Skinny, tall, lanky guy here.

Any advice on slabbing on lots of muscle? I workout a few times a week. Any advice would be good.
Listen the key to gettin big is eating big. Obviously you have to lift big aswell but eating big is alot more important. Try to get 20 calories per pound of bodyweight spread through 5-6 meals. I am 200lbs and try to get 4000+ calories a day and it's not easy. Remeber this, the real work starts when you leave the gym!

P.S i fucking hate eating!!!
I wouldn't worry about calories to much. However you should be eating at least 200g of protien a day to put on muscle. Count your protien grams intead of calories and stay away from refined sugars and very fatty foods!
Here's a good one:

2 cups milk
3/4 cup ground oats
2-4tbsp peanut butter
1 scoop whey protein

1,000+ calories right there.
One week super-sets to failure.
One week super low reps high intensity.
Alternating back and forth.
Stretch those sore pumped tight muscles till' it hurts after every workout for as long as you can be bothered to. :D

You need only enough calories sufficient to SLIGHTLY increase your weight. You shouldn't be looking to add more than a 1/2 to 1 pound of mass every week.
(This is a build up cycle you are talking about right?)

Plenty of creatine, just for water retention and volume mostly every day.
Load up carbs (roughly 25 to 35% of your current daily caloric intake) about one hour prior to workouts.
Drink at least 2 liters of water starting 15-20 minutes after your routine is done. (Yes you will be pissing your ass off an hour or so later :D)
Limit carbs as much as possible the rest of the time.

This is a bulk cycle. (Not to be done all year! You will burn out your system after a few months, and the caloric intake necessary to continue this process would exceed your ability to process it correctly.) No use in being muscle bound if you destroy your kidneys and mess up your nervous system :D
There are some very good bodybuilding specific forums out there where you would get much more specific and detailed advice than you would get here. I know these guys mean well. That's my advice. Some food for thought as well, I've been "the big guy" before and it gets old really fast. I lean toward the "mesomorph" body type myself at 5' 9", broad shoulders, big wrists. I got up to 220-228 at my heaviest with a caliper measured body fat of 12%. I used to bench, squat, and dead lift twice my body weight for reps (8-10). Shoulder pressed my body weight for the same rep range as well. Counting calories IS important for an overall knowledge of knowing what you're putting into your body. "Just focus on protein" is bogus if you care about you blood pressure and long term health. Not all "protein" is the same and much of it comes from high fat, high cholesterol sources. I've seen some jokers saying "yea bro, I get 300 grams a day of protein...." and half of it is from shakes, burgers, and fatty steaks. I'm no "guru", but I've been there, done that. I got tired of eating, watching what I ate...while making sure I was eating properly to hit my daily targets, and even the lifting gets old after a while. It's hard on your body. I'm not putting down the lifestyle because, I know many people genuinely LOVE it, but most guys don't need to follow a real "body builder" approach. Save your money. Learn some basics about diet and lifting and go from there. I know it's fun to pick up a magazine and see some of those beasts, and think "daaaaamn, I wish I was hyooooge like him!". There's a lot more going on behind the scenes than you know in that models' life, trust me. LOL.

Anyway, so yea. Look up a real body building forum and pack in some knowledge.

Nowadays, I'm just interested in being in good shape and making my dick bigger. I prefer being lean and mean. That to me, means: at a good healthy body weight for my height with as little excess fat around my waist as possible, physically strong (I do mainly body weight'd be amazed what you can build with just your body) and having a healthy cardiovascular system. I run a few days a week for that. I've got a lower back "click" that will probably haunt me for the rest of my life now, bad hips, and bad shoulders. It doesn't happen to everyone, but the shit is definitely hard on your body. The "big guy" training anyway.
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I disagree, most bodybuilding forums are full or guys will huge ego's who are overly aggressive. My experiences anyways albeit you can learn snippets of info if you read around but sometimes knowing what is true from the other guys notes is hard to fathom out. Personally, read up from PROVEN minds and not some gym rat on the net .. most in those forums are on steroids anyway, so the training advice they give isnt the same like the guy who doesnt take juice.

