
I overdid it. I kept pushing myself and was doing 2-3 15 sessions back to back every other day or so for a couple weeks. I only started not quite 3 weeks ago, and now I am not getting erections even after not doing it for 3 days. I see no visible problems, no pain or anything, but I am freakin the fack out. Please tell me this is temporary!
I actually need to revise that. There is a slightly more bluish color along the whole shaft and I have a bit of soarness or tenderness around the head. It is not super painful, but a slight pulled muscle feeling sometimes.
It is temporary, but it should be a lesson to you- next time don't overdo it and start off slow! If you want to pump for 1 hour a day- BUILD UP to it! :)
so this is not entirely uncommon?
I didn't do proper research and I have been jelqing on and off for a couple years so I felt like as long as I wasn't experiencing any pain(more than the dull stretch discomfort) that I would be okay.
A lot of internet sites have me freaked out about permanent ed or dependency from pump over usage. The anxiety has not helped.
whaaat;578293 said:
so this is not entirely uncommon?
I didn't do proper research and I have been jelqing on and off for a couple years so I felt like as long as I wasn't experiencing any pain(more than the dull stretch discomfort) that I would be okay.
A lot of internet sites have me freaked out about permanent ed or dependency from pump over usage. The anxiety has not helped.

Worry not! Anxiety would finish your EQ off in no time (and much worse than the overpumping you did). This happens all the time! It is something completely normal. I overdid some girth work and was unable to get a good EQ for quite a lot of time. But now after a good Penis Enlargement pause (girth pause mainly) I got my EQ back and even better. Just make sure you don't do it agan and realize that with rest and time- it'll get back to normal :)
Thanks for your encouragement. How long did it last for you before you were able to achieve erection again?
I woke up form a sex dream a little while ago with some engorgement but nowhere near an erection that would have been normal for me at that point. I was not able to get back to sleep after that. There would be more signs if I did permanent damage wouldn't there?
whaaat;578309 said:
Thanks for your encouragement. How long did it last for you before you were able to achieve erection again?
I woke up form a sex dream a little while ago with some engorgement but nowhere near an erection that would have been normal for me at that point. I was not able to get back to sleep after that. There would be more signs if I did permanent damage wouldn't there?

Yes, it is normal. Just wait for a month or so and it should be great :)
You're awesome, man. Thanks for the feedback. I will let you know how it goes.
Okay, so it will be a week tomorrow since my last usage. I still have a significant loss of sensitivity and I have not achieved a full erection yet. In fact The closest i have had is a very weak erection in the middle of the night like 2 nights ago, and what I think was a semi from manual stimulation today (I was in the car touching over my pants, so I couldn't really see to tell).

I have posted in several forums and people keep talking about EQ, but I have had an almost complete lack of ability to get erections at all. Was that your experience? What are the chances I did permanent damage from de-oxygenation by not following the break every 15 minutes rule?
EQ is back! Thank you so much Zambrodom for being one of the awesome people on these forums who has helped me keep my me from completely freaking out. Your feedback was extremely valuable to me!
sensitivity is not though:/. It's not totally numb, but I have not recovered near the feeling I used to have...
meh. I achieved good EQ once, I have gotten ok Eq a few times since, but I am still finding it very hard to get any kind of good erection. I am really worried about having caused something like venous leak. I know I keep getting told to wait it out, but how long could it take to recover from too much too rigorous of a workout?

I know said wait for a month or so, but my g/f is coming in town next week and I don't know what I'm going to say if I can't get it up.
whaaat;578596 said:
meh. I achieved good EQ once, I have gotten ok Eq a few times since, but I am still finding it very hard to get any kind of good erection. I am really worried about having caused something like venous leak. I know I keep getting told to wait it out, but how long could it take to recover from too much too rigorous of a workout?

I know said wait for a month or so, but my g/f is coming in town next week and I don't know what I'm going to say if I can't get it up.

Well I think in a week it should be good. Plus, I am sure that once you see your GF and start making out you will get it up easily :)
I don't know. I this seems pretty serious. I'm going to make an appt. with the urologist asap
whaaat;578621 said:
I don't know. I this seems pretty serious. I'm going to make an appt. with the urologist asap

Go and do it, but keep in mind that most urologists (not all) have no knowledge over PE and they all think it is dangerous. And they are right. PE is dangerous when done with no caution and when going too intense when you are not conditioned enough to do so. :)
Zambrodom3;578638 said:
Go and do it, but keep in mind that most urologists (not all) have no knowledge over PE and they all think it is dangerous. And they are right. PE is dangerous when done with no caution and when going too intense when you are not conditioned enough to do so. :)

...and that's what I did:(. So 3 weeks should be the magic number, eh? Well, I will make an appt. on monday so it will probably be a a fews days before I see him. I just feel like if anyone can have any insight on ED problems it would be a urologist who specializes in it. And since I don't expect there will be a whole lot he can do anyway, time will still be the deciding factor. That and herbs and whatnot.
I keep coming across threads like that where everyone is saying it is 99% psychological, while the medical sites are saying more like 15%. I know why not to trust the medical establisHydromaxent, but I also can see why there might be a bias on these boards. I would imagine the truth is somewhere in the middle.

