i would like to get some feedback of my routine. i have gained like half an inch.
400 upward jelqs
3 sets ls all diretcions 30 sec
3 sets ls helis both directions 30 sec
BTC 3 sets 30 sec
v stretch 3 sets 30 sec
Bundled A stretch 3 sets 30 sec
Bundled tunica stretch 3 sets 30 sec both direction
Im thinking of doing 3 days on 1 off and then 2 on and 1 off, but performing some jelqs and simple stretching on the rest days.
i also do 400 quick kegels and 12 30 sec kegel daily, but I seem to be a very slow gainer.
400 upward jelqs
3 sets ls all diretcions 30 sec
3 sets ls helis both directions 30 sec
BTC 3 sets 30 sec
v stretch 3 sets 30 sec
Bundled A stretch 3 sets 30 sec
Bundled tunica stretch 3 sets 30 sec both direction
Im thinking of doing 3 days on 1 off and then 2 on and 1 off, but performing some jelqs and simple stretching on the rest days.
i also do 400 quick kegels and 12 30 sec kegel daily, but I seem to be a very slow gainer.