Something else, this is not complicated yet when you read the bb forums its made to look so with fancy slag jargon that means nothing. Frankly allot of about the mainstream way of weight lifting is not actually the best way to gain strength and mass, which is why you have many guys who do fuck all in the gym in all the years they visit. The juicers get larger in those forums because they are on steroids and any training they do is often enough to stimulate growth, not to mention they are enthusiastic at that stage but once they stop it all goes. The PRO bodybuilders are obviously more on the ball, they know things more inside and out but that isn the path normal guys tred, its for them and thats fine.

Train with your brain is a good way to go about it. You really just need common sense. Read up on some good minds in this area and also some kinseology books, books on physical anatomy and how it works go far. You will learn more from that on your own then the shit churned out on the web. If you want to compete then obviously you need the bb forums, thats another kettle of fish but if your a normal guy wanting to better his body, his health then my personal advice here is stay away from it all as you can become enswirlled in that stuff which can change you, alter what you really are and tbh its not something I would want to happen to anyone.
To gain muscle you'll need 3 things:
1. Diet
2. Training, progressive resistance loading.
3. Rest

If you're serious about your goals start by reading these articles.
Beginning Weight Training
The Diet

If you want to know anything about training or diet, that site is the first site to check out. There's a very thick layer of bro-science en bs to crawl through in the fitness/bodybuilding communities before you figure out the few people who actually know what they're talking about. Save yourself the trouble.

You can spend a lot of time f'ing around in the gym not really progressing before you figure out you need to start doing some reading about proper training and nutrition, I would save myself the time and start educating yourself now (which means more than asking 'how to slab on muscle' on a penis enlargement forum, or listening to the "bro" advise you'll find on most forums)

A couple of things:
1. Start with a full body routine like Starting Strength, or Lyle's basic barbell routine. (Trust me, those 6 day a week splits you see everyone doing are vastly inferior for a natural beginner/intermediate lifter)
2. Focus on compound lifts: Squats, Bench, Pullups, Rows, Dips, Deadlifts, Military/shoulder press. Forget isolation for now.
3. Eat a caloric surplus, see diet article for kcal/macro nutrient guidelines.
4. Gaining muscle is about progressive loading. This means you'll need to progressively increase weight on the bar in order to keep growing.
5. Take proper rest.
6. Running on self-will will hurt progression most of the time. For example when certain training guidelines say you need to deload after so many weeks, do the f'ing dload. When you're told to do 3 sets of 6-8 reps and not hit failer on every one of them. You don't grind out 6 sets to failure.
7. Use proper form, have an experienced trainer look at your exercise form (especially squats) and read up on how to perform them correctly.
8. Do not read the muscle magazine, any advice from guys representing supplement companies. 95% of supplements are utter garbage, do absolutely nothing. Take your protein powder (find a cheap supplier) and your creatine mono. A multi vitamin, fish oil, calcium/magnesium, maybe vitamin D. That's it. The other stuff is a complete waste of money.
9. Don't follow the training routines of pro bodybuilders, these are completely unfit for the natural athlete who is not already very near or over their genetic limit and using steroids.
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polished sayd it. his training advise is actually describing what im doing these days.

although my diet is just paleo.

i gained 50 kg 110lbs) in my deadlift the last 2 months (gained in the other exercises aswell but this was the most extreme)

compound is the wasy to go. isolation is purely for someone who is in great shape and want that little extra for this and that muscle. not anything that the 99% of the fitness center really need
Not to say I know more than anyone else but I'm seeing a few comments that will help you get fat in a hurry. There is no "quick" way unless your a genetic freak.

Being a open minded Natural Bodybuilder, I can tell you alot of crappy advice has been passed down for years & we all end up following it. It's easy to say low reps but advising any type of program is useless without knowing your workout history.

All calories are not equal so don't fall in love with high numbers. Eating weight gainers or fatty foods will make you fat, put your health at risks & make you have shits from hell cause your body can't work with junk.

