Hey, I dont know if you recognize me (Xtroop) from CC or not, but I'm a member there. I'm just curious b/c there is a post there under you name in your progress journal that says,
I have just subscribed to PenisAdvantage and it is the best of all the paid sites I have seen. I haven't seen very good gains at all since coming to college so hopefully I can gain somenew insite into this. My new goal is 7.5 x 6. I want a big dick, not a huge one. It seems to be just about the right size.
Did you write that?? or is that tampered with??
Another thing, when I first read about all this junk, my first impression was that, Well... if some guy makes money off of me .. Who cares??? Regardless of whatever site, I'm getting good information that's makeing my penis bigger, free of cost. I don't mind if some guy makes a little bit of cash.
HOWEVER, there is one thing that I find very persuasive to my personal interests and has brought me over to this forum and Thund3rs Pl@ce.com (though, I'm still active at CC as well)
And that is A), this site allows you to post links, which may potentially help viewers and, to me, show that the viewers interest is the number one priority, not financial interests of the site owner. At CC, if you post a link to another Penis Enlargement site, they will edit it away.
There is also B), which is the thing that makes a site like this trully great. Not some revoultionary routine, not some crazy gurantee, not coprighted material... but a large an active community. What makes Penis Enlargement possible is all of us. I know, if it wasn't for the FREE forums, I would have NEVER delved upon the realm of Penis Enlargement.
And truthfully, there is not stopping this spread of information, so site owners might as well embrace it and contribute.