Double Long Daddy, The Guru
Staff member
Super Moderator
Do You Suffer from Body Dysmorphic Disorder?

Body Dysmorphic Disorder is an O.C.S.D. Obsessive Compulsive Spectrum Disorder. As many of my friends here know I suffer greatly from O.C.D. and B.D.D. I also work with many people online who too suffer from some of these behaviors/disorders. I am not in any way a doctor, I am only someone who has suffered with this for many years and in the last year I have been able to come out and talk openly about it. Here are the key definitions of someone suffering with Body Dysmorphic Disorder.


1. Preoccupation with some imagined defect in appearance._ If a slight
defect physical anomaly is present, the person's concern is markedly
2. The preoccupation causes clinically significant distress or impairment
in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
3. The preoccupation is not better accounted for by another mental
disorder {eg;dissatisfaction with body shape and size}.

This questionnaire I have modified to apply to Penis Enlargement directly...Answer
questions honestly. This in no way is a diagnosis but may be a start to
getting the help you need. I am more than happy to discuss in private over email or in this forum my experience and things that have helped me.

1. Are you very concerned about the appearance of your penis?
(size, shape, the way it feels)__________________ Yes/No

If yes: Do these concerns preoccupy you? That is, you think about them alot
and wish you could think about them less?________________ Yes/No

If yes: What type of thoughts preoccupy you?


If yes: What specifically bothers you about the appearance of your penis(s)?



2.___ Is your main concern with your penis that you aren't big enough
or that you might be different in some way than everyone

3.What effect has your preoccupation with your penis had on your life?

* Has your obsessions(s) caused you a lot of distress, torment, or pain?

* Has it significantly interfered with your social/sex life? Yes/No

If yes:_ How?


* Has your obsession(s) significantly interfered with your school work, your
job, or your ability to function in your role?_ Yes/No

If yes:__ How?


* Are there things you avoid because of your obsession(s)?__ Yes/No

If yes:__ How?


* Have the lives or normal routines of your family or friends been
affected by your obsession(s)?___________Yes/No

If yes:___How?


___ 4._ How much time do you spend thinking about your penis per day on
average?(circle one)

________ (a) Less than 1 hour a day

________ (b) 1-3 hours a day

________ (c) More than 3 hours a day

You're likely to have BDD if you give the following answers on the BDD

* Question 1: Yes to both parts
* Question 3: Yes to any of the questions
* Question 4:_Answer b or c.

If you would like to answer this questionaire in this thread that would be wonderful...if not do it privately...and PLEASE contact me if I can help in any way.

I hope this modified worksheet can help those who need it. It works but like anything else you need to be committed. Considering the feedback I have heard and my own problems with obsessing I decided to dig a bit deeper to make some comparisons to other o.c.d.s. disorders and what many of us suffer with. I found many similarities in disorders like anorexia but still the problem I faced with the way we obsess is that the compulsion actually works. This is unique from most O.C.D. behaviors because usually when a person has one of these disorders the compultion ussually does not have any beneficial value. So one very important thing we need to be honest with our selves about is when are we crossing that line of beneficial Penis Enlargement into useless overkill compulsion?

I decided to give this disorder it’s own name as I see it being very specific to us as men. I thought about alot of different things to call it and settled on this: PDD (Penile Dismorphic Disorder) I truly see this problem as an O.C.D. behavior so I wanted to keep it in the spectrum of O.C.D. classifications. There really is no help for many of us as to the extreme personal nature of this disorder.

With this PDD our anxiety comes in response to an unwanted thought or question. (ie. my penis is small) The rituals that follow involves pushing away the thought, avoiding the recurrence of the thought, or attempting to solve the question. These steps are considered the rumination or compulsion. (ie. measuring)

Living with PDD means living with uncertainty and risk taking. PDD is perpetuated by a man's intolerance of having bizarre and noxious thoughts. The efforts a man makes to avoid or escape these thoughts reinforces their recurrence. Meaning, everytime we have a obsessive thought and we react to it by compulsing we in fact are establishing the imporatance of this fear. So, the removal of the compulsion is key.