Now I'm no guru or expert by any means nor would even want those titles. But from lifting almost 10 years & bodybuilding 3, I've learned what DOESNT work. Don't fall in the trap of no progress alot of guys get caught in.
I agree, much shiet is around that has been passed down again and again. No secret, just hardwork and not to let the ego take over! VERY important I think in weight lifting is not to allow the ego in and become obsessed with going to the gym everyday for hours at a time which is no good, you will not gain muscle quicker. Dont be afraid to take rest, you will not suddenly lose muscle so dont be afraid to rest as that is when you grow. Eat healthy and keep feeding the body especially before during and after a workout. Purchase the book Nutrient Timing to help you.

Most of what you see in the gym is a fallacy and you need to rethink everything in order to really go good with it. Also dont let anyone ever tell you that static lifts or maximum contraction lifts are useless and you must do a full range of motion in order to make a muscle grow ... no study ever has been done to show this and in fact you can grow and we do grow from just partial work everyday. See heavy manuel labourers and how stocky they become, do they lift in a full range from A to B? no they dont. I have used static and max contraction workouts in the past amongst many other methods and while on that I gained allot of muscle, became gorilla strong and yet spent so less time in the gym it was insane! I could also out lift most juice heads in the local gym and they used to call me when seeing me lift very heavy partials, yet in time I tried it on a full range heavier then I used to and voila I could lift much more ... in otherwords the strength transfers to full range, it has no reason not to and again you never have to workout in a full range f motion, it can be dangerous at the negative part when the chain is weakest and thus potential for injury greatest.

Pete Sisco
John Lyttle or Little?
Vince Gironda
Mike Mentzer
Tom Venuto
Arthur Jones

Top reads in the field with no bullshit but working approach to it. Sure two of them are not meat heads but they are gorilla strong, two are dead but one was a legend trainer while the other a very clever and well ahead of himself sort of guy. Mr Venuto is very logical and knows allot of this the natrual way. Mr Jones is another legend.
Once again, if you're serious ....

Steroids. If you're not in a competitive sport why wouldn't you?

Also, starting strength and GOMAD.
I'm a tall guy too. I've gained size, but it was mostly fat, because I took advice from the wrong sources. Guys were telling me," DUDE YOU NEED TO EAT BIG TO GROW, I MEAN EVERYTHING MAN!," so that's what I did. I remember eating taco-bell boxes after training to gain size, but didn't know crap about nutrition at the time. Gained alot of WEIGHT, but not muscle. Alot of bull man in this thing. I took the time to ask questions from other bbers. One was a tall guy like myself. He taught me alot of how to train the best and gain mass the,"right way," while keeping a low waist in the process. I won't give his name, but he taught me somethings about Vince Gironda's diet, which is kind of similar to the Anabolic diet, or the diet of the 70s the bbers use.

( They'd eat meats, cheese, whole eggs and basically low to zero-carbs through-out the week, than one or two days of 36 hours, they'd fill up their glycogen with either cheat-meals or good carb-ups, than go back to the same process ). By doing this, I've gained alot of strength, kept natural size and low-waist. The downside of the Anabolic diet is that you may feel flat after an intense session, but you'll feel actually great. I felt better with tons of energy like I haven't before when carb-cycling. Try Gironda's weight gain program, or SS. See what you like. One of the things I've learnt was you have to find what works for you. Greg Valentino said that best ( Yeah he might've put synthol in his arms and had a problem with his height, but he's great with info man. ).


The guys in the golden era of bodybuilding had the right, that's why they grew so big. Loads of cottage cheese, ground-beef, steak, WHOLE eggs, spinach, CHEESEs all give loads of protein and fat for fuel, that's what they ate. There's nothing bad against carbs, but the overuse of carbs, Insulin and other stuff is why these guys produce huge bellies on stage. Where do you see a natty, or roider ever with small waists doing vaccum poses like the guys back then? Frank Zane comes to mind. He had one of the best vaccum poses that made judges go wild. That's what I like. Guess I'll stick to it.


