis Enlargement are similarily linked in ways that may have aided this problem being prevelent in my Penis Enlargement journey. Because of a long history of masturbation before I ever joined Penis Enlargement, I feel as if I have trained my penis to become erect when I start touching it because that used to be the main goal, I would only ever really touch my penis when I wanted to masturbate. So, basically I am trying to undue years of bad habits, which is probably going to take a long time to overcome. If anyone has experience on this issue, I would much appreciate your input!