We often read here about the average length and girth, and while there are differing opinions, every major survey has concluded that the length is about 5.8-6.2, we'll say 6, and the girth is almost universally in the high 4's, we'll say 5. This gives is the average size of 6X5 for penis size. However, this doesn't do much for me (or you). I don't think many of the dedicated Penis Enlargement'ers here have set out to only be average, we want to be "The Big One." How big? It depends. Personally, I would like to be in the top percentile.

Getting to the point, I was wondering if anyone here had access to all of the different votes in any of the major penis size surveys. If I had each individual peice of data from one of these surveys, it would tell us more as I could examine it and determine the variance, to find out just HOW MUCH bigger than average we need to be to ensure than we are the biggest dick that our ladies fuck.

If anyone can procure this information for me that would be great, and I will of course share my findings with the group (I am a statistician by trade and could come up with some very convincing answerers to such commonly asked questions here such as "How many women have had a big one"). I do ask that this be from a scientific survey that is NOT self measured. If we go around any of the Penis Enlargement forums and ask guys we'll get more 7's, 8's, and 9's than anything else and it will skew the data.

Let me know if the data is available, I promise to analyze it extensively to give new insight to this topic.

AlloyCG said:
Surely as a statician you have experience in gathering your own data sets? =)

Good luck with this anyhow.
Well I don't think too many people are gonna whip it out and let me personally measure them, ya know? So I will have to stick to the data that is given. And no, I am almost never gathering data at work, I analyze it. We have a completely separate team doing the data gathering.
Touche. Surely a google search will get you pretty close. Most people respect the Lifestyles survey. I think on one of DLD's intro to the site pages he mentions several surveys. Surely that can get you looking in the right direction. I have access to scouring millions of journal articles by subject matter, I'm sure I can dig up something there.
I think you just did his work for him. Assuming all other traits are equally spread out among penis size, for instance looks, confidence and charm, women are only going to encounter an 8"er once, on average, if they've had sex with 50 men. Obviously one might assume that those with the bigger units might have a greater confidence, perhaps more testosterone and a resulting athletic build. The possibilities are endless, and the division of penises among women is skewed. There's also qualitative differences in the women YOU may be interested in rather than those ME is interested in. Let's say I dig sluts and you dig the sweet ones - it's probably me that I'm going to have more competition. I guess my point is that it's doubtful you can find a general size that is the 'biggest.'

Unfortunately Murphy's Law might state that no matter how big our penis is it's a probability that someone else's is bigger. Then again, according to Kinsey it would be highly unlikely you will be with a girl that has had one bigger than 8x6. But what if she did? I hardly think she'd be anything less than THOROUGHLY IMPRESSED if your little 8.5x6.5 was ONLY the second biggest she's ever seen.

Well, I suppose it's unneccesary to go into the perfect size debate. But man, if you could find some stats that put some of those crazy variables into play you could sell it. And I'd be the first to buy it. Good luck with it and I'll help out wherever I can.
i just did this as a quick little estimate i got the info for the world population from http://www.census.gov/ipc/prod/wp02/wp-02004.pdf
total world pop roughly ages 20-40 i use ages 20 to 40 cause i would think that over 40 its more likely that most women would be married and not have as many partners no offence to any one.and buy the way this is just for some fun and is just based on what the kinsey percentage is rofl

men 1,200,000,000
women pretty mutch the same

out of 1,200,000,000 men acording to kinsey
1,044,000,000 have a penis between 5-7inches
out of that 240,120,000 have a penis length of 6 inches.
204,000,000 have a penis over 7 and out of that
21,600,000 are 8 to nine inches
now for the girth 624,000,000 have a girth of 4.5 to 5.
men over 5.75 96,000,000 .
men over 6in girth 60,000,000
men over 6.25 13,200,000
ok now lets say that men with a longer penis over 7 up to 9 would likely have a fatter one over 5.75 8% im using the 8% cause i cant figure out the real percentage
out of 225,600,000 men 18,048,000 would have a girth over 5.75 now let break it down to the us population i got this from http://www.census.gov/main/www/popclock.html
current us population 294,335,459 ok no ages here im just gonna cut it in half men and women
men 147,167,729
27,961,868 men have a penis 7 to 9 inches out of this group 0.42 have a penis over 5.75 going by the percent for the whole population girth 117,439 divide that by 50 states their are 2,348 people with over 5.75
15,099 per state with 4.5 to 5
1,454 with girth 6 and above
now im no mathamatition it was just a little fun to do this feel free on correcting me rofl
How much does it really matter? An 8-9" NBP and BP are both impressive penises.