I've bulked before and it didn't work out for me. Gained lots of weight in the process and less muscle. I missed the point about having the body in a nitrogen-balance. Plus I'm an endo, so I really have to keep myself strict of some of these diets unlike guys who are naturally defined can take it and still look lean. You wanna' look good while taking your shirt off with a ripped body, proportion and symmetry.
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pest;475949 said:
Once again, if you're serious ....

Steroids. If you're not in a competitive sport why wouldn't you?

Also, starting strength and GOMAD.

lol, Is this a troll post? Haha. Noone needs steroids. Although, If you want it, that's cool, not like I'm gonna' hate you, but natural is a most respectable title when gaining mass imo.
I'm a professional athlete, so I don't go near steroids (I know, unlike most of my competitors). But if you just want to gain weight, the best thing you can do is Starting Strenght, GOMAD (I wouldn't fucking dream of doing GOMAD but hey, I'm not desperate to gain weight and I'm not American) and roids.

In fact, you could probably go to a doctor and explain your issues with body image and depression and he'd prescribe you freaking steroids. So ye know, why wouldn't some guy, who's just doing it for life, for happiness or for women, why wouldn't he roid up?

For real, no troll.
polishedbrass;473363 said:
To gain muscle you'll need 3 things:
1. Diet
2. Training, progressive resistance loading.
3. Rest

If you're serious about your goals start by reading these articles.
Beginning Weight Training
The Diet

If you want to know anything about training or diet, that site is the first site to check out. There's a very thick layer of bro-science en bs to crawl through in the fitness/bodybuilding communities before you figure out the few people who actually know what they're talking about. Save yourself the trouble.

You can spend a lot of time f'ing around in the gym not really progressing before you figure out you need to start doing some reading about proper training and nutrition, I would save myself the time and start educating yourself now (which means more than asking 'how to slab on muscle' on a penis enlargement forum, or listening to the "bro" advise you'll find on most forums)

A couple of things:
1. Start with a full body routine like Starting Strength, or Lyle's basic barbell routine. (Trust me, those 6 day a week splits you see everyone doing are vastly inferior for a natural beginner/intermediate lifter)
2. Focus on compound lifts: Squats, Bench, Pullups, Rows, Dips, Deadlifts, Military/shoulder press. Forget isolation for now.
3. Eat a caloric surplus, see diet article for kcal/macro nutrient guidelines.
4. Gaining muscle is about progressive loading. This means you'll need to progressively increase weight on the bar in order to keep growing.
5. Take proper rest.
6. Running on self-will will hurt progression most of the time. For example when certain training guidelines say you need to deload after so many weeks, do the f'ing dload. When you're told to do 3 sets of 6-8 reps and not hit failer on every one of them. You don't grind out 6 sets to failure.
7. Use proper form, have an experienced trainer look at your exercise form (especially squats) and read up on how to perform them correctly.
8. Do not read the muscle magazine, any advice from guys representing supplement companies. 95% of supplements are utter garbage, do absolutely nothing. Take your protein powder (find a cheap supplier) and your creatine mono. A multi vitamin, fish oil, calcium/magnesium, maybe vitamin D. That's it. The other stuff is a complete waste of money.
9. Don't follow the training routines of pro bodybuilders, these are completely unfit for the natural athlete who is not already very near or over their genetic limit and using steroids.

Spot on. I have to agree about the online communities. Takes ages to get down to common sense/good advice.

Good post - all the right stuff for the OP to be considering. +rep
Just in case anyone is wondering; GOMAD stands for: Gallon Of Milk A Day. Great, if you're not lactose intolerant, or a casein sensitive.

And Here's a review for "Starting Strength":

Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training is the new expanded version of the book that has been called "the best and most useful of fitness books." It picks up where Starting Strength: A Simple and Practical Guide for Coaching Beginners leaves off. With all new graphics and more than 750 illustrations, a more detailed analysis of the five most important exercises in the weight room, and a new chapter dealing with the most important assistance exercises, Basic Barbell Training offers the most complete examination in print of the most effective way to exercise.

