LOL, I used to visit the Pride Penis forum everyday this year. A week ago I read a thread that RED wrote and as well found myself here, which by the way is a kick ass site. Well I went back today to visit that forum and add to my routine, which I just added more girth this week from. The forum is cleaned out, nothing is there! Every thread deleted. lol, Hydromaxmm RED I wonder why, lol. Well it was a good place at one time, you and DLD diffenitely helped me make progress from there.

~Lukey Boy screwed up, that site will never regain itself~
Lukey must of deleted everything to hide his tracks of lies.
I had nuthing to do with it....I had minor MOD access nevermind ADMIN.
Nuthing lost IMHO it was ran by ME with small control....I did wonders with it got my name noted I'll give it that but I worked for it.
[words=]MOS[/words] is here....its the best.
A exercise post is on the cards too, like at PP where all the guys exercises they post are all linked in a thread and stuck to the main section.

Why not mention [words=]MOS[/words] at the dead pp and give us more visitors....its death may not be wasted after all.....I cant access the site as I am having probz with my IE so if any of you want to......Hydromaxmm spam this place their.....go ahead. wouldnt be spamming now would it? an empty forum remember.

Keep this post alive as well all with news on the dead PP.
Originally posted by REDZULU2003
Lukey must of deleted everything to hide his tracks of lies.
I had nuthing to do with it....I had minor MOD access nevermind ADMIN.
Nuthing lost IMHO it was ran by ME with small control....I did wonders with it got my name noted I'll give it that but I worked for it.
[words=]MOS[/words] is here....its the best.
A exercise post is on the cards too, like at PP where all the guys exercises they post are all linked in a thread and stuck to the main section.

Why not mention [words=]MOS[/words] at the dead pp and give us more visitors....its death may not be wasted after all.....I cant access the site as I am having probz with my IE so if any of you want to......Hydromaxmm spam this place their.....go ahead. wouldnt be spamming now would it? an empty forum remember.

Keep this post alive as well all with news on the dead PP.

What lies was that?

It seems that Luke and that twat Matt from Cheeky Cherry like to say how "big" they are yet never actually tell their size, routine, show pictures or give actual help.

I used to visit PP along time ago.
I dont get it, i know luckey boy just stoopped posting for ages and he never gave his stats or nothing, but it was a free forum so how did he do it for the money. Can someone please tell me what went on? and i would be glad to help lead the people from PP to here.
Originally posted by kurei
dont you know?? everything in this world is done 4 da moneyy..
few left of us that are decent...

There still some honest, good folk out there. I built my entire business, forum and cock on straight up honesty. You can check my posts & pictures right down to the letter without an inconsistency (and I'm talking about all the forums). Although my intension's have been attacked my plight was never changed by the haters...I still do what I do the way I always done it. Honesty always prevails.
Originally posted by Long Worm
It seems that Luke and that twat Matt from Cheeky Cherry like to say how "big" they are yet never actually tell their size, routine, show pictures or give actual help.
Long, ages ago I purchased Penis Advantage (owned by Matt/Godma Webley of Cheeky Cherry) - was a TOTAL WASTE OF MONEY....."Vulcan Jelqs!" PLEASE! Gimme a break....anyway, I have a suspicion that they skinny guy doing the video clips on the [words=]PA[/words] site is Matt -- you know, the guy who is maybe 6" erect. Yet on CC, he tried to imply that he was around 10" - if not more. In his bio he decribes how he now has a massive cock, screws so many chicks each week, etc.
If his cock is sooooooooooo MASSIVE, then why doesn't he do the videos for the site, where "Godma's" pix & routines are? Wouldn't a huge dick in those videos add to their credibility? Why use a smallish-average cock to demonstrate *Penis Enlargement* exercises??? Because, I think, Matt has a smallish-average cock. Forget all that big-dick bullshit.
I've heard so much about that guy and I could bitch about 1,000 different things. But I haven't been back there is many months, nor will I ever go back. I think [words=]MOS[/words] & Thunder's are all I need to sustain growth & hit my goals.
I believe you DLD, this is a great site, no ones bitching and complaining or giving each other a hard time. Everything you need to know about P.E. is here, I love it. I have come across a forum or 2 in the beginning where some newbies or hard gainers were putting you down, but thats just there luck and the place they're stuck in, like cheakycherry. I'm sure you don't need to post in your own forum that your for real. We all see that. And thanks for doing such a great job here, and always being here as well, unlike some other people. hint hint --> Lukey Boy
Originally posted by MustBeDreaming
DLD, this is a great site, no ones bitching and complaining or giving each other a hard time.

