Maybe the huge misunderstanding, is in that, I don't mean alone! I've already said, with a rigorous girth routine! Yes, I do believe, that if a person does length only, that they will not have a skinnier dick than when they started, in fact, there would be a small amount of gain. I mean, when we stretch and heal, we're not displacing tissue, we're stretching, micro tearing, and growing new tissue! Now.....where is that tissue gonna go, when it's not being pulled on, as hard as one can?? It has to go somewhere! But......all that being said.....thats not really my point, or what I was, I take my [words=]extender[/words] off, do a hard girth session, and clamp for a while, and do that, because I feel like the tunica is much more flexible, and I do get better expansion, right out of the [words=]extender[/words]! But, the statement originally, was that if you want girth, an [words=]extender[/words] is a waste of money! For that to be the case, that means, that the [words=]extender[/words], and every other stretch, does nothing to soften the tunica, and and allow better expansion in any direction! I hope that clears it up! I'm not saying, wear an [words=]extender[/words], do nothing else, and you'll get monster girth gains........ I'm saying, wear an [words=]extender[/words], to get the most out of your girth seasons, besides the help with length!!