I have to say say that with all of the below therapys I have found that as I get better the frequency of my obsessions increases. I am resistant to change and my mind will throw tantrums as I attempt to make space for what has been given for so long a great deal of importance in getting rid of. When I am practising the below therapy things change for me. When I am in a bad way I obsess only a few times a day, but I ruminate/compulse for long periods of time trying to fix the thoughts. As I eliminate much of the compulsions it seems that my obsessions increase. This is a good sign that the therapy is working. THE CRITICAL VARIABLE IS REDUCING THE COMPULSION AND NOT THE NUMBER OF OBSESSIONS! The target response is not responding to the obsession, it is not to have the obsession go away. The long term effect of not responding to the obsessions will be that the obsessions will decrease in frequency and emotional value. This only happens when I become desensitized to the obsessive thoughts by allowing them to occur. (ie. Thinking my penis is shrinking but refraining from measuring it) When I am able to sit with the thoughts and not compulse (ie. Measure, adjust, feel, check) the obsessions have less and less control over me therfore becoming more and more desensitized.

Here are some therapys suggestted to me...when I use them I in fact do get better.

The Antidote:
The obsession often presents itself as a paramount question or disastrous scenario. A response which answers the obsession in a way that leaves ambiguity is sometimes warranted. "I think my penis feels smaller today" Using the antidote procedure, a cognitive response would be one in which the subject accepts this possibility and is willing to take the risk of his penis shrinking. No effort is expended in directly answering the obsession in an effort to find resolution. In another example, the obsession would be "Maybe I measured wrong yesterday," a recommended response would be "Maybe I did. I'll live with the possibility and take the risk." Using this procedure it is imperative that the distinction be made between the therapeutic response and rumination. The therapeutic response has no aspect of answering the question to it.

Let it Be There:
Using this procedure, it is suggested that the person create a mental pigeon hole for the thoughts and accept the presence of the thoughts into one's preconscious (those thoughts which are not currently in one's awareness but can easily be brought there by turning one's attention to them, i.e. your name or phone number). It is suggested that a mental "hotel" be created whereby you encourage your brain to create unsolvable questions so as to fill up the register. The more unsolved questions the better. It is critical that we acknowledge the presence of the thought but pay no further attention to it, as in the form of problem solving. The brain can only juggle a certain amount of information at one time. If you purposely overload the brain, rather than insanity, your brain's response would be to just give up trying. As can be imagined, attempting this goal takes a lot of faith and trust in the person suggesting it.

The Capsule Technique:
During the initial phases of therapy, there is a great resistance to letting go of the ruminations/compulsions. A procedure which addresses this resistance is to set aside a specified period of time, perhaps once or twice a day, to purposely ruminate. It is suggested that the time periods be predetermined and time limited. At exactly 8:15 am and 8:15 pm I will ruminate for exactly 45 minutes. As thoughts occur to me during the day I can feel comforted that the problem solving will be given sufficient time later that evening or early the next morning. Typically, people report that it is difficult to fill the allotted rumination time. Regardless, every minute must be spent on the designated topic so the brain can habituate to these irrelevant thoughts. A novel application of this technique was reported in the Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. Using audiotaped spiking material a woman was desensitized to her obsessional themes by exposing herself to them 10 times a day. After the 50th day, her actual spiking dramatically decreased.

Creating 4-5 Larger obsessions:
Rather than attempting to escape the obsessions, you are encouraged to purposely create the thought repeatedly following it's occurrence. This has the effect of desensitizing the brain to these obsessions by sending the message that not only am I not going to attempt to escape these thoughts, but I am at such peace with them I can create a multitude of them. In response to the thought "My penis is not as big as his," a beneficial response would be "It is smaller than everyones in the world."

When I practice this I do find myself feeling better. But the important thing is that I am consistant. When I let myself slip I end up back at square one. Please try these exercizes and let me know how things are going. I think it will be a great help to me knowing there are others out there trying to live with this shit.
Originally posted by Gardenier90
What about meds for this? Are there any?

