Not sure if anyone has posted this before but here it is...

I'm going to keep this simple

Really all this is is a skinny cylinder object long enough to cover the width of the fastsize bars (the ones your dick goes in between).
What I use for the skinny cylinder/pole/bar etc (whatever you want to call it) are the left over extension bars that are ment to add more length to the fastsize. Hope you understand what Im talking about.

What you do is -

1.) get yourself in the fast size
2.) after your all adjusted, set up, and getting a stretch put the bar in between your penis and the fast size's bars. You can place the bar beneath or on the underside of the fast size's bars. My advice would be to switch them up every now and then. Or else if your trying to get that "upward curve" then put it on the underside until your satisfied.

If anyone trys this out let me know how it goes
Excellent Idea! A mini DLD Blaster, genius!
i like this idea, but doesnt it kind of cut off/squish that pipe under your penis where your piss comes out?, is that dangerous?,
how long can you do for at a time?
phaseshift - Thanks for the pic, that's a perfect example. Just remember guys you can have the horizontal bar on top of the bars or below them.

matthew2003 - I'm not sure I understand your first question. But as for how long I can wear it.. It kinda depends. Sometimes hours and sometimes 30 min. It all depends on how well you wrap and how well your conditioned. Just go with how you feel, if you feel discomfort that you think could be potentially dangerous then take it off.... Its different for everyone, you need to find what duration/intensity works for you
You could actually start putting in larger and larger rods across and start really stepping up your gains.
doublelongdaddy;375054 said:
You could actually start putting in larger and larger rods across and start really stepping up your gains.

yeah but as long as your adding bars to your [words=]extender[/words] it should equal out

do this for awhile and then take the bar out and what you thought was your max stretch now feels like nothing... add more bars and repeat
also after you have your first bar in.. you can really step it up and add another bar an inch or so up. So if you got one bar on the underside put another on the topside (go up the shaft a bit).
I've done this with ink pens, I was concerned about the pressure on the urethra at first as well, but it never caused any problems for me. In hindsight, that is probably a lot less stressful than some of the other crazy contraptions/exercises I put my unit through, so I say go for it! Also, that company that other discussion site endorses (can't remember the name right now) used to sell a piece that was used in the exact same way, I think they called it the V-stretch attachment.

I just remembered the company, it's Autoextender, I was too lazy to re-write my above paragraph! Look it up, you'll see what I'm talking about. I have never bought anything from them, they have some pretty shoddy reviews, but you can get some ideas from their products.

The V attachment that autoextender pushes was stolen from another product a few years back. The idea has been around in many forms for many years but has never yielded positive results. Thunders added it because it's one more thing they can sell their captive audience.
What it accomplishes is a little more stretch than without the bar, but you can just extend the bars on the stretcher to achieve the same amount of stretch. The problem is that you can only get a limited amount of stretch out of an [words=]extender[/words] because of the attachment, so although putting the bar under/over the shaft may increase the stretch at any given rod length, you can get the same effect by simply extending the rods. Hanging over a fulcrum is another story because you can put on tons of weight (in theory, unlimited amounts of weight) without the hanger falling off, enough weight that adding the V stretch or fulcrum may do some good over and above simply hanging with your shaft straight. Autoextender is piggy backing that theory of the V stretch, but I don't think it translates into reality because of the nature of [words=]extenders[/words], and their limited pullling power (compared to a hanger).

Thanks for the applauds from those who gave them

Also to the other posts.. I figured there was some form of this technique out there already but wasn't sure. But I think it was a good thing to post none the less b/c some people had no idea about it.

On another note.. Hows to say one thing has no effect? If you are doing an array of exercises how can you know which one was yielding the results or if they all were? The thing about this that I like is it feels like its stretching the "inner penis". The fast size also uses springs at the base which will compress and take away stretch power. I'm not saying this is a sure way to results...
I think the original idea was using a fulcrum between the base and the weight would create a more effective hang by somewhat "isolating" the weight to a shorter portion of the penis. The problem with the theory is that while it does put more stress on the fulcrum point, it doesn't seem to do anything for faster growth. It can also be trouble for some guys who are susceptible to injury as it does pin-point the weight. You will likely achieve fatigue at the fulcrum point very quickly.

I have found that the feeling of fatigue is no assurance you're growing any faster than without it. I think for all of us who seek fatigue it gives us feedback on our efforts and tells us we're hitting the same area and inducing good stress. I have grown without the feeling of fatigue though.

One clear advantage of the fulcrum is that you can reduce your weight and still get a good workout. (I've always wondered about systematically moving the fulcrum around.)
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For all of those who own or are about to purchase a FastSize [words=]Extender[/words]
here is a Video [words=]MoS[/words] put together on how to wear it.
Special Thanks to StillWantsMore for Shooting it.

plokter;376526 said:
I was using this principle with a normal pen to fix my curve.

Such a simple but awesome idea.