This is so true. Our MOD forum is rarely used here for the simple reason we generally have no MOD issues. Everyone presents their point of view here with compassion for one another and this is what makes this such a pleasant forum.
Hey DLD, RED, I went back to the other forum, everyones posts are being deleted every hour it seems, lol. So either its Lukey or possibly a hacker that got into the site, you never know, most likely the timing is just too much of a coincidence. Hopefully you get to back up your forum folders every so often. Cause, damn that would be so scary to come in here one day and everything was gone. I know that won't happen. I'm just mad that all the posts I wrote and my logs are gone there, I'm sure a lot of other guys feel the same.
Well, that's enough out of me. Hopefully some of the informative members there will find there way here, cause posting it there, which someone did, didn't stay up for more than an hour.
Originally posted by MustBeDreaming
Hopefully you get to back up your forum folders every so often.

3 times a week:)
The thing i noticed about matt from cc is all his bragging about his size.. and ive never really noticed anyone genuinly huge who ever bragged about his size.. which lead me to think he was full of shit

btw what is the link to pridepenis?
Originally posted by Hopingbig
The thing i noticed about matt from cc is all his bragging about his size.. and ive never really noticed anyone genuinly huge who ever bragged about his size.. which lead me to think he was full of shit

btw what is the link to pridepenis?

Nothings gives credibility in this game more than a picture with a ruler. I could not have gotten to my current level of respect if I never backed up my claims.
Originally posted by doublelongdaddy
Nothings gives credibility in this game more than a picture with a ruler. I could not have gotten to my current level of respect if I never backed up my claims.

I want to make some thigs clear first.

Some of you aint a clue whats going on at PP....well I left like a week ago.
I made posts their telling all this.

I have now copyed and pasted it into this post for u to read.,.,what Lukey got upto and why I left.


I think its time for us all to move on away from here.
I am at least.
I have been at Pride Penis now since January....I have risen from a normal member to a Moderater...helping out everyday I can with what I can.
As a MOD I am given control of editing things that should not be here...making changes and enforcing rules amongst other things.

But over the past few months this site has really hit ROCK BOTTOM.
We have like 5 MOD's....but only two of them...myself included along with DLD ever visit and help....this is bad.
I have had words with Lukey the owner of this'd think he would be bothered????well NOPenis Enlargement.....he never even returns my e-mails about concerns for this place.....needing new mods and ideas doing.
He is leaving it all to me and DLD ta I and DLD dont even have full controls to MOD with....infact I can only MOD two sections here and DLD cant edit any.
So spammers and alsorts can come here and do as they please as theirs no mods and lukey dunt care.

The biggest thing that annoys me however...and the deciding factor in me packing up is the fact LukeyBoy is USING ME and YOU to make MONEY....without telling us.
You've seen the Virility pills signs everywhere????? well everytime you click on that he makes money from it.......the more times its clicked from Pride Penis the more money he he gets like 2000+ visits still to this day....add that up...thats a few £££$$$ aday.
Also on his ofthe main pages he only ENDORSES Penis Advantage as a pay-guide......AGAIN when you click on the link their...he makes MORE cash.