Originally posted by mowinman
from what i understand, paxil is most commonly prescribed for people with OCD

There are many different drugs prescribed for this disorder. The medication and dosage depends on the severity of the illness. In my case I suffer from extreme o.c.d. with almost debilitating agoraphobia (I do not like going outside my home). I take the highest legal dose of PROZAC available with little success. So in my case, which is becoming the new way of dealing with these illnesses, a second medication is given to help. I take a drug called SEROQUEL (dibenzothiazepine derivatives). The combination of these two drugs work together to make life easier for those with o.c.d. The medication does help but it is not enough, I still need to practice my cognitive skills (as mentioned in the last part of the original post)
1. Are you very concerned about the appearance of your penis?
(size, shape, the way it feels)__yes________________ Yes/No

If yes: Do these concerns preoccupy you? That is, you think about them alot
and wish you could think about them less?____yes____________ Yes/No

If yes: What type of thoughts preoccupy you?

It's not really growing, I'll loose it again. I can't have sex with this.

If yes: What specifically bothers you about the appearance of your penis(s)?

It seems small even though I come above average. I think the average is much higher.


2.___ Is your main concern with your penis that you aren't big enough
or that you might be different in some way than everyone
else?________big enough__________________Yes/No

3.What effect has your preoccupation with your penis had on your life?

* Has your obsessions(s) caused you a lot of distress, torment, or pain?

* Has it significantly interfered with your social/sex life? Yes!!

If yes:_ How?

Refusal to have sex for fear of inadequency. Its been 2 years now since my last true sexual encounter. Yes I'm fucked up!

* Has your obsession(s) significantly interfered with your school work, your
job, or your ability to function in your role?_ Yes

If yes:__ How?

Constant depression and lack of confidence.

* Are there things you avoid because of your obsession(s)?__ Yes

If yes:__ How?

Sex, women in general.

* Have the lives or normal routines of your family or friends been
affected by your obsession(s)?___________Yes

If yes:___How?

I use to go out with the guys to the clubs but do not go out at all anymore. Rarely go outside at all except on rare occasssions.

_C__ 4._ How much time do you spend thinking about your penis per day on
average?(circle one)

________ (a) Less than 1 hour a day

________ (b) 1-3 hours a day

________ (c) More than 3 hours a day
Originally posted by 8 isn't enough
1. Are you very concerned about the appearance of your penis? yes

It's not really growing, I'll loose it again. I can't have sex with this.

It seems small even though I come above average. I think the average is much higher.

As an active Penis Enlargement'er I think these irrational thoughts plague all of us to a degree, some more than others. Even though they are "irrational" they can still be obsessive and seam very real. Looking online does not really help as so much of what is online is not typical. If you judge what true average is based on what is online you may never get a clear, concise answer. Sometime not knowing is worse than knowing.

During the study I did, Is Everything Really What it Seems, I looked at thousands upon thousands of penis pictures and video. After sifting through infinite pages of nudity including; 1.) glossy pornography, 2.) amateur pornography 3.) Naturalism, I was able to draw a clear line between reality and fantasy. These 3, very different, categories of nudity are very different from one another. The differences between the different groups was amazing while at the same time sobering. The first category, Glossy adult entertainment, was anything that used special effects of any kind including special lenses, digital effects, morphing, computer enhancement. Amateur Pornography was classified by regular people using standard equipment . This group was mostly home shot. Naturalism fell into a candid category. This group was classified by nudity I found on nude beach sites, true voyeurism, medical nudity, basically un-posed nudity. Although I had no way of getting a "true" cross-section of the world population, I was able to see patterns emerge. The HUGE penis was mostly found in category 1, very rare in category 2 and never in category 3. Even though I viewed equal portions of all nudity the results stayed relatively consistent to the above key. Why is this a good thing? In your case average size is morphed by category 1 nudity. Spend some time in amateur picture forums and your view of average size will start to become more realistic. Visit some of the YAHOO nudist sites, this will give you a much more accurate view of "the real world"

Average size becomes more realistic when you see it first hand from real sources. A number is really just a number, actually seeing satisfies the mind.

Originally posted by 8 isn't enough
Has is interfered with your social/sex life? Yes!!

If yes:_ How?