But we all know how much everyone hates rhetorical responses. A quick google search indicated from several sources that the Kinsey report was BP. That's about as close to sure as you are going to get. The only better way to find out "for sure" is to talk to Kinsey himself and have him show you pictures of him actually pressing the ruler to the bone. And then how would you know for sure whether those pictures were from the actual study?
I don't see how BP is the most real form of measurement.. I mean, I don't care what my BP is, because it's not usable. For length gains of my own I only really count nbp as a real gain because that is usable, of course a BP gain is still a gain.
Well in forms of consistency, you can't push farther than the bone. It gives you a "surface" per se to measure from. With NBP it's easy to push it in that extra 1/16" if you really thought you got that gain. It's accepted that NBP is all you see, etc., but it's just not as reliable.

As far as NBP being all thats usable, I think this is misunderstood. During sex, a deep penetration is going to push on the fat pad and more of the penis becomes exposed. So it is usable to a degree.
Alright, that makes sense. It's easy to see how you could purely by mistake not measure from the same point or accidentally push in more and such with NBP. In that sense a BP measurement is more accurate and consistant. And yeah at times you can use some of it, too. It just seems it would feel wrong for if someone asked me my size and I gave them the BP measurement, it would feel like rounding up and telling half of the truth.. just because some of it is covered by the fat pad. I guess that's just me though, and it might not even matter. Heck, I doubt anyone would ask that anyway except on this forum in most cases.
I've always wondered how girth was measured also. Seems like largest girth would be the most consistent. I just found this:

'Alfred Kinsey clinical penis size survey results: In his legendary studies on all aspects of sex, Alfred Kinsey measured college males to determine what was indeed the "average" penis size. All length measurements were taken when the penises were erect, along the top of the penis, from the point where the top of the penile shaft meets the pubic area (the peno-pubic junction) to the tip. For uncircumcised men the foreskin was retracted. All girth measurements were taken from around the middle of the penis.'

This was from http://www.totse.com/en/ego/self_improvement/164201.html
But you have to consider the fact that the participants in the studies were not able to get a good full erection.

I am 8 inches bone pressed when I have my full erection. If I was being measure by someone, I imagine I would only be around 7.25 or so.
Philadelph, I see your arguement. Even so, it's pretty logical that Kinsey, being a man and a scientist, understood this and most likely took precaution to avoid, to a certain extent, ruler anxiety. Maybe some sort of visual stimulation, etc. I doubt that Kinsey would produce such a comprehensive report with 60% erections being prevalent.

And my next point, how often are you at 100% erection? For me it doesn't occur until I get close to coming or have edged for a while. I know this differs for everybody, but this study is probably just reporting those average, full erections.
I'm pretty sure that Kinsey was self-measured. I remember reading somewhere that the men were given cards and they marked their size off on the card.

Maybe DLD or someone can verify this. Are there any good studies of BPenis EnlargementL where the measuring was not self-performed?
joeym said:
I'm pretty sure that Kinsey was self-measured. I remember reading somewhere that the men were given cards and they marked their size off on the card.

Maybe DLD or someone can verify this. Are there any good studies of BPenis EnlargementL where the measuring was not self-performed?
Yea, you're right, it was self measured. So far what Cyclops9 provided in this thread was as close as I've come to the data I am looking for, but I want one that isn't self measured for a truly untainted mark.
I think I read somewhere the condom survey was not self-measured. It was done by nurses. Interestingly, the condom survey's averages came up a little shorter than the Kinsey self-measured survey. Imagine that! :D
there is no doubt in my mind that there were a couple of cheaters in a anonymous survey.. i can see guys looking around checking to see who was watching them and then marked an extra inch on their card.. :P
AlloyCG said:
Assuming all other traits are equally spread out among penis size, for instance looks, confidence and charm, women are only going to encounter an 8"er once, on average, if they've had sex with 50 men.


Unfortunately Murphy's Law might state that no matter how big our penis is it's a probability that someone else's is bigger. Then again, according to Kinsey it would be highly unlikely you will be with a girl that has had one bigger than 8x6. But what if she did? I hardly think she'd be anything less than THOROUGHLY IMPRESSED if your little 8.5x6.5 was ONLY the second biggest she's ever seen.

This is under the assumption that all men have sex with the same frequency.

I can guarantee you that the big guys are out there pounding pussy's way more than average or small ones. So that explains why women who've had their share of fucks have usually had a few or many big ones...
I think you're right, Q. Men who are hung are more confident, generally. Women respond to confidence. I know if I was magically single now, I'd definitely be hanging it out there more than I did pre-Penis Enlargement. Not saying I'm hung, just more confident. ;)
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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