I have been a follower of a mostly paleo type diet for many years, I take vitamins, omega-3, etc., I have an active job, I workout about 3 times a week, I never was a smoker, I'm a moderate drinker, and usually stick to vodka because it is cleaner. I have always gone through phases of more or less masturbation, sometimes 2 times a week, sometimes almost everyday and for long edging sessions, but I have never experienced total loss of EQ. Especially almost total loss of morning wood. That one is hard to explain with psychology.

I am still hopeful that this is just temporary, as I only went a couple of weeks and never experienced any real pain more than a little soreness here and there. But I have come across many threads of people saying their [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] caused some ED problems, and many of them are not concluded, so I feel up in the air with them.
You can believe whichever you want, but what made me believe that it is more of a mental problem (excluding the pelvic floor damaging- this is something created by you yourself and not in a healthy organism) is that I see many people improve with no medical treatment. Now I am unsure whether to tell you to follow the written in the thread (jelqs, KEGELS etc.)or just give your PC some rest.....
I keep coming across threads like that where everyone is saying it is 99% psychological, while the medical sites are saying more like 15%. I know why not to trust the medical establisHydromaxent, but I also can see why there might be a bias on these boards. I would imagine the truth is somewhere in the middle.

I have been a follower of a mostly paleo type diet for many years, I take vitamins, omega-3, etc., I have an active job, I workout about 3 times a week, I never was a smoker, I'm a moderate drinker, and usually stick to vodka because it is cleaner. I have always gone through phases of more or less masturbation, sometimes 2 times a week, sometimes almost everyday and for long edging sessions, but I have never experienced total loss of EQ. Especially almost total loss of morning wood. That one is hard to explain with psychology.

I am still hopeful that this is just temporary, as I only went a couple of weeks and never experienced any real pain more than a little soreness here and there. But I have come across many threads of people saying their [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] caused some ED problems, and many of them are not concluded, so I feel up in the air with them.
Hello Sir! @whaaat, Humbly requesting to please share an update on the situation!
You started a very valuable discussion (a rare one too) correlating Bathmate and Venous Leak (Specific type of ED), but We were not fortunate enough to know what your urologist said and if the damage is actually physical or psychological and whether or not Bathmate caused Venous Leak to a good penis and whether or not the damage (if any) is permanent/irreversible?
Please give an Update Sir! I myself am facing a similar problem of very bad Erection Quality after using Bathmate and I am worried to death, I am in depression and I have lost all hope in life.. please help Sir.. please help with the absolute true information, I beg you, need the correct/true information please 🙏😭
I'm not sure if our brother @whaaat is still around to give an update. Other brothers may chime in as well. But I will share my experiences with you, not base on Bathmate but on thr pump I used, which was Doc Johnson.

Hello Sir! @whaaat, Humbly requesting to please share an update on the situation!
You started a very valuable discussion (a rare one too) correlating Bathmate and Venous Leak (Specific type of ED), but We were not fortunate enough to know what your urologist said and if the damage is actually physical or psychological and whether or not Bathmate caused Venous Leak to a good penis and whether or not the damage (if any) is permanent/irreversible?
This is an example of going too hard, too fast, and too zealously on a pumping routine without first understanding the sciences and dangers behind it. When I got my pump way back in the early 2000s, the pump had a gauge, but there was no specific info on how to pump, the safety measures, and the routines required. Medical and scientific studies back then were very limited. We only had tiny slivers of info about certain data to base on and everything was all experimental. Quite a few brothers suffered temporary to permanent damages. I was lucky to only suffer temporary and put warnings on like crazy onto forums. No one wanted to listen until the damage percentages rose to 70%. Suddenly, everyone back off in 2010s to do more studies. This is why Bathmate limited to 15 minutes routine with max gaiter baffle pumping to 5inHg max. That is, until the hand pump extension was introduced to max out the pressure at 19inHg to the point of unit failure.

The brothers took advantage of this and went too hard past 10inHg, the upper safety limits, and pushed past 15inHg, the extreme limit. Past 15inHg after 5 minutes of prolong time exposure under negative pressure, it destroys not only the dorsal veins and capillaries, but the nerves are also being torn apart. This was heavily documented.

Please give an Update Sir! I myself am facing a similar problem of very bad Erection Quality after using Bathmate and I am worried to death, I am in depression and I have lost all hope in life.. please help Sir.. please help with the absolute true information, I beg you, need the correct/true information please 🙏😭
Let's refocus back onto you. Let's break down things a bit:
  1. How long of a routine did you do using which model of the BM?
  2. What was the pressure level based on the unit?
  3. How long have you use the BM unit?
  4. What sensation are you feeling now beside a drop in EQ?
  5. What is the EQ level you have now and when you notice the dropped in EQ?
Let's based on these questions first.