Refusal to have sex for fear of inadequency. Its been 2 years now since my last true sexual encounter. Yes I'm fucked up!

* Has your obsession(s) significantly interfered with your school work, your
job, or your ability to function in your role?_ Yes

I use to go out with the guys to the clubs but do not go out at all anymore. Rarely go outside at all except on rare occasssions.

Avoiding public and or social situation for fear of anxiety is classified as agoraphobia. For some people this can become debilitating. In my case I do not leave the house accept on rare occasions. THe problem with avoidance is that the Penis EnlargementRFECT CONDITION will never happen. Since the disorder is progressive it is not unusual for someone to create a life that is a self prison. In my case I need to confront what I fear in order to stop the progression. People who suffer with o.c.d. and any of the o.c.d. spectrum disorders strive for an unattainable level of perfection. The problem with this is that we never reach this level of perfection. For normal people they can accept their shortcomings and move on. For the O.C. this is unacceptable with selective parts of their lives, and the level of compulsion is directly related to how perfect things need to be. In your case it is striving for an acceptable size penis in your mind. What you view as big...what you view as Penis EnlargementRFECT. The first step is realizing most of the world does not live by your standards as a matter of fact they are more than likely worried more about themselves than your perceived imperfection. I can sit here all day telling you your penis is bigger than 95% of the world but this will only temporarily fix the problem. The way o.c.d. works is very tricky the more you try to calm the fears by compulsion the more the brain views the fears as a threat. The only real way to deal with these fears is through confrontation, this allows the brain to see that things are not as bad as we make them in our obsessions. The problem with this method of confrontation is that it is not a one time deal...in fact I need to confront most of my obsessions on a daily basis to keep the compulsions at bay. If I told you it was easy I would be lying, it take work. The beautiful thing about desensitizing your fears is you will slowly regain personal freedom again and be able to do the things you never thought possible.

You will find methods of dealing with these obsessions in the second part of the post. They need to be done daily sometimes every minute. You are fighting a huge demon and he fights dirty. Use the cognitive skills I wrote about and I assure you things will get better.
Thanks DLD, I sometimes feel like I'm the only one in this world that does things in this way. I'm trying very hard to get over it and live a normal life again. I wasn't always this way, seems like it was only one bad comment that put me here but I probably have been suffering with it my entire life. I just found a new crutch to lean on with my dick. Before, I remember being obsessed about my looks or my body. Then, my ex left me with some harsh words about my size and from that point on, it has been my major obsession. Penis Enlargement has lightened the burden somewhat but I still refuse to have sex with anyone. I keep thinking one more inch and I'll be ready. Then I'll be alright.

Originally posted by 8 isn't enough
Thanks DLD, I sometimes feel like I'm the only one in this world that does things in this way. I'm trying very hard to get over it and live a normal life again. I wasn't always this way, seems like it was only one bad comment that put me here but I probably have been suffering with it my entire life. I just found a new crutch to lean on with my dick. Before, I remember being obsessed about my looks or my body. Then, my ex left me with some harsh words about my size and from that point on, it has been my major obsession. Penis Enlargement has lightened the burden somewhat but I still refuse to have sex with anyone. I keep thinking one more inch and I'll be ready. Then I'll be alright.


What triggers o.c.d. is different in everyone my personal belief is that it is a condition some are born with. How it manifests itself can take many different forms as well. The actual ruminations or compulsions can vary even more from person to person. There are some ruminations I perform today that I have no idea why I am doing them...I can't remember what the original obsession was. O.C.D. attacks what is near and dear to us and to what level is really up to us...the problem with this is an obsessive compulsive person usually does not have the ability to fight the disorder alone. Medication is so valuable in this condition and when used in conjunction with therapy and good practiced cognitive skills many obsessive compulsives can lead a normal life. Gosh I really good at talking this shit but I still can't apply it to myself.
I hope this helps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. Are you very concerned about the appearance of your penis?
(size, shape, the way it feels) Yes

If yes: Do these concerns preoccupy you? That is, you think about them alot
and wish you could think about them less? Yes

If yes: What type of thoughts preoccupy you?