Just in case anyone was wondering just what in the fuck pest is always on about.
MAXAMEYES;481478 said:
Just in case anyone is wondering; GOMAD stands for: Gallon Of Milk A Day. Great, if you're not lactose intolerant, or a casein sensitive.

And Here's a review for "Starting Strength":

Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training is the new expanded version of the book that has been called "the best and most useful of fitness books." It picks up where Starting Strength: A Simple and Practical Guide for Coaching Beginners leaves off. With all new graphics and more than 750 illustrations, a more detailed analysis of the five most important exercises in the weight room, and a new chapter dealing with the most important assistance exercises, Basic Barbell Training offers the most complete examination in print of the most effective way to exercise.

Just in case anyone was wondering just what in the fuck pest is always on about.

Like I said, I wouldn't dream of doing GOMAD. I don't even do SS because it's not specific to my sport, but everyone else I know who works out just for fun or to be 'big' does SS. Sorry, that's not true ... everyone who's actually gained does SS, maybe with some vanity exercises and then I know some other people who get fuck all gains doing a split or whatever bullshit they invent whenever they show up to 'train'.
pest;481573 said:
Like I said, I wouldn't dream of doing GOMAD. I don't even do SS because it's not specific to my sport, but everyone else I know who works out just for fun or to be 'big' does SS. Sorry, that's not true ... everyone who's actually gained does SS, maybe with some vanity exercises and then I know some other people who get fuck all gains doing a split or whatever bullshit they invent whenever they show up to 'train'.

SS is a great program for novice > intermediate level trainees, vastly superior to what most people are doing in the gym (like 6-day a week splits) But not at all the only good program, and it might not even be the best program for people who are not getting into power lifting but simply wish to gain good strength and mass.

A couple of downsides to ss are:
1. No direct lat training, there is only 1 set of deadlifts a week. The incorporation of chin ups would have been better. > But chins are not a power lift competition move so there is no focus.
2. Power cleans. This is a technical move that is not at all required if you're not training for powerlifting. For most people the clean can best be replaced by chins/rows.

Second: SS is called starting strength for a reason. When intermediate/advanced strength levels are reached most people will have to move to another program to continue making progress.

GOMAD is a bad idea for people who are not true hard gainers. (which is the vast majority of people) At a certain point more calories will not do anything more to help you grow. Going 1000-2000 kcal over maintenance will do little more than 500 kcal over, except make you real fat, real fast.
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polishedbrass;481610 said:
SS is a great program for novice > intermediate level trainees, vastly superior to what most people are doing in the gym (like 6-day a week splits) But not at all the only good program, and it might not even be the best program for people who are not getting into power lifting but simply wish to gain good strength and mass.

A couple of downsides to ss are:
1. No direct lat training, there is only 1 set of deadlifts a week. The incorporation of chin ups would have been better. > But chins are not a power lift competition move so there is no focus.
2. Power cleans. This is a technical move that is not at all required if you're not training for powerlifting. For most people the clean can best be replaced by chins/rows.

Second: SS is called starting strength for a reason. When intermediate/advanced strength levels are reached most people will have to move to another program to continue making progress.

GOMAD is a bad idea for people who are not true hard gainers. (which is the vast majority of people) At a certain point more calories will not do anything more to help you grow. Going 1000-2000 kcal over maintenance will do little more than 500 kcal over, except make you real fat, real fast.

Solid info. I think SS is worse for the rear delts than for the lats and I agree, Chins / pull-ups are a MUST add-on. But I don't think the power clean is a technical move and I'm not sure there's any use for it in power lifting.

But as you say, SS is better than what most people are doing ... it take a lot of the guess work out of lifting, a lot of the "I'm a totally beginner with 0 knowledge but I know my body, etc".

As for GOMAD I think it's fucking insane but there's no doubt that if you do SS, Steroids, GOMAD and be a newbie you'll see the biggest gains in terms of 'slabbing on muscle'. I wouldn't advise it, I think the concept of 'slabbing on muscle' is retarded but that is what the OP asked.