Well as some of you may or not know vaseline is the by product of petroleum. As is plastic. What some of you will probably not know is the these products act as phytoestrogens that can severly impact your man hood.

Anything you put on your skin is absorbed into your blood stream within about 20-30 min depending on area of application.

Basically it reduces your testosteorne levels.

And it will damage plastics, cock rings pump seals ect.
eurotrash;372262 said:
Anything you put on your skin is absorbed into your blood stream within about 20-30 min depending on area of application.
This is just simply not true. For something to be absorbed into the skin the molecule has to be small enough to go through the skin. If anything that touched your skin absorbed in after 20-30 minutes you couldn't take steam baths, swim for long periods of time - especially in the ocean, handle grease or gasoline (car mechanics would all be dead!), be dirty, and countless, countless other things.
I always thought it is healthy for the skin. Yes, it is a product of petroleum but I checked it out in wikipedia and it is written that vaseline is supporting the healing progress. Vaseline was actually discovered by luck (don't remember the exact story of it), it is something like crystalized petroleum. It fell on the blessures of the workes in a mine (somewhere in England), and they noticed that the wounds healed faster. So the owner of this mine thought he could sell it as some kind of medication. I don't really think it is unhealthy... have you got any source(s) ?
Used Vaseline for years and never had any issues. I would hate to jelq with anything else. What are some of the problems caused by this?
The skin cell has keratin in it. This is the molecule that makes it possible for you to sit in a bath tube and not have all the water spill into your body. Keratin is a waterproofing agent of all things. And for those who use Vaseline most will note that only the first application is absorbed. And when it is absorbed it is not 100% absorbed. After the first application the rest stays on the skin because the cells of the penis skin have sensed that they cannot absorb anymore. And as far as getting in your blood and causing damage I seriously doubt it. If it was harmful doctors wouldn't recommend it and the FDA would have said use sparingly or some other crap.
I wouldn't rely on the FDA to make safety decisions. I agree with your assessment of everything but your words prove it's important to understand it for yourself.
Here's an article from: http://www.besthealtHydromaxag.ca/look-great/skin/the-truth-about-petrolatum

The Environmental Working Group, http://www.ewg.org/home also has a fairly substantial database, petrolatum included.


When my two toddlers had itchy rashes on their chests, my doctor diagnosed eczema. The cure: no more bubble baths, and plenty of thick, perfume-free moisturizer. “The best thing you can use is good old Vaseline,” she said.
Doctors like mine have been recommending petroleum jelly (also called petrolatum) for more than 100 years. In the 1850s, chemist Robert Chesebrough started the process of distilling and cleaning the thick gel found on oil wells. By 1870, Vaseline was being sold in the United States.

In industry, petrolatum acts as a lubricant for machinery. Today, we also use it to relieve diaper rash, heal raw noses and soothe chapped lips. (Some people also use it as a sexual lubricant, but it weakens latex condoms.) It’s also an ingredient in a variety of moisturizing products. The Environmental Working Group (EWG), a U.S. non-profit organization that does environmental and safety studies, says there’s petrolatum in one out of every 14 cosmetic products on the market, including 15 percent of lipsticks and 40 percent of baby lotions and oils. Plus, it’s used as an active ingredient for healing cuts and burns.

So why are a host of new cosmetic products—many of them organic or natural—promoting themselves as “petrolatum free”?

Is it safe?
Health Canada considers petrolatum non-toxic. As for the Canadian Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association (CCTFA), a trade organization that consults with the government on ingredients, its stand is that “it’s pretty much as universally safe as any substance could possibly be,” says spokesperson Mike Patton. However, the EWG gives it a “moderate hazard” safety rating, and says cosmetics that use petrolatum need more study for safety.

Why? The EWG says—and governments and the CCTFA acknowledge—there is a risk of contamination from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), cancer-causing chemicals found in crude oil and its by-products. While no studies have ever shown a direct link between petrolatum and cancer, the European Union put numerous grades of petrolatum on a list of dangerous substances. Only highly refined petrolatum can be used in cosmetics there.

Petrolatum used in cosmetic and personal care products sold in Canada is also a highly refined grade and must meet all of the standards set by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP), including limits for PAHs. Petrolatum used as an active ingredient in over-the-counter drugs goes through even stricter regulatory control.

