Hi all, I've recently completed my first 3 months of P.E or 'quarter' as I have been calling it. I measured using a ruler the day after a rest day and I measured in at a solid 5.5 in length, I did the same with a tape measure and measured at 5.6/7.
I'm a little confused really partly because there I thought I would have gained .5 inch by now and be at 5.75. But more so am I measuring correctly?, I push the ruler against my shaft and press it in to the base ever so slightly (I'm not cheating I promise) that's how you do BPEL right? Although I am a little bigger with the more flexible tape measure, so which reading should I believe?
I'm a little confused really partly because there I thought I would have gained .5 inch by now and be at 5.75. But more so am I measuring correctly?, I push the ruler against my shaft and press it in to the base ever so slightly (I'm not cheating I promise) that's how you do BPEL right? Although I am a little bigger with the more flexible tape measure, so which reading should I believe?