i would like to get some feedback of my routine. i have gained like half an inch.

400 upward jelqs
3 sets ls all diretcions 30 sec
3 sets ls helis both directions 30 sec
BTC 3 sets 30 sec
v stretch 3 sets 30 sec
Bundled A stretch 3 sets 30 sec
Bundled tunica stretch 3 sets 30 sec both direction

Im thinking of doing 3 days on 1 off and then 2 on and 1 off, but performing some jelqs and simple stretching on the rest days.

i also do 400 quick kegels and 12 30 sec kegel daily, but I seem to be a very slow gainer.
So this will now be my journal. I am currently almost 5.7 inches in length nbp and Im ok for now in my girth.
I am going to stay with my current routine at least for three more months, and at the end of these months I have to be close to 5.8 in to say the least.
I think that Im definetely getting bigger and have gained a mm perhaps 2. Or perhaps I have just lost fat pad? i really dont care if I become avergae by losing my fat pad or actual pensi growth, I just want to be there.
Its may the 22 and i think Im about 14.5 cm in length, although I havent done my routine the 5 days but only 4.
im currently on vaction and wont miss a day for sure.
Hopefuly by middle june I can be 5.8
Just decided to upgrade my routine:
As im not quite feelin a stretch in the Vstretches i will remove it from my routine, but i will increase the amount of my stretchings. So it goes as follows
3 min warm up
600 jelq (300 down and 300 up)
4 sets of stretching up down down left deown right up up left up right 25 sec per stretch
4 sets of BTC 30 sec
4 sets of bundeld a stretch 30 sec
4 sets of bundled tunica both directions 30 sec each and 1-1.5 twists
2 min warm down
1 min of gentle massage

Note in every stretch I added EXTREME strength the final 5 sec of each

Will see how this works for a month performing it in a daily basis and resting every 6 weeks or every day in which the soreness is too bad.
Man I just read that thread by mysterious and it really disturbed me. Although Im just slightly bigger I dont think I am so troubled now. I know I will one day be 7 inches and that the work will payoff.
I honestly had felt sometimes as depressed and fucked up as he does, but now I am motivated and hope he can succeed eventually.
Man do using baby powder changes this stuff!!!
I just used it yesterday and this time my penis is really burning and I felt the streches of my life.
I dunno if it is beacuse I havent masturbated or what, but by nbp today was 14.6 and bp 15.2, which is almost 2 mm gain!!! I shall check tomorrow.
Way to go, dyablo!! The baby powder is good. You can also buy those cheap cloth gloves at the pharmacy--there are several in a box. I just returned to DLD's basic routine. I had forgotten how good it felt to make even small growth.

You're doing great!!! Don't dismiss the gains you've made as minor. They aren't. Good luck. Intensity is the word for me. Just be carefull!! If you experience any shooting pains, back off. That slow burn is good.
These gains that Im finally making although relatively small, are very important to me as I havent gained anything for three months.
Im very close now to becoming average which is my main objective.
I hope that maybe in a year and a half I can be 7x5.7, the perfect measurement for me.
Even if i only reach average, I will be forever thankful to DLD and the wonderful members of this awesome site.
Thanx for the support, hope to report more gains the next month.:)
Current routine still not defined. One day is tension strecthes and Im still waiting for Big al to anwer me about the other.
I will cut back masturbation completely at least for two weeks, and then will try to masturbate 2 times a week tops till I reach my short term goal. (6 in nbp). I wont do the towel raises for two weeks as well.