Is there a chance toxins could be missed during processing and testing? Companies that produce petrolatum products say no. “Our personal care products are tested and meet all of the safety and regulatory requirements as set by Health Canada,” says Paul Hughes, technical manager for Unilever Canada, maker of Vaseline. “Some people are creating fear among consumers by telling only part of the story.”

Does it heal skin?
While some beauty companies are promoting petrolatum alternatives, other manufacturers swear by its ability to moisturize and heal. Petrolatum seals off the skin from water and air, and “it allows the skin to heal itself,” says Calgary pharmacist Skip Gibson. He’s vice-president of sales and marketing for George’s Special Dry Skin Cream, a petroleum jelly–based cream that he helped create.

“Petroleum jelly is the most effective moisturizer available,” says Vancouver dermatologist Dr. Richard Thomas. “The reduction in water loss makes it easier for the epidermis to continue normal function.”

But there’s a potential downside. A study that was published in Pediatrics in 2000 found that extremely-low-birth-weight infants treated with petroleum jelly were more likely to develop systemic candidiasis; it created a warm, moist place for fungi to grow. “Sometimes you want the skin to breathe more,” says Celeste Lutrario,vice-president of research and development for Burt’s Bees, which does not use petrolatum in its products. She says petrolatum is an occlusive barrier, locking in moisture—but it does not allow moisture to be absorbed from the atmosphere. For example, lip balms with petrolatum and other petrochemicals can be less moisturizing than those with emollients that enable moisture exchange, contends Lutrario.

Is there an environmental impact?
Petrolatum comes from crude oil, and as such is not a renewable resource. Of course, the volume of the ingredients in one jar of petroleum jelly or a bottle of body moisturizer doesn’t come close to that used to fuel cars or run factories. Still, Health Canada is currently investigating the environmental impact of petrolatum in cosmetics.

Concern for our planet and its resources is another reason why some companies are using oils from coconuts, sunflowers and olives in the formulation of their products. But these oils have an environmental footprint, too: They come from farmland, potentially displacing food crops.

Alternatives to petrolatum in cosmetics are more expensive and trickier to formulate. Right now, petrolatum is cheap, plentiful and generally safe, and it mixes up easily in the lab to create the products we use every day—it’s not going anywhere soon.
Coconut Oil rocks for sex. As it heats up it gets slippery. Also doesn't stink like cooking oil. Why are we talking about cooking oil? :)
irafreak1;372571 said:
Coconut Oil rocks for sex. As it heats up it gets slippery. Also doesn't stink like cooking oil. Why are we talking about cooking oil? :)

Dude, if your cooking oil reeks you must either be frying up some festering skunk ass or it's gone rancid. Either way it should be thrown out.
Next time you crack some open squeeze about a half dozen Vitamin E capsules per quart into the oil; it'll keep it from oxidizing.
I just cook with rice bran oil. It has a really high smoke point 'cuz it's loaded with antioxidants. Gives food a good flavor too.
Vitacost.com has some damn good organic coconut oil, fairly cheap too, I use that for everything from sweating vegetables to stirring in my coffee to rubbin' on my bunions. It's good shit.
Ok.. so if were saying nothing can get absorbed into our skin and ultimately to our bloodstream... Hows come nicotine patches work? Also chewing tabacco gets absorbed through your skin... into your bloodstream... And the purpose of vaseline/lotions etc.. is to get absorbed into your skin and heal it.

(btw in no way do I think vaseline is harmful, unless you eat it)
Eyeknot;372639 said:
Ok.. so if were saying nothing can get absorbed into our skin and ultimately to our bloodstream... Hows come nicotine patches work? Also chewing tabacco gets absorbed through your skin... into your bloodstream... And the purpose of vaseline/lotions etc.. is to get absorbed into your skin and heal it.

(btw in no way do I think vaseline is harmful, unless you eat it)

It's not really a matter of absolutes: all or nothing at all getting absorbed through your skin. It's much more a matter of what molecules can pass through your body's largest organ and primary defense against nature; your skin.
coconut oil is the best, and aloe vera gel is also great stuff but as the water evaporates out of it it becomes sticky,
just apply more water and its slippery as helll... You can buy the gel or use the stuff right from the plant leaves.
although the bottle is easier and more convenient.......higher end grocery stores are starting to carry the leaves for
about 3-4 bucks a leaf......aloe is magical stuff....

btw your skin is the largest organ of the body and yes it does absorb anything it comes in contact with and it DOES end up in your blood stream.

