
Oct 16, 2015
Hello guys! I stumbled across this thing called the septum and was talking with a guy on PEGym that strongly believe this "Septum/Cord" or whatever you call it is a limiting factor you can't go beyond.
He has been doing PEGym since 1999 however.

This is a piece of what he wrote to me yesterday about this:

" That hard steel thick cord running on top of the shaft all the way from the bar to the tip. There is no way to make it grow, and no matter how much you grow your tunica, your penis cannot stretch beyond the septum length. In fact, when I stretch my penis straight forward in a flaccid state, the sides of my penis are soft and almost hanging there. That is the tunica. But the top portion of my penis is completely hard and stretched out. That is where the septum runs along. If I could find a way to stretch and enlarge the septum, then the real growth would occur."

I have a natural upward curve starting from my base, and as i have read it seems like an upward curve can result in harder length gains and that an upward curve relates to the setpum somehow. My penis has always been short, but with a curvature at the base. I think that mostly my length gains has came from ligament gains & EQ. My girth seems to grow pretty good compared to others. But length i'm not sure. If i would like to i could work on ligaments and gain good length gains, but i don't like the look of it. As i tend to pull up scroum skin on my shaft and make it look more hairy and odd. So i have quit doing ligament stretches and have only been doing tunica work for soon 2 months and i still grow in girth, but the length slowed down tremendously. Maybe only got 0,1 - 0,2 cm, not sure.

To summary, how far have the PE world analyzed this "Septum" thing yet? Have the PE world came to a conclusion about the subject, and can someone if so tell me about it to bring me more knowledge so i can proceed my PE journey with a smarter perspective.

Would appreciate a well written answer with a customized easy-to-understand explanation as i'm not the best to understand everything so good.
Thank you mattersofsize!
When you say septum I think you mean frenelum. Skin is skin so stretching is possible. Penises are different and some people have a very tight one that may limit growth. There is a thread on tying it off to loosen it up if its tight.
No, it's often called septum, cord, steelcord, dorsal thickening and such. It is said to be localized on the upperside of the shaft from the base to somehere before the glans. This is what i have read :)
The septum is basically a connecting piece of collagen between the CC's, and runs all the way down the shaft to the base. The common thought is that you could stretch this using V and A stretches. I always do these stretches anyways cause they're so easy to do in the LM and fairly quick.
MoreThanLuck;680330 said:
The septum is basically a connecting piece of collagen between the CC's, and runs all the way down the shaft to the base. The common thought is that you could stretch this using V and A stretches. I always do these stretches anyways cause they're so easy to do in the LM and fairly quick.

Exactly and it is very easy to stretch in comparison to the Tunica. Doing Tunica work before a stretching routine will bring more malleability and allow for a better stretch. Since the Tunica is pre-stretched it makes it easy to hit the septum along with all other internal structures.
Honestly this thread deserves more posts than it is getting.
I genuinely think stretching the septum is THE key factor to length gains.
Finding a way to make it malleable and stretch would definitely see an increase in length gains fast.
As stated by OP a simple practical to test this theory, would be to pull your penis straight outward while in a flaccid state.
It would observed that there seems to be a very tight strong cord at the top, that limits the extent to which the penis can stretch.
I am pretty sure if this wasn't there I could get in another one or two inches in length easily as I have more than enough loose skin, but can't seem to stretch past 8.2"

Best photo to describe this (viewers discretion is advised): http://img.youtube.com/vi/qqhTg7Y_j8o/0.jpg
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Its no mystery that bundled stretches are key to loosening all the collagens there
templnite;681646 said:
Its no mystery that bundled stretches are key to loosening all the collagens there

Its one thing to loosen, its another thing to lengthen. See quote from OP below

" That hard steel thick cord running on top of the shaft all the way from the bar to the tip. There is no way to make it grow, and no matter how much you grow your tunica, your penis cannot stretch beyond the septum length. In fact, when I stretch my penis straight forward in a flaccid state, the sides of my penis are soft and almost hanging there. That is the tunica. But the top portion of my penis is completely hard and stretched out. That is where the septum runs along. If I could find a way to stretch and enlarge the septum, then the real growth would occur."
doublelongdaddy;681591 said:
Exactly and it is very easy to stretch in comparison to the Tunica. Doing Tunica work before a stretching routine will bring more malleability and allow for a better stretch. Since the Tunica is pre-stretched it makes it easy to hit the septum along with all other internal structures.

Does this mean that doing any form of bundled stretches with the LengthMaster will grow the septum?
huge-girth;758684 said:
Does this mean that doing any form of bundled stretches with the LengthMaster will grow the septum?

The Septum is far easier to stretch than the Tunica, so if you are doing your Bundled stretches, and rolls, the Septum is no match.
hey guys if anyone can give some input. I soon started hanging with vacum hanger tied to my knee while sitted (the angle is straight out) i do 5 hours per day 7days a week 1hour per set. My ligaments are fully stretched out and many years ago i feel the whole stretch in my tunica, i did around 20 days so far and the fatigue and the stretch feeling change its place i think the weak structures gave in first, and from pleaseent stretch and fatigue now all the tension of the stretch is felt in the septum or dorsal side of the penis or the steel cord is the best way i can describe it, the feeling now isnt a pleasent tissue stretch but more like unpleasnt feeling of pulling a cable, its quite sharp but bearable pain. Ayone experienced getting past through that structure and obtaining gains and could you give any advices? I might try bundled hanging and a,v hangin with my Power assist but looking forward to any input
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Hello guys! I stumbled across this thing called the septum and was talking with a guy on PEGym that strongly believe this "Septum/Cord" or whatever you call it is a limiting factor you can't go beyond.
He has been doing PEGym since 1999 however.

This is a piece of what he wrote to me yesterday about this:

" That hard steel thick cord running on top of the shaft all the way from the bar to the tip. There is no way to make it grow, and no matter how much you grow your tunica, your penis cannot stretch beyond the septum length. In fact, when I stretch my penis straight forward in a flaccid state, the sides of my penis are soft and almost hanging there. That is the tunica. But the top portion of my penis is completely hard and stretched out. That is where the septum runs along. If I could find a way to stretch and enlarge the septum, then the real growth would occur."

I have a natural upward curve starting from my base, and as i have read it seems like an upward curve can result in harder length gains and that an upward curve relates to the setpum somehow. My penis has always been short, but with a curvature at the base. I think that mostly my length gains has came from ligament gains & EQ. My girth seems to grow pretty good compared to others. But length i'm not sure. If i would like to i could work on ligaments and gain good length gains, but i don't like the look of it. As i tend to pull up scroum skin on my shaft and make it look more hairy and odd. So i have quit doing ligament stretches and have only been doing tunica work for soon 2 months and i still grow in girth, but the length slowed down tremendously. Maybe only got 0,1 - 0,2 cm, not sure.

To summary, how far have the PE world analyzed this "Septum" thing yet? Have the PE world came to a conclusion about the subject, and can someone if so tell me about it to bring me more knowledge so i can proceed my PE journey with a smarter perspective.

Would appreciate a well written answer with a customized easy-to-understand explanation as i'm not the best to understand everything so good.
Thank you mattersofsize!

With the introduction of expressive stretching, this isn't a problem anymore. Just get a LengthMaster and do expressive stretches with it.
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