Awhile back he censored DLD's name from this site......WHY alot of ya said....well it was simply becoz dld was saying I wonna help out and get my site known [Dld has a free site and a paysite] and he simply had the URL in his signiture, not spamming as he asked and its related to our site and hes a GENUINE NICE GUY I am telling of us.
Anywyas LukeyBoy started editing his none of yous could find any of his stuff here....or indeed click on his site and incae thats still blocked here it is again but with spaces between.......www. [words=]matters of size[/words]. com.
DLD doesnt do the same thing as the greeedy bastard companys do and pay folk for adding them to a site.....DLD dunt need to his site ouzes quality and this let him down with luke IMHO as Lukey saw no profit and he was a threat to his Penis advantage and virility pills profit so he had to go.
At one point DLD was BANNED from Pride Penis.

I have been running around behind the scenes here...TRYING MY BEST to get lukey to get new mods in and spend time at HIS site....but no response.
This leads me to belive he is only in it for the money.
I dont like that so I have had it.

One of Lukeys real-life freinds also runs a FREE pe site like this.....and he also endorses Penis advantage ONLY things to gain PROFIT from YOU......thats why they wont you to join and visit....not to really help they ever post to you?????/DIDNT THINK money they want and you clicking around here is helping them.

I get not a penny from it....I never have and dont want to either.
But this is now the last straw for me.


I STRONGLY advise all of you to visit and join or if thats edited their cos of luke than I ll type it again with spaces between the words
w w w.matters of size. com/forums/ <<<<<<<< join that site its FREE like this one with MORE members and TONS of better stuff....and most important NO SHIT their like their is here making money from you and not caring about helping you.
The guys and gals at [words=]MOS[/words] are THE MOST DEDICATED in this field a 1000 of me.

I am STAYING THEIR NOW....thats my home.....if you want me thats where I am at.
Please if you do come along with me.....join up as ya names are I know whos you are.

I hope now you can see that Lukey doesnt care about you or this site....only to make money of mens worries.....thats the way its always been and I cant be silent anymore.
Lukey your an ARSEHOLE a money digging piece of shit......well ya not using me anymore ya fucker.


That above was the EXACT post I made at PP.
Punky this answers your question.

Next,,,,No I did not hack the site.

Next I agree with you Waxn and some others about the CC crap and MATT......what a wanker full-stop.
The 72 hour pllan to magiclly make ya cock 2 inches bigger....give me a fuckin break,
CC is like PP in a way...they plug that paysite Waxn signed up for....of course they OWN IT....I didnt know this.
Makes ya wonder if lukey owns Virility Pills????? Hydromaxmmmm

Anyways Waxn we have had a few arguments....I would like to put that behind us, I know we had disagreements about sizes and things, but its a discussion and your a passionate guy with this stuff...I said this and I will again YOU WERE THE ONLY Member from CC I used to respect....the only mature one anyway.
Now why I say all this? Bury old pasts yes but also as I did reveal my size....okay critism was made, fair guys mention Matt has NEVER revealed a picture of him self as a big boy he states.....I and many others have RISKED being knifed from all of you to PROVE our selves to this journey.....I respect all your opinions, just sometimes its hard to stomach being called a fake when ya not.

But anyways....Matt is a real life freind of Lukey from the UK.

I hate matt for his attitude which S T I N K S bad...but at least he bothers with his site....Lukey NEVER bothers with it....infact I MYSELF with very limited controls kept it running for many got to its al-time high with me.....made alot of new members but ukey didnt care so I went...MOS is my home...a great crowd and a great leader.

Pride Penis is D E A was nuthing......I made my name their YEA....but only cos I had the damn knowledge and dedication to do so....the site didnt make me I made the its gone.
One less to worry about.

If any of you go their PLEASE post this sites URL their so any members stuck can come here for help...that'll piss Lukey off...infact it wont as hes never their.

It dunt surprise me either that it maybe hacked....the amount of times I told him about security and BACKING UP.....I dont think he does.

Anyways just thought I should make some here....any questions to me than fire away....spanish inquestion even.
Mustbedreaming, I'm also kind of pissed about PP too. All of us who were members there lost our posts and progress logs. I know they weren't ours anyway..but jut just the same, I am sure nobody expected everything to be deleted.

