Hi, I think that baby boys are born with all the body parts they need to be a whole man. Who has the right to rob them of there manhood. If they were not meant to have a foreskin, one would not have grown there. It is there for a purpose and makes the whole man enjoy sex and makes the sex act enjoyable to his mate. bigchiefjw:)
Hi, Command since is that the more skin you have, the more room for growth and expansion will take place. You shorten the skin, you penis can't stretch out like having a foreskin. That is what a foreskin is for, taking care of the erection and the glide of the shaft
If anyone is skeptical about restoring, I think you ought to give the Man Hood a try for one month. I am circ'd and my wife is preg. I always thought if I had a son, I would want him to be like me. I have been wearing the man hood for about a week now and already see major changes in my head and the skin around it. I am seriously rethinking a lot of things. Give the Man Hood a try for a month and if you do not think it has done anything for you, then you know FR is not for you. It has changed my mind and it just might do the same for you.
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/kXraSkgssFk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Skepdick;126890 said:
Well it definately isn't a "fact" that penis size will increase as a result of FR alone so yes, I think you should move that one to the subjective category. Actually, I have a friend here on the forum who isn't around much anymore, but his name is Swedeguy. He is an adult male who was circumcized a few months ago (he is in his 20's) and after healing from the surgery, with no Penis Enlargement, he actually GAINED a fraction of an inch of girth.

Now, this doesn't "prove that circumcision increases penis size", although you use similar accounts to discuss the proof of the merit of FR, but I really think that we don't have any definitive proof of the benefits of FR, besides having a flap of skin over the dick head and a more intense odor as opposed to not having them.


How can circumcision increase size when you're removing skin? unless that person has gotten swollen or some kind of infection.. Restoring skin would be obviously more benefical.. you can't remove a part of an object and say that object has gotten bigger... unless maybe your friend had tight foreskin which hindered the penis from completely reaching full size
Here is some General Tips:(tugging)
*Do not rush it or try too hard. Don't be overzealous.
*Pay attention to your skin and stop if it hurts or you get sore.
*Start out slow and see how it goes. Increase the tension and tugging time slowly.
*More is not necessarily better. Many restorers have discovered that less is better. I manual tug only 1 hour a day and I am very happy with my progress. Others tug half a day, all day, or all day and night.
*Don't tug when asleep until after you have some tugging experience. You need to learn your limits and you definitely do not want to hurt your penis.
*You are not stretching your foreskin to make it longer, you are stretching your foreskin to induce mitosis so your foreskin will grow longer
I know the nerves are never coming back, but restoring the foreskin does restore its gliding "sheath within a sheath" design during vaginal sex, and I imagine it would improve masturbation. If any of you have actually done this, was it worth it? Would you recommend it?
I love #5

...Sense of wholeness, of healing, of being a complete man
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I don't plan on having children but I know that if I do they will be INTACT! I'm Canadian and, while I support the effort of the feminist movement when they had female circumcision banned (duh), I actually shed tears over the fact that they said NOTHING in defense of our baby boys. What happened to equality? Cricumcision a positively SICK, barbaric act and I'm completely dumbfounded by people who take it lightly and am even more taken aback by those who think it's a GOOD thing.

Sadly, my boyfriend's parents are those kind of people, which is why I'm here. Although I love him unconditionally and appreciate his body from head to toe, I've been (very gently and respectfully) trying to talk him into restoration. Can anyone offer me some advice on how to approach this matter delicately? He hasn't seemed COMPLETELY opposed when we talk about it, but he's mentioned being worried that he "might not like the result". We're very serious in our relationship, so the concern isn't whether or not other women will like it. How can I convince him restoration will enhance our sex life for the both of us? Is there a way to approach this without making him feel inadequate? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance.
I'm interested to know, 14 years later, did he ever restore?
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