Do You Suffer from Body Dysmorphic Disorder?
Body Dysmorphic Disorder is an O.C.S.D. Obsessive Compulsive Spectrum Disorder. As many of my friends here know I suffer greatly from O.C.D. and B.D.D. I also work with many people online who too suffer from some of these behaviors/disorders. I am not in any way a doctor, I am only someone who has suffered with this for many years and in the last year I have been able to come out and talk openly about it. Here are the key definitions of someone suffering with Body Dysmorphic Disorder.
1. Preoccupation with some imagined defect in appearance._ If a slight
defect physical anomaly is present, the person's concern is markedly
2. The preoccupation causes clinically significant distress or impairment
in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
3. The preoccupation is not better accounted for by another mental
disorder {eg;dissatisfaction with body shape and size}.
This questionnaire I have modified to apply to Penis Enlargement directly...Answer
questions honestly. This in no way is a diagnosis but may be a start to
getting the help you need. I am more than happy to discuss in private over email or in this forum my experience and things that have helped me.
1. Are you very concerned about the appearance of your penis?
(size, shape, the way it feels)__________________ Yes/No
If yes: Do these concerns preoccupy you? That is, you think about them alot
and wish you could think about them less?________________ Yes/No
If yes: What type of thoughts preoccupy you?
If yes: What specifically bothers you about the appearance of your penis(s)?
2.___ Is your main concern with your penis that you aren't big enough
or that you might be different in some way than everyone
3.What effect has your preoccupation with your penis had on your life?
* Has your obsessions(s) caused you a lot of distress, torment, or pain?
* Has it significantly interfered with your social/sex life? Yes/No
If yes:_ How?
* Has your obsession(s) significantly interfered with your school work, your
job, or your ability to function in your role?_ Yes/No
If yes:__ How?
* Are there things you avoid because of your obsession(s)?__ Yes/No
If yes:__ How?
* Have the lives or normal routines of your family or friends been
affected by your obsession(s)?___________Yes/No
If yes:___How?
___ 4._ How much time do you spend thinking about your penis per day on
average?(circle one)
________ (a) Less than 1 hour a day
________ (b) 1-3 hours a day
________ (c) More than 3 hours a day
You're likely to have BDD if you give the following answers on the BDD
* Question 1: Yes to both parts
* Question 3: Yes to any of the questions
* Question 4:_Answer b or c.
If you would like to answer this questionaire in this thread that would be wonderful...if not do it privately...and PLEASE contact me if I can help in any way.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder is an O.C.S.D. Obsessive Compulsive Spectrum Disorder. As many of my friends here know I suffer greatly from O.C.D. and B.D.D. I also work with many people online who too suffer from some of these behaviors/disorders. I am not in any way a doctor, I am only someone who has suffered with this for many years and in the last year I have been able to come out and talk openly about it. Here are the key definitions of someone suffering with Body Dysmorphic Disorder.
1. Preoccupation with some imagined defect in appearance._ If a slight
defect physical anomaly is present, the person's concern is markedly
2. The preoccupation causes clinically significant distress or impairment
in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
3. The preoccupation is not better accounted for by another mental
disorder {eg;dissatisfaction with body shape and size}.
This questionnaire I have modified to apply to Penis Enlargement directly...Answer
questions honestly. This in no way is a diagnosis but may be a start to
getting the help you need. I am more than happy to discuss in private over email or in this forum my experience and things that have helped me.
1. Are you very concerned about the appearance of your penis?
(size, shape, the way it feels)__________________ Yes/No
If yes: Do these concerns preoccupy you? That is, you think about them alot
and wish you could think about them less?________________ Yes/No
If yes: What type of thoughts preoccupy you?
If yes: What specifically bothers you about the appearance of your penis(s)?
2.___ Is your main concern with your penis that you aren't big enough
or that you might be different in some way than everyone
3.What effect has your preoccupation with your penis had on your life?
* Has your obsessions(s) caused you a lot of distress, torment, or pain?
* Has it significantly interfered with your social/sex life? Yes/No
If yes:_ How?
* Has your obsession(s) significantly interfered with your school work, your
job, or your ability to function in your role?_ Yes/No
If yes:__ How?
* Are there things you avoid because of your obsession(s)?__ Yes/No
If yes:__ How?
* Have the lives or normal routines of your family or friends been
affected by your obsession(s)?___________Yes/No
If yes:___How?
___ 4._ How much time do you spend thinking about your penis per day on
average?(circle one)
________ (a) Less than 1 hour a day
________ (b) 1-3 hours a day
________ (c) More than 3 hours a day
You're likely to have BDD if you give the following answers on the BDD
* Question 1: Yes to both parts
* Question 3: Yes to any of the questions
* Question 4:_Answer b or c.
If you would like to answer this questionaire in this thread that would be wonderful...if not do it privately...and PLEASE contact me if I can help in any way.