OK guys sorry, this isn't me posting information about how to cure premature ejaculation but rather me asking for advice. I know there are various thread talking about premature ejaculation cures but I thought I'd try to start the ultimate thread with lots of opinions and results sharing.

The first time I had sex was at 15 with my long term girlfriend. We were together about a year and must have had sex over 100 times at least. I do not remember suffering from premature ejaculation at all over this period and was able to go for ages. We broke up an shortly after that I had sex with another girl and over the next year had sex with my ex quite a few times, still having no problem with premature ejaculation.

Then there was probably a spell of about 6 months when I did not have sex, before I actually got back together with my ex. The first time we had sex I felt the urge to ejaculate within 30 seconds of sex and did. Completely out of the blue and the first time I had ever suffered with it. Ever since then I have had problems with premature ejaculation although the last few times I had sex I managed to control myself better and lasted longer.

I haven't had sex for about 6 months and have also been edging about 6 months but cant tell if this will cure my premature ejaculation because I haven't had sex to test it.

What have you guys done to cure premature ejaculation? I am going to start making sure I do my kegels each day so hopefully this will help too although I have heard that kegels make you ejaculate quicker? What do you think?

I was just in the chatroom discussing this very issue and I know how to deal with it via the mind. See below for the pasted convo between myself and Dantheman.

redzulu But here goes
redzulu Sit your ass down somewhere peaceful
redzulu Now visualise you and this woman
redzulu The WHOLE process
redzulu From meeting her in say the cafe
redzulu To walking down the road
redzulu To getting into the flat
hiIaMnew19 man i was ejaculating for abou 4,5 sek with erection Q 2...it is in you mind now i am lasting for hour,two....
redzulu Taking her clothes off
redzulu etc
redzulu Go through all that
redzulu Eyes closed, dark room and do not wank
redzulu Go through EVERYTHING you will do to her in that room
redzulu FEEL the emoptions
redzulu FEEL IT
redzulu As you have sex ... its like virtual sex if you will in your head
redzulu Imagine your penis head going in and out
redzulu in and out
redzulu You feel under control and very much the man who can last
redzulu Keep going over yourself having sex
redzulu Lasting with her
redzulu Tell yourself you will last for as long as you wish to las t for
redzulu When your near the end opf this exercise, ejaculate and do whatever you do
redzulu This again is in the mind
redzulu BUT YOU CONTROL when in the mind this is
DANTHEMAN i will try this
redzulu After she has cum, etc
redzulu It works
redzulu Takes time and practice
redzulu TELL yourself its working ... tell yourself each morning, noon and night
redzulu That you WILL last as long as you WISH ..... think positive and imagine its already happened
DANTHEMAN do you think my glans are too sensitive? because i can masturbate for an hour without touching the head
redzulu Imagine you can last for hours and imagine this feeling of power and control
redzulu In time you WILL begin to do this
DANTHEMA as soon as i go for the head BAMMMM
redzulu> Its in the mind
redzulu All in your head buddy
redzulu You just confirmed its in your head
redzulu Try what I spoke about and let me know how it goes but you must BELIVE and ALLOW this change ..... imagine its already begun. Forget that you have had problems with premature jac
redzulu What premature ejaculation
redzulu Dan ..... I NEVER heard you say that
hiIaMnew19 cock man
redzulu You can last for hours cant you?
redzulu repeat
redzulu YES
hiIaMnew19 dld are u here
hiIaMnew19 man i want to ask
hiIaMnew19 u smt
redzulu Belive this and tell yourself this, do the exercises I told you and it will happen
redzulu FUCK the negativity
redzulu Fuck it
redzulu I can last for hours and hours and hoursredzulu> Without cumming
redzulu No BS
hiIaMnew19 my penis base is 6 inc.wow
redzulu WHY
DANTHEMAN thanks redz
redzulu Becoz my MIND controls it
DLD Can you figure out something
DANTHEMAN i will make my mind strong
redzulu Your welcome dan .... if you need help than pm me

If you need further clarification than simply say and I will be more than happy to help.
Thats LONGTERM cure ^^^^^

SHORTERM would be using stuff like Jamaican Stone which is a small bar of soap looking thing from Jamaica which is made from tree resin I think? this tree or plant has something in it which when rubbed onto the penis, numbs it and enables you to last for ages.

Phenibut helped me also to last longer but guys have had mixed results from this, its similer to Baclofen and Vallium in its mode of action but doesnt dope you up unless high dosages. I found that this legal alternative is much safer and better than alcohol for a one off social buzz and I now do this instead of drinking once a month. I dont drink any alcohol now. Phenibut relaxes you and its this that helps you last longer, maybe it releaxes the PC muscles and in guys who have weak ones perhaps ... this is how it becomes effective?

Old method I know about which also works is dip your penis head into a glass of red wine and leave it for at least 5 minutes before sex. This will numb the penis head and enable you to last longer. Something in the wine that does this.