Constantly thinking about having a bigger penis.

If yes: What specifically bothers you about the appearance of your penis(s)?

Smaller than I would like for it to be.


2.___ Is your main concern with your penis that you aren't big enough
or that you might be different in some way than everyone
else? Both

3.What effect has your preoccupation with your penis had on your life?

Feelings of inadaquacy at times, but not enough to be problematic.

* Has your obsessions(s) caused you a lot of distress, torment, or pain?

* Has it significantly interfered with your social/sex life? No

If yes:_ How? N/A


* Has your obsession(s) significantly interfered with your school work, your
job, or your ability to function in your role? No

If yes:__ How? N/A


* Are there things you avoid because of your obsession(s)? Yes

If yes:__ How? Showing my penis in public.


* Have the lives or normal routines of your family or friends been
affected by your obsession(s)? No

If yes:___How? N/A


___ 4._ How much time do you spend thinking about your penis per day on
average?(circle one)

________ (a) Less than 1 hour a day

________ (b) 1-3 hours a day

XXXX ___ (c) More than 3 hours a day (at least 3 hrs!!!!!!!!!)

You're likely to have BDD if you give the following answers on the BDD

* Question 1: Yes to both parts
* Question 3: Yes to any of the questions
* Question 4:_Answer b or c.

If you would like to answer this questionaire in this thread that would be wonderful...if not do it privately...and PLEASE contact me if I can help in any way.

I like to bump this thread every now and again. Please respond if you need any help.
I'll take the test in a bit. I don't want to trample on the main topic, I though am suffering from obsession, panic disorder & agoraphobia.

The main reason why i started using penis pumps was because I'm ashamed of what women think because women don't seem to respond well to intercourse with me. Sometimes when I look at my cock I get depressed, angry, frustrated, feel cheated. I've always felt this way because I am a short guy and along with that comes a life of belittling from guys and the women who stand behind them. I've created a complex that nothing I have will ever physically turn women on.

This has really become extreme lately. I noticed that I've been constantly touching and squeezing my cock, looking at it in the mirror over and over in different angles. I am starting to do this without even thinking about it, my thoughts are if I can get a bigger cock I'll be able to offer something that's not looked down upon such as my height is. I can be a man, hang with the tall guys an feel a sense of confidence. I can approach women and take the usual turn down that i get which is "you're too short" and know that I have something in my pants that I know not even most tall guys could provide her with.

This has led me to panic disorder and I was house bound like DLD at one time. I couldn't even walk out the front door without going into panic mode. Everything outside looked 2D, I felt like a prisoner looking out and watching everyone go about their day normally. I still to this day (4 years later) can only drive about 2 miles fighting panic the whole time.

When I have sex I start going limp. I get extremely anxious that I'm just small, everywhere and what a let down. I don't even like oral because I don't want her touching it let alone seeing it. Feeling like you'll never live up is the worst feeling in the world.

The sad thing is I'm a 28 yr old man trapped inside his own mind. All I can do is keep spinning the same routines over and over. Extreme social anxiety, just about everyone is looking down on me. Women turning me down left an right, then hearing through the grapevine that it was all because I am a midget and she only dates tall guys. Hearing all these women talk about sex and how her man was tall and had a big cock. Hearing women ooze over tall guys thinking they are sporting big cocks simply because they are big guys. hearing women laugh at short men and raising an eyebrow at any talk of him packing anything but a small cock.

Everyday real negativity comes in from life experience and it drives me to become obsessed with the only thing I can change physically that won't make me look like a short stubby man, my cock. Constantly tugging and squeezing and actually getting mad at myself for not being able to control it.

Ah anyways I went a bit off topic, I'll continue with the test.
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doublelongdaddy said:
Do You Suffer from Body Dysmorphic Disorder?

1. Are you very concerned about the appearance of your penis?
(size, shape, the way it feels)__________________ Yes

If yes: Do these concerns preoccupy you? That is, you think about them alot
and wish you could think about them less?________________ Yes

If yes: What type of thoughts preoccupy you?
She will think it's too small, she'll tell others I'm small, she won't get off, she may laugh, she wil expect e to be small because I'm short

If yes: What specifically bothers you about the appearance of your penis(s)?
It's not long enough. It's not thick enough. The glands are too small. The color is uneven. It has an upward curve looks stubby.