In fact you can taste it sometimes.... if you are aware.....
Right but there is a limit to how much the skin absorbs once it becomes saturated. That's why I don't feel vaseline is something to be concerned about.
Watched a show on the history channel that said ancient Romans and Greeks used olive oil as lotion. Tried using it once wasn't bad at all and kept me smooth and shiny.
Your skin DOES NOT absorb everything it comes in contact with. Where do you guys get this "information" ?

By this thinking you're absorbing: soap, shampoo, dirt, grease, etc. AND with this thinking, why don't you RE-absorb: sweat, hair oils, ear wax, urine, saliva, etc. ??

There are toxins you can't eat, but you can handle. Likewise there are toxins you can't handle: because the molecule can be absorbed.

Frogs have skin that absorbs almost everything, we DO NOT have frog skin. Nicotine patches and products like that are specifically engineered such that the molecules will be absorbed.
Yep. The amount of stuff you can absorb into the blood stream through your skin pales in comparison to what you ingest. That's why I'm not worried about vaseline but I avoid estrogen foods.
LilT211;372438 said:
The skin cell has keratin in it. This is the molecule that makes it possible for you to sit in a bath tube and not have all the water spill into your body. Keratin is a waterproofing agent of all things. And for those who use Vaseline most will note that only the first application is absorbed. And when it is absorbed it is not 100% absorbed. After the first application the rest stays on the skin because the cells of the penis skin have sensed that they cannot absorb anymore. And as far as getting in your blood and causing damage I seriously doubt it. If it was harmful doctors wouldn't recommend it and the FDA would have said use sparingly or some other crap.

This assumes a LOT that the FDA actually gives a damn about us.
spyoung;372790 said:
This assumes a LOT that the FDA actually gives a damn about us.

I trust the FDA as much as I trust the devil.
I've always tried to follow the advice to never put anything on your skin that you can't eat.

IMO, baby oil and vaseline are two of the worst lubes for jelqing. Too much friction and the mess is ridiculous to try and clean up.

From all my experiments with lubes, I am currently using Astroglide. Now Astroglide also contains a shitload of chemicals which they say not to put on your skin repeatedly (phytoestrogens). So my solution has been to slather up my penis with Red Palm Oil (healthiest natural oil around) first so that it acts as a barrier for the Astroglide. Works very well. Olive oil would work as well if you can't find Red Palm Oil. Try it and you might not ever go back to Vaseline. This is the slickest jelq lube combo I have ever used.
Yah, I just finished a big bowl of Tide with some Ivory bar soap grated in. Add a little Palmolive if the Tide is too gritty.

I eat a stick of Axe every couple of days or so. Usually when I'm driving as it curbs my urge to smoke.

I also eat my clothes, as they touch my skin as well. I prefer 100% cotton tee's, especially if they are fresh out of the wash and still smell like laundry detergent. Sometimes I'll lube up a pair of underwear with shower gel so they go down easier.

Seriously, NO I don't fuckin eat soap or deodorant. Actually I only use natural vegatable glycerin "soap" without artificial dyes or perfumes. I never use deodorant. I eat healthy and natural foods and shower, so I don't stink like people who consume garbage and try to cover up their stench with colognes and perfumes.
Okay. Are you a biochemist? Do you really understand every detail of your body and the things you consume? I'm sorry but if you do any kind of physical work in the heat you will sweat and there will be odor. Doesn't matter how natural you think your food is...short of having your own little patch of land that you have cleansed over the years of any residue and waste and grown your own food you really can't say 100% that it's natural. How about the water you drink? You realize we are using and reusing the same water that's been around for generations right? You can't possibly purify every detail out of it.

My comment was in light humor and not a personal attack. Don't get me wrong I applaud your efforts.