Another LONGTERM method is practiceing standard kegels and reverse kegels throughout the day whenever you can.

Dont bother counting, just do them as often as you can. Do quick ones, slow ones, holds and slow releases etc.
Redzulu I know you say its all in the head, but I've been experiencing a similar problem as the person in the chat.

I am uncircumcised and when I get a handjob, if my gf just strokes the foreskin back and forth I feel fully under control and can relax and just hold off and then when I want to cum I just kegel really hard. However sometimes when theres a lot of precum my girlfriend strokes my bare head of the penis with the foreskin back and this makes me come in just a few strokes as it feels so intense.

Would you still think its all in the head or maybe just a really sensitive glans that needs to desensitise a little?
I feel you on that one, being un-cut definetly makes us alot more sensitive in that are[All take it better sex for us]. Anyways as i have come down the Penis Enlargement road I definetly feel as i keep going my head becomes a lot less sensitive hence letting me last a lot longer.
smallbrownguy;337475 said:
Redzulu I know you say its all in the head, but I've been experiencing a similar problem as the person in the chat.

I am uncircumcised and when I get a handjob, if my gf just strokes the foreskin back and forth I feel fully under control and can relax and just hold off and then when I want to cum I just kegel really hard. However sometimes when theres a lot of precum my girlfriend strokes my bare head of the penis with the foreskin back and this makes me come in just a few strokes as it feels so intense.

Would you still think its all in the head or maybe just a really sensitive glans that needs to desensitise a little?

yeah bro, this is my problem too. its the head, i dont know what the problem is. maybe a good idea would be to put a bandage/tape/rubberband around the foreskin to hold it back during the day so the head is exposed and gets stronger. I may try this
After years of trying stuff out, reading, kegaling, etc. the one thing that gave me all the ejaculation control I had been seeking was


It is a very specific type of breathing, the kind you do when you are about to fall asleep. In fact if you can replicate that kind of breathing you will be golden. The exhalation is particularly important. Your exhalation should be deep and complete, like a sigh of emotional relief. Push all the air out of your belly, and focus on letting each breath relax you.

This will not result in the usual sort of ejaculation control where you feel like you're 'holding back.' The desire to cum will recede. It is a very freeing kind of feeling for me.

I'm curious to see if this works for other guys. I hope it does, for the sake of sex everywhere. :s
KEGELS!!!!!!!!!!erection quality is very very very important to last longer,maybe look strange but it is fact!Before year i asked this question...like a more guys here in the forum.I will repeat.KEGELS

Pre-Mature Ejaculation

Pre-Mature Ejaculation is something many men suffer with. I have found many different ideas in helping with this that I have included below. I do want to say that this problem will fade from simply doing my program. When most men, myself included, got familiar with manual penis enlargement exercise the problem just seems to fade. The reason this problem does go away is the constant stimulation of the exercises. This constant stimulus trains the penis to last longer and longer. In the mean time here are some great techniques. Some are my own techniques, others I found around the web.

Becoming in touch with your orgasm
There is a very fine line between cuming and about to cum. making this distinction is the first step in having more staying power.

Identify your brink of orgasm
You will want to identify the fine line that separates cuming from about to cum. During this period pay special attention to what brings you almost to orgasm. What are your thoughts? How long does it take to get there? Keep Track of this information for future reference. The goal here is to paint a mental picture of your orgasm and identify just what brings you to this brink and what you can do to stop it.

Breathing to Reduce Excitement
Simply taking a deep breath at the brink of orgasm is a very effective way to reduce your excitement level and reset your orgasm. It does not work for everyone but it is worth trying.

Breathing to Reset Orgasm
When you feel that you are getting too close to orgasm, just completely stop and take a deep breath. Give yourself a minute or two to reset your mental orgasm. Once you feel that you have reset this mental orgasm continue with the confidence that the physical orgasm is far off. You will find with practice this process will give you longer and longer periods of staying power. Eventually this mental reset will happen automatically with no pause.

The Squeeze Techniques
When you feel close to your orgasm completely stop, pull out, take a deep breath and apply one of these two squeezing methods. One method usually works better for men than the other so try them both.

BASE SQUEEZE: at the brink of orgasm stop, take a deep breath. Using the OK grip squeeze the base of your penis and squeeze until the urge has faded.

UP SQUEEZE: at the brink of orgasm stop, take a deep breath. Using the forefinger and thumb squeeze the top and bottom of your penis just below the glans until the urge to orgasm has faded.

DLD Push
The DLD Push is a technique to prolong orgasm and remain erect after orgasm. This method involved a hard reverse kegel right at the brink of orgasm. It takes some practice but once it is mastered 4-5 orgasms are possible.

Reverse Psychology
A great technique that seems to work very well for me is the Reverse Psychology method. Previously to having sex I convince myself that I am going to have problems ejaculation.