
Sep 18, 2005
I just got the DVD the other day , and its fucking awesome. i love it. im just getting back into Penis Enlargement again. the first go , i subscrbed to penis health, got prosolution pills, and was on the mens-network and �other PE site� place forums and , the pills didnt work and the forums didnt motivate me for shit. I originally started giving Penis Enlargement a go back in May and started somewhere over 5 inches erect. within a decently short amount of time i got about half an inch so im at 6inches BPenis EnlargementL and didnt even really stay consistent with it. So i got some Penis Enlargement experience under my belt. But i didnt put in that much time, and also felt the stretches were too weak for me. I saw a post by , I think it was Shafty about the DLD Bundled Tuinca stretch and man that was a good stretch. I didnt stay consistent with Penis Enlargement and havent been lately.

But when i found Matters of size i was like damn, these exercises are incredible and looks like it will work great for length. I ordered the DVD and Tuesday i got right on to doing it. As i said im just goin for length and i think my girth is decent enough. So i've just been combining the length stretches really. And im just wondering if thats a good idea.

Alright, Heres my question for a realistic goal, Well first, there is this girl im most likely gonna hook up with in about a month, so i'd like to get an added inch , so My goal is to get 1 inch in length in a month by doing Length exercises every day and i put in about well over 1 hour. Im curious, what do you all think about this routine?

Warm up
Basic stretching
The Phase 1 stretches like the BTC left/center/right, downwards left/center/right , straightout l/c/r/ , upwards l/c/r/

I havent counted how many DLD Blasters i do, but i do them. Did some Bundled Blasters as Well.

The Tunica thing where you wrap your penis around your balls is tough for me so i dont do it all that much or attempt. Plyometric Blasters, and Double Fulcrum which i really like 100 each side.

Any suggestions on how many reps to do, of each exercise listed to get to my goal or close to it? And if i dont get to my goal in about a months time, shit i'll just wait till i get to it. :blush:
Hi. Welcome.
For many people their gains come slower than 1" in a month when they first start. Personally I gained roughly 1" in the first two months and I was very pleased with that as that is comparatively fast. I think that 1" in your first month is a bit optimistic to tell you the truth. It's not impossible. But I think it's definitely best if you include girth work in your routine as it helps with length as well.

Even simple jelqing would be greatly beneficial in my opinion. Maybe three hundred per day to begin with. If you're looking for fast gains then include some other basic girth work. I believe that this is very important.

Also, make sure that you follow a strict kegel routine. The point is that in order to maximize your gains make sure that you do a varied routine. It is a common misconception that the best way to get length is to do only stretches. That is not true.

You see, girth work will work your penis in a different way to stretches and that is very important. I think a good idea is that you follow the newbie routine but maybe add a few extra stretches if you like. It's a very good routine and it's found here:

All the best. :)
Awesome, thanks TomdW, i'll be sure to continue with girth work. I dunno prince Albert, im gonna shoot for an inch in a month, and if not. im gonna keep trying, even if it does take me a bit. thanks though guys
i remember a thread where someone made a thread claiming to
have gained an inch in length just by jelking every night for 2 months

my advice?.. Do whatever stretch you think gives your ligs the best
Wow, i didnt really think that Jelqing could have much affect length wise. I just thought it could help girth only. Tonight i did the 3 sets of phase 1 stretching, did about.. 5 Blasters, and few bundled blasters but did alot of jelqing as well as pc work.
Hope i can get to my goal. :)
how many reps are there in basic stretching?(when referring to the 3 sets in the dvd)
i got my dvd a year ago.
dld interview on it was great still watch it
time flys

How time does fly. So much has changed since then, it is like another lifetime.
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