Red, you were right about the site and everything. I am posting a link to this site every chance I get.
Hey guys,

Thats shit wat lukey was doing man. He was using us if whats been said is true. This post has got me upto date! lol i hadent visted pp for a while cuz i been on holiday :) but ive moved over to here now. I been here 2 mins n allready like this place better!

Sunburnt Yetti
And a big welcome to ya Sunburnt Yetti. I haven't beeen tp PP site in a couple months. Too hard to navagate around at that site. This place is like home. Ya come in kick your shoes off and have at it!
Just checked the ol forum. Lukey Boy is posting now saying his site was hacked and he is sad. lol. But funny thing is, certain posts are still being deleted. He said he's said he's restoring everything. Most likely not everything.
I went to the old PP site, too, after reading your post, dreamin. It's not the same yet. It's like a skeleton compared to what it was. Reckon I will start hanging out here more often.
Heh everybody talks shit about everybody. DLD is hated in CC and Matt is hated here. I don't know what to believe. Do you have proof Lukeyboy and Matt are friends in RL? And I do agree that Matt is full of shit in that his site is just an advertisement with a forum in it. I just bought penisadvantage now I am gonna get my money back and get [words=]MOS[/words].
Simply ask Lukey Boy is he mates with Matt in real-life?

I know Matt and Lukey e-mailed me alot passing messages on...theirs alot you will NEVER know.
Originally posted by Synthetic
Heh everybody talks shit about everybody. DLD is hated in CC and Matt is hated here. I don't know what to believe. Do you have proof Lukeyboy and Matt are friends in RL? And I do agree that Matt is full of shit in that his site is just an advertisement with a forum in it. I just bought penisadvantage now I am gonna get my money back and get [words=]MOS[/words].

Good luck on getting ya money back. I joined several other pay sites before I joined [words=]MOS[/words]. All had a money back guarentee, but i never got a dime back. I gained more in 3-4 months here than most men gain in 2 years so i finally stopped fretting over it. IF I had it to do over again and knew what i know now i woud just give [words=]MOS[/words] the 175.00 and be happy.
It's not a matter about simply "talking shit," there are valid arguments about CC (and I don't know anything about the other site with Lukey or whatever his name is).
CC is nothing but a feeder site for Penis Advantage, which Matt owns (his actual name is Matt Webley). He is also uses multiple log-ins (such as "godma"). He talks about the "trainer" Roger - who most likely is also Matt. He also implies that he is enormous, yet has never offered a pic or even a measurement claim.
But worst of all, he censors everything there. He changes links, deletes any other Penis Enlargement sources. I stumbled upon Thunder's by accident - I think it was from an email from Johan. And I think I learned about DLD's site from an email DLD & I exchanged way back.
CC is a lousy feeder site for a lousy pay site. In my honest opinion, [words=]PA[/words] is absolutely worthless. I never gained 1mm from it - just a depressing waste of $50.
Originally posted by kurei
Can't we all just get along?
I found this forum after posting about twice at just before the forum lost all the posts. I went to the site two days ago and the forums were empty.
But guess what everything is back. how did thay do that? theres so much information on that site i thought it i would never get to read it all? Also i dont see why some people are mad with lukey, to me it looks like he is trying to help. we should all get along. I like both these penis enlarging sites im going to learn as much as I can from them both, im glad i found them, i dont think i would have any hope if i didn't.
Thanks DLD an every one ells!
I like both these penis enlarging sites im going to learn as much as I can from them both, im glad i found them

Biganbad, I agree. I like both sites and will frequent both to gain all the knowledge I can, and hopefully. contribute something back. I believe there is room on the net for two decent Penis Enlargement sites.
well as for the the boards sure both boards are great.. i actualy like this one better because its more active and everybody replies and i dunno.. you feel more at home here../ anyways i do understand why RedZ is so pissed off at lukey so i understand why he decided to boycott that forum.. so.. IMO you can go to that board to read some great old posts and its great for newbies.. but you can come here to get some real great replies from vets that know what they are talking about../ im not saying that in PP people dont know what they are talking about.. dont misuderstand me.. im just saying that people are more involved here and IMO this forum is a better place../ IMO may i burn in hell with [words=]MOS[/words] by my side....
PP is garbage.
I aint wasting any more time their.
[words=]MOS[/words] as I said is my home.
also Lukey said this recent on the site


who is still true to PP and a friend of mine? and who beleaves the ~~~~ that "cough" has said about me an left for a site that pinches members from mPridePenis and thunders???
Id just like to know thats all!

