Today I finally decided to start a real Penis Enlargement routine after over a month decon break. I am getting real with it now. After assessing where I'm at, I have decided I want to get back to a solid 6" girth above everything else. Also influencing that decision is that for some reason when I stretch, my penis starts to "flush" with this intense feeling, which doesn't feel pleasant. I take it as my body saying STOP!

One very interesting thing that I notice now when I stretch out my penis is that the tunica is much more pliable than it ever has been. There is a member here who has a 10" bpel stretch, big joe or something like that? Anyway, you can tell that this dude has a pretty elastic tunica based on his pics. It seems that mine has always been quite stiff, but now it is very pliable. The tissue stretches very easily now. Perhaps this shall be good for future hanging. But I want to make sure I find out what's up with the body signals from stretching and make sure that issue is healed properly before I continue with a length routine.

Today I started my workout. I did a 5 minute shower warm up, pulled out my homeade PowerJelq, and I performed 2 [words=]x 50[/words] sets of light perpendicular jelqs (squish the penis from the sides rather than top and bottom) with the device. It feels odd to say this but, damn that was a workout! It feels like I have just started jelqing for the first time. I can tell that this device is really going to help me. That's all I can handle right now without going overboard. I concluded with a 5 minute warm down in the shower.

I'm going to treat this methodically like I did when I first started as a 16 year old curious boy.

So, today's schedule has been:

Dosed 15 mg of liquid tadalafil
5 minute warm up in shower
2 [words=]x 50[/words] perpendicular PowerJelqs
5 minute warm down in shower

5 minutes warm up in shower
2 [words=]x 50[/words] power jelqs
5 minutes warm down in shower

Feeling good and hanging larger.
10 inch,

Could you post a pic of your hand made power jelq apparatus? Is it complicated to make? I'll bet not.

Good luck with your renewed routine, good pal!!!
Well I've been going steady on my 2 [words=]x 50[/words] power jelqs a day routine. Penis is feeling good and the erections are getting firmer, although no size increase yet, but this is the preliminary.
Things have been going great! My flaccid hang has never been better and it seems that my penis is in tip-top shape. All I'm doing, daily, is:

3 [words=]x 20[/words] minutes hanging at 2.5 lbs with the BIB Starter
5 minute shower warm up
2 [words=]x 50[/words] power jelqs (perpendicular up-down position, not standard parallel)
5 minutes shower warm down

Still taking:

2500 mg (2.5 g) of L-Arginine in the morning
NOW Men's Virility Formula (2 at night, 1 in morning) *Need to restock*
Two GNC Men's Saw Palmetto Foruma in the morning
Liquid tadalafil (Cialis) 10-15 mg every 5 days
I have had to move to one-on-one-off routine for hanging because my tunica seems to be too sore from hanging everyday, which I think might be the culprit of my weak erections as of late, which have returned to normal after not hanging everyday and returning to tadalafil (Cialis) usage.

Just measured 8.25" bp (7.75" nbp) x 5.85" mseg standing with no Penis Enlargement done today. Hopefully I will work out a schedule soon due to my new classes and readings so that I can continue to lose weight (hence .75" to .5" for my fat pad).