2.___ Is your main concern with your penis that you aren't big enough
or that you might be different in some way than everyone

3.What effect has your preoccupation with your penis had on your life?

* Has your obsessions(s) caused you a lot of distress, torment, or pain?

* Has it significantly interfered with your social/sex life? Yes

If yes:_ How?
I don't feel sexually confident. I get soft during intercourse. I think negative thoughts on what she is thinking. I don't feel that I live up to other guys size. I don't approach women in fear that if she doesn't reject me because of height, she'll be let down as expected by my small penis size.

* Has your obsession(s) significantly interfered with your school work, your
job, or your ability to function in your role?_ Yes

If yes:__ How?
I constantly think of having a large penis and wishing I was the guy women were bragging about. I constantly think of intercourse with a woman with a big penis. I have a hard time being confident around women because I know I'm small. My mind wanders about if I'm going to gain, will it really help. I have a hard time keeping my mind on my studies or work projects.

* Are there things you avoid because of your obsession(s)?__ Yes

If yes:__ How?
Intercourse with women. Letting anyone see me naked.

* Have the lives or normal routines of your family or friends been
affected by your obsession(s)?___________No

If yes:___How?


___ 4._ How much time do you spend thinking about your penis per day on
average?(circle one)

(c) More than 3 hours a day

You're likely to have BDD if you give the following answers on the BDD

* Question 1: Yes to both parts
* Question 3: Yes to any of the questions
* Question 4:_Answer b or c.

If you would like to answer this questionaire in this thread that would be wonderful...if not do it privately...and PLEASE contact me if I can help in any way.


There ya go
1. Are you very concerned about the appearance of your penis?
(size, shape, the way it feels) Yes

If yes: Do these concerns preoccupy you? That is, you think about them alot
and wish you could think about them less? Yes

If yes: What type of thoughts preoccupy you?

Constant frustration over not being ''big enough'' to be able to achieve a state of happiness, while simultaneously realizing that I'm never going to be happy as long as I have this mindset, no matter how much I gain.

If yes: What specifically bothers you about the appearance of your penis(s)?

Inadequate girth (see stats). I have an above average girth, especially at the base (6.2''), but in my mind it is as thin as a pencil. I can't seem to gain any girth either, no matter what I do, which leads to a vicious cycle of more frustration and pained anticipation.


2.___ Is your main concern with your penis that you aren't big enough
or that you might be different in some way than everyone
else? Mainly that I'm not big enough.

3.What effect has your preoccupation with your penis had on your life?

Feelings of frustration, failure and depression. These feelings have resulted not from having a small penis complex to begin with, but rather from being unable to get the amount of gains that should correspond with the amount of effort I'm putting into it. This in turn leads to thoughts of never being able to reach my ideal size, which again leads to more desperation, frustration and disappointment in both Penis Enlargementing and myself.

* Has your obsessions(s) caused you a lot of distress, torment, or pain?
At times, yes. I had a major depressive episode last winter, which was partly due to my obsession. I have also come to realize that even though I have gained a little both in length and girth, I was a happier person BEFORE I ever knew about Penis Enlargementing.

* Has it significantly interfered with your social/sex life? Yes and no.

If yes:_ How? N/A
It doesn't have any effect on my confidence with women, but it does cause me to choose a night of Penis Enlargementing alone in my room over a fun night out with my friends.


* Has your obsession(s) significantly interfered with your school work, your
job, or your ability to function in your role? Yes

If yes:__ How? N/A
I have realized that I'm prioritizing Penis Enlargementing over my studies. I am an intelligent person and I KNOW I can do great in school if I so choose. Penis Enlargementing however preoccupies my thoughts and my life to an extent where it starts to interfere with my academic progression.


* Are there things you avoid because of your obsession(s)? Yes

If yes:__ How? I have put my sex life on hold until I reach my rather modest goal of 7.5'' EL and 6'' EG midshaft.