An thanks to all the people that still beleave in me!


In other words accusing [words=]MOS[/words] of robbing its members....BS...Lukey wake up.
It was good in the old days with ATS,RED,DLD etc but now its just fucked up. You have to wake up guys, Luckey dont care! he never posted to any of your questions or shit like that, it was red that has done all the work latley. He is only getting involved with PP now because he is under threat of losing members that he makes money off.

this idea of people being scammed with penis enlargement stuff has been bugging me for a while. i've been an active member of CheekyCherry for a while now and a lurker of both PP and [words=]MOS[/words] for ages.

Just yesterday i posted the link to this topic at CC to see the responce. most people say that they don't give a shit if CC is trying to sell them [words=]PA[/words]. some say it could be true. and some say that DLD is the one full of bullshit trying to sell his site.

I don't know who to believe anymore. i do agree though that DLD is much more actively involved in his website but there could be 50 people that use DLD's username and password to post for him. im not attacking DLD but the internet is very untrustworthy.

So if DLD and Matt and Lukey are great guys, then hooray, lets all have a laugh and grow our dicks. But if they're all scammers then i reckon the best payback would be to successfully grow your dick in spite of them.

Now that i think of that, i do sound a bit like im attacking DLD. I'm really not trying to. ummm since this is my first post, i look forward to much Penis Enlargement related laughs with all of you.
DLD helps both members and non members of [words=]MoS[/words], he is the best guy you will meet, he's full of heart. Just look around the forum and decide yourself if you really think DLD is trying to scam you.
DLD has always offered top notch advice on both his site and PP. And free of charge. I don't get where you get the idea DLD is trying to sell his site. He offers and gives free help to everyone.

I am not a member of DLD's site, just the forum, but I know people are free to join his site if they desire one on one instruction and to get videos.
You have to pay to join the site, but its worth it. I mean what other site offers you vids of most the exercises, along with Audio and diagrams to help you understand them. You now via the free [words=]MoS[/words] forum that DLD's Penis Enlargement stages work and that he is a top guy, so joining the site is rearly 110% risk free. He is also the only person that i know would give the money back if Penis Enlargement failed you.
All above agreed:

Matt + Lukey are B I G liars, dunno about um being the Biggest down their :D take what they say with salt.

I am usually a good judge of charecter and dld has always seemed a great honest guy, yeah he has advertised his site at CC / PP but he asked the case of PP anyway, I granted him permission.

I suppose theirs arguments against all 3 of these men [Matt, Lukey and DLD] but Matt and Luke aint even in it for the glory of the size, just the money.....have ya ever seen any pictures of them???? their stats????? I have asked and NEVER EVER been told and I was Lukeys closest left-tenant if yaz will.

IMHO ya all better fucking the other sites off, Betterman, thunders, Penis Enlargement forums, Cheeky Cherry, Pride Penis etc etc etc coz all the info ya need is HERE....with the BEST staff from all those forums mentioned....this is like a Hybrid of them forums best and most dedicated members....I aint going no fucking where.

Well, I spilled my guts about all the fraud going on and now I am banned from cheekycherry. Looks like this is my new home. And no offense to DLD regarding my post, I was trying to be balanced and show that yes you are a great guy trying to help people but you still charge and make a living but I do not mind that at all. You sell a genuine product with no hype.
Yo borthers,
Yeah I read that heap of junk at CC just :D so many haters aint their....fuck me man DLD ya hated :D but ya cant give a shit cos yaz got the 12 inch cock the women and the life....they are just stupid imature wankers.
They will be dissing me soon.....ya'all see ;) I dunt care...cos I pull women like they are outta fashion and they LUV ma English Meat,,,,WOHOW cant get GF also is well pleased with it, so they say what yee want, couldnt give a fuck.