I do have a question though....if you are using this oil for jelqing then why are you using astroglide at all. Unless you jelq with a glove you'd have to put the red stuff on your hands and penis to keep it away from your skin so that would mean you use the astroglide to lube up the red oil? Not really understanding that one.
If lube is scaring guys they can always rock Slow Squash Jelqs dry, IMO, the best girth exercise you can do.
Phytoestrogens (plant-based estrogen-like substances) have anywhere from 1/500th to 1/5000th the biological action of human estrogen. They actually bond to estrogen receptors preventing the uptake of your body's own estrogen and acting more like a blocking agent. That's why naturopaths recommend phytoestrogen supplements for women going through menopause. They get some benefits of HRT without the health risks and side effects. Don't stress about phytoestrogens. They have virtually NO effect on your manhood.
TheStick;372999 said:
Don't stress about phytoestrogens. They have virtually NO effect on your manhood.

Like what?
LilT211;372438 said:
The skin cell has keratin in it. This is the molecule that makes it possible for you to sit in a bath tube and not have all the water spill into your body. Keratin is a waterproofing agent of all things. And for those who use Vaseline most will note that only the first application is absorbed. And when it is absorbed it is not 100% absorbed. After the first application the rest stays on the skin because the cells of the penis skin have sensed that they cannot absorb anymore. And as far as getting in your blood and causing damage I seriously doubt it. If it was harmful doctors wouldn't recommend it and the FDA would have said use sparingly or some other crap.

For starters uck the FDA

No one gives a shit about your health... Do not be so nieve..
at the risk of citing sources from the internet (which may or maynot have any credibility), this website suggests that vasolene isn't absorbed by the skin at all, hence the greasy feeling left behind.


"...it is not used in expensive lotions, because it is not absorbed into the skin, resulting in a greasy feel."

"...physicians have shown that Vaseline has no medicinal effect nor any effect on the blistering process, nor is it absorbed by the skin"

Thats assuming that the phytoestrogens or whatever are in the petroleum jelly, or is it another component of vasolene?
People have used Vaseline for years it's cheap and doesn't effect gains at all I can't believe someone made this a thread lol.
Sorry fi i got worried aobut rubbing a petroleum bi product into my cock..

The muscles around the penis pelvis and anus have a very high concentration of Tesotosterone receptors.. Filling those receptors with estrogen would have negative impacts on the strength of those muscles..

I reccomend people reading "the testosterone syndrome" eugene shippen MD and william fryer.

Interesting stuff...

Explains how when testosterone drops off these muscles atrophy causing decreased erection strength and control in that area. It all makes sense and is a good read.
Estrogen DOESN'T bind to testosterone receptors, testosterone does, and estrogen only binds to estrogen receptors. Phytoestrogens in Vaseline have anywhere from .1 to .02% of the biological action of human estrogen. That means that human estrogen is 1000 to 5000 times more potent than phytoestrogens in terms of biological effect. Don't worry about it.
I use olive oil as a base then vaseline. Best thing ever. You get vitamin E for your skin . Works great in the shower. The [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] and stability in your jelqing even when wet is unmatched. Almost sounds like a michelin commerical...

On a side note, a friend of mine is doing some research in to chemicals similar to the phytoestrogens supposedly found in Vaseline. I'd say, if you all have some time, check out this 45 minute long documentary from CBC television. I discusses the advance of chemical technology and the effects of these chemicals on the male and female reproductive cycle. If at least some of the things they mention in this documentary are true, I'm a little worried:

TheStick;374179 said:
Estrogen DOESN'T bind to testosterone receptors, testosterone does, and estrogen only binds to estrogen receptors. Phytoestrogens in Vaseline have anywhere from .1 to .02% of the biological action of human estrogen. That means that human estrogen is 1000 to 5000 times more potent than phytoestrogens in terms of biological effect. Don't worry about it.

that is not true E2 can bind to androgen receptors.

Estrogen is often a culprit for blocking testosterone receptors, and by reducing the amount of estrogen present in a man's body, the receptors may then be unblocked and able to function normally.

Please do not tell me it cant because i personally have estrogen dominance and my body recognises it as testosterone so it does not increase LH or FSH signals as it can not recognise a problem.
In a few hundred years humanity will look back on us and laugh at our misuse of chemicals/plastics, exactly how we laugh when we think of past civilisaitons using lead for pipes...