* Have the lives or normal routines of your family or friends been
affected by your obsession(s)? No

If yes:___How? N/A


___ 4._ How much time do you spend thinking about your penis per day on
average?(circle one)

________ (a) Less than 1 hour a day

_X_______ (b) 1-3 hours a day

________ (c) More than 3 hours a day (at least 3 hrs!!!!!!!!!)

You're likely to have BDD if you give the following answers on the BDD

* Question 1: Yes to both parts
* Question 3: Yes to any of the questions
* Question 4:_Answer b or c.

If you would like to answer this questionaire in this thread that would be wonderful...if not do it privately...and PLEASE contact me if I can help in any way.

Reading between the lines, I feel a great many of the contributors to this forum suffer from BDD.
The photographs show handsome, well-hung and buff individuals who still anguish over their imagined defects...
Some resort to risky surgery to acheive their unrealistic objectives whilst others over-exercise or starve themselves.
We should all learn to love ourselves a little !
Do not compare yourselves to adult entertainment stars (who are freakishly big) or movie heroes.
Go to any Sauna Bath throughout the world and look at ordinary naked men in all their glory (or not).
There is tremendous variation in body types, genital size, hairiness, etc.
End of sermon .....
I know i have BDD. I think about the size of my cock all time. But shit hey, it keeps me motivated! I DONT WANT TO BE CURED! 9" here i come! lol
O'RileyColt said:
I know i have BDD. I think about the size of my cock all time. But shit hey, it keeps me motivated! I DONT WANT TO BE CURED! 9" here i come! lol

Sadly, sufferers of BDD are never happy .
When you reach your target size you will ever want to be bigger or thicker or will switch your anxieties to another part of your anatomy ....
Prozac can help as can psychotherapy.
Plastic surgery can be a big mistake as it is addictive !
O'RileyColt said:
I agree, its an incredibly strange mind trip to be on.

I took the liberty of "examining" you in the picture proof section .
You are very well-endowed.
A firm erection, large helmet, big balls and thick pubic bush .....
MOST men would envy you !
Enjoy, it while you can.
You, aged 19, are at your sexual peak .
Thanks DLD for this thread. What a relief to know I am not alone. You guys see yourselves through the same distorted mirror I do. I am not a member of the itty-bitty titty commity but my constant fear is that my breasts are inferior. I see women like Pam Anderson and Angelina Jolie and the like and I get depressed. I also see myself as fat sometimes. The good news is that I mostly like my weight it is only when I see a diet commercial that I feel inadaquate and fat. I wish there was a way we could make the advertisers and movie/adult entertainment producers see the damage they are inflicting with their commercials and perfect movie/adult entertainment stars<:(. Any way guys I just want you to know that women can totally relate with your size related insecurities.
FemaleInfluence;351975 said:
Thanks DLD for this thread. What a relief to know I am not alone.

One of the million threads I have written on the topic:)
crazy-horse;352295 said:
so is occd or bdd, always about physical inadequity or other things like lack on confidence shyness etc?

Not at all, in many ways OCD can be a positive thing. I have to make it a positive thing because it consumes so much of my life. For mental illness refer to my chart:

OCD: Unconditional Love (staying with a problem long enough to create a solution)
Schizophrenia: Lots of helpers to figure it all out
Bi-Polar: 6 months of incredible creative work, 6 months of rest

Labels suck, making lemonade from lemons, priceless.
doublelongdaddy;352345 said:
Not at all, in many ways OCD can be a positive thing. I have to make it a positive thing because it consumes so much of my life. For mental illness refer to my chart:

OCD: Unconditional Love (staying with a problem long enough to create a solution)
Schizophrenia: Lots of helpers to figure it all out
Bi-Polar: 6 months of incredible creative work, 6 months of rest

Labels suck, making lemonade from lemons, priceless.

You are amazing. So many people would be discouraged and use the so called disabilities to give up and feel sorry for themselves. You are an inspiration to anyone with similar mental illnesses.
I think it may be possible for some people to live the life of an agrophobic etc without being one of them. In that case what would be the description of such a person i wonder!