I do agree to some that they have an argument with dld.....he does advertise his site I am not taking sides....I am with dld all the way hes a good freind online, but he has advertised his site EVERYWHERE he's gone, and to some thats like REAL BAD and like spamming a paysite......kinda like whats going on at CC with [words=]PA[/words].....but they dont care as they apparently open with it????

HowEver MY ARGUMENT and hate was not aganst ANY FUCKER Of any shape nor form doing URL links in sigs....nope I was talking about links alove their site to alsorts of when peeps clcik on um the guys or even gals [could be??:D] make money from advertising the site from the host....PP does this WITHOUT TELLING ANYONE....with Virility pills which are SHIT and also Penis Advantage which I can not comment as I never tryed it, but alot reckon its also shit.
Matt at CC also plugs alot of sites in the review section and also on another page [cant remember where??} and I have indeed looked up the sites policy and they do a healthy profit margin for peeps willing to link point was that I DO NOT WANT any fucker makin money from me un-knowingly.....I would like them to be open with me and say well we link alot of shit here....when you visit my site I have in the Site Index file hidden links that click sites I have linked, I than make money from each click, or a certain amount depending on the deal with the site??.

If Lukey did this from da start me may have stayed their???? may not of joined???? I know some here or at PP CC will say in their rant that many TV compnays and shit do this all the time.....yeah well this aint TV....this is the Internet......FREE forums by they say so I expect not to pay for them and no-one to make jack shit from them unless they tell me first their intenstions....its my right as a fucking surfer.

Maybe I am obcessed and even harsh with my views????? but thats the way the bread is buttered.

DLD has NO FUCKING links on his site Penis EnlargementRIOD......NO hanging devices and shit like at Thunders, No pills and sites like at PP and CC......hell this has to be the ONLY Link free site outta their.....okay he has a link here and their to HIS OWN PAY SITE, but big fucking deal he aint gunna be making money from visits to that as he runs it so he aint gunna be paying himself, and also has has been very OPenis EnlargementN about all his plans with the site.

On another note I am sad to see alot of Grass'es here that go to other sites telling tales about whats going down their......In my society peeps like that get a good fucking hideing....they do not do it again.....most are just all talk and do fuck all about it...alas CC is IMHO full of children LOL, I have rec' it many times to kids learning to walk and in shitters........LOL o man what the fuck.

:D :D :D :D ;)
LOL Penis Advantage is based in England... same place as Matt and Godma who are the same guy along with Lukeyboy. Matt and Lukeyboy own [words=]PA[/words].

Check out this fucking refund system. They make it just about impossible. On the fucking advertisements they say 100% moneyback guarantee. LOL look at this fucking refund policy: Refund Policy
Please make sure you have REALLY tried hard to use the program before requesting a refund, we want to help you get a bigger penis and will help you in any way we can.

We do authorize all valid refunds. However, we want to ask that you be honest when using the PenisAdvantage program. If you experience a 1 inch increase after using PenisAdvantage and you were hoping for a 3 inch increase, we hope that you'll consider that a success. Please be aware that differences in metabolism, lifestyle, and sexual health and dedication will affect how our system works. Our guarantee states that we will offer a refund if you do not experience a harder and bigger penis with fuller erections and better sexual [words=]stamina[/words].

