I want to make some thigs clear first.
Some of you aint a clue whats going on at PP....well I left like a week ago.
I made posts their telling all this.
I have now copyed and pasted it into this post for u to read.,.,what Lukey got upto and why I left.
I think its time for us all to move on away from here.
I am at least.
I have been at Pride Penis now since January....I have risen from a normal member to a Moderater...helping out everyday I can with what I can.
As a MOD I am given control of editing things that should not be here...making changes and enforcing rules amongst other things.
But over the past few months this site has really hit ROCK BOTTOM.
We have like 5 MOD's....but only two of them...myself included along with DLD ever visit and help....this is bad.
I have had words with Lukey the owner of this site......you'd think he would be bothered????well NOPenis Enlargement.....he never even returns my e-mails about concerns for this place.....needing new mods and ideas doing.
He is leaving it all to me and DLD ta do......now I and DLD dont even have full controls to MOD with....infact I can only MOD two sections here and DLD cant edit any.
So spammers and alsorts can come here and do as they please as theirs no mods and lukey dunt care.
The biggest thing that annoys me however...and the deciding factor in me packing up is the fact LukeyBoy is USING ME and YOU to make MONEY....without telling us.
You've seen the Virility pills signs everywhere????? well everytime you click on that he makes money from it.......the more times its clicked from Pride Penis the more money he gets......now he gets like 2000+ visits still to this day....add that up...thats a few £££$$$ aday.
Also on his site.....one ofthe main pages he only ENDORSES Penis Advantage as a pay-guide......AGAIN when you click on the link their...he makes MORE cash.
Awhile back he censored DLD's name from this site......WHY alot of ya said....well it was simply becoz dld was saying I wonna help out and get my site known [Dld has a free site and a paysite] and he simply had the URL in his signiture, not spamming as he asked and its related to our site and hes a GENUINE NICE GUY I am telling ya...one of us.
Anywyas LukeyBoy started editing his name....so none of yous could find any of his stuff here....or indeed click on his site
http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/ and incae thats still blocked here it is again but with spaces between.......
www. [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]matters of size[/words]. com.
DLD doesnt do the same thing as the greeedy bastard companys do and pay folk for adding them to a site.....DLD dunt need to his site ouzes quality and this let him down with luke IMHO as Lukey saw no profit and he was a threat to his Penis advantage and virility pills profit so he had to go.
At one point DLD was BANNED from Pride Penis.
I have been running around behind the scenes here...TRYING MY BEST to get lukey to get new mods in and spend time at HIS site....but no response.
This leads me to belive he is only in it for the money.
I dont like that so I have had it.
One of Lukeys real-life freinds also runs a FREE pe site like this.....and he also endorses Penis advantage ONLY things to gain PROFIT from YOU......thats why they wont you to join and visit....not to really help you......do they ever post to you?????/DIDNT THINK SO.....it money they want and you clicking around here is helping them.
I get not a penny from it....I never have and dont want to either.
But this is now the last straw for me.
I STRONGLY advise all of you to visit and join
www.mattersofsize.com/forums/ or if thats edited their cos of luke than I ll type it again with spaces between the words
w w w.matters of size. com/forums/ <<<<<<<< join that site its FREE like this one with MORE members and TONS of better stuff....and most important NO SHIT their like their is here making money from you and not caring about helping you.
The guys and gals at [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] are THE MOST DEDICATED in this field ever.....like a 1000 of me.
I am STAYING THEIR NOW....thats my home.....if you want me thats where I am at.
Please if you do come along with me.....join up as ya names are here....so I know whos you are.
I hope now you can see that Lukey doesnt care about you or this site....only to make money of mens worries.....thats the way its always been and I cant be silent anymore.
Lukey your an ARSEHOLE a money digging piece of shit......well ya not using me anymore ya fucker.
That above was the EXACT post I made at PP.
Punky this answers your question.
Next,,,,No I did not hack the site.
Next I agree with you Waxn and some others about the CC crap and MATT......what a wanker full-stop.
The 72 hour pllan to magiclly make ya cock 2 inches bigger....give me a fuckin break,
CC is like PP in a way...they plug that paysite Waxn signed up for....of course they OWN IT....I didnt know this.
Makes ya wonder if lukey owns Virility Pills????? Hydromaxmmmm
Anyways Waxn we have had a few arguments....I would like to put that behind us, I know we had disagreements about sizes and things, but its a discussion and your a passionate guy with this stuff...I said this and I will again YOU WERE THE ONLY Member from CC I used to respect....the only mature one anyway.
Now why I say all this? Bury old pasts yes but also as I did reveal my size....okay critism was made, fair enough....you guys mention Matt has NEVER revealed a picture of him self as a big boy he states.....I and many others have RISKED being knifed from all of you to PROVE our selves to this journey.....I respect all your opinions, just sometimes its hard to stomach being called a fake when ya not.
But anyways....Matt is a real life freind of Lukey from the UK.
I hate matt for his attitude which S T I N K S bad...but at least he bothers with his site....Lukey NEVER bothers with it....infact I MYSELF with very limited controls kept it running for many months....it got to its al-time high with me.....made alot of new members but ukey didnt care so I went...MOS is my home...a great crowd and a great leader.
Pride Penis is D E A D...it was nuthing......I made my name their YEA....but only cos I had the damn knowledge and dedication to do so....the site didnt make me I made the site.....now its gone.
One less to worry about.
If any of you go their PLEASE post this sites URL their so any members stuck can come here for help...that'll piss Lukey off...infact it wont as hes never their.
It dunt surprise me either that it maybe hacked....the amount of times I told him about security and BACKING UP.....I dont think he does.
Anyways just thought I should make some here....any questions to me than fire away....spanish inquestion even.