We can only accept refund by "snail mail" this is due to the fact that our refund department requires written proof of your request for a refund. We will ONLY consider your refund once so PLEASE make sure you include all of the required information listed below, we will notify you via e-mail on whether your refund has been processed. Before requesting a refund the following conditions must be met:

You must have been a member and tried the program for no less than 180 days (6 months) and any request must be made within 9 months of joining.
You must have sort help in the member forum if possible or by email.
You must have used the free consultation service we provide via email.
If in the unlikely event that your refund is required and the above criteria have been met. We will require the following:

Your full name, address, e-mail address and date of joining.
Your login and username
Your full exercise routine from start to finish. This must include the date you started the program and the date you finished the program
Details of what effects the PenisAdvantage system have on you, detailing all the benefits, did you see any size gains? Increased [words=]stamina[/words]? Please be detailed.
Your signature, and your full name in capital letters.
It is important we receive ALL of the above information, we can only consider your refund ONCE due to time constraints. Obviously our aim is to get you a bigger penis, harder erections, and ultimately more sex. All the information needs to be sent to:

Platinum Dreams Limited
Refunds Dept
10 Findern Court
NG18 3QB

Please note: We take fraud very seriously and any chargeback's will be dealt with via our fraud and chargeback policy available upon request.
Great stuff Synthetic.....Nottinghamshire.....thats Nottingham; same place where Matt and Lukey are from.......they are probably the same guys......and also Godma.....sad wnakers :D They cant DENY IT NOW. :D
Seems they even are making themselves belive DLD is faking his pix by enhancing them...goto

Godma *ahem* Lukey *ahem* Matt has messed about with it and said its fake......BS I Long worm said their...his videos aint faked so got ya suckers :D Godma aka Lukey and matt are just wanting to dish dirt on a better paysite e.g. [words=]MOS[/words] as their Penis EnlargementNIS ADVANTAGE SITE IS B U L L SH I o man, Godma never did enhancement for a job....this is a guy who RECKONS....listen to this...that his *Compnay* were making software that could see thru pictures of clothes of certain materials.....he was also selling this software.......had a few examples of what looked like page 3 babes in the UK at a party clothed than topless...easy enhancement I can even do...that link and all talk about that is now gone...which is bad as that would of been proof that this guy has delibratly manipulated dld's pix to make him look a cunt.

Goto that link and read the SHIT.......the reson the picture looks abit funny at that portion is IMHO a result of deformed growth in a way...the veins have shaped themselves more different and also the smooth skin / dis-colouration from circumcision has ALOT to do with that I thought Godma aka lukey aka matt knew stuff about this?????? jeez their THICKER than my cock :D
LOL, you're even more dim than your writing style suggests.

That thing godma did on CC was a joke. It was called "godmatic garment remover", and was supposed to be able to remove women's cothing by itself. And at the end it said "for a only 130 dollars etc etc"

LOL, how could you think something like that was real, it was all in good fun.

Go back to school and learn a bit of common sense. Oh, and the English language.
:D nah fuck off ya self .....I e-mailed godma *ahem* lukey *ahem* matt about it and they said it was real.....I dont care their still silly mutha fuckas :P

As for my language skills....couldnt give a toss mate....I got Dyslexia so I never fucking notice.......O and by the way changing names still dunt hide who ya are.

IP =
The host name =

The [nott] stands for Nottingham [where godma/lukey/matt] come from...the [] the ISP their with - NTL, which is the SAME ISP them 3 loosers use.

I got ya silly mutha ya BANNED...dont want ya going round being an arse in here....ya the weakest link luke/matt/godma take a fake extension and ya fucked up shit....bye bye :D LMFAO
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    Guest Sam hi has joined the room.
  • S (Guest) Sam hi:
    How's everyone
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @sam hi, good to see you brother. Post in the forum and we'll chat more.
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    Akteon1 is our newest member. Welcome!
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    Guest Jayson44 has joined the room.
  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    Hi. Good to be here.
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    Which forum? How do I get there?
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    McDong is our newest member. Welcome!
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
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    gabrieljones is our newest member. Welcome!
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
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    tbean750 is our newest member. Welcome!
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    Guest pedguin has joined the room.
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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    silverberg is our newest member. Welcome!
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    thescholarjt is our newest member. Welcome!
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      MoS Notifier MoS Notifier: mos is our newest member. Welcome!