
Nov 15, 2003
I have pumped for three days straight now and here is what I noticed. I am getting huge each time but the first time was ridiculous. I got the biggest the first time. Most fluid buildup was the first time. I have trouble staying hard while in the tube. What should I do?
Jason1 said:
I have pumped for three days straight now and here is what I noticed. I am getting huge each time but the first time was ridiculous. I got the biggest the first time. Most fluid buildup was the first time. I have trouble staying hard while in the tube. What should I do?

What type of trouble are you having? Be as specific as possible and your answers will be much more educational.
Watch some hot �naked people movies� or maybe wear a cockring or something to help keep hard. Although Iver no experience yet I think fluid build-up is more likely to occur when you are pumping without having a full erection. Im sure the pumpers here can give you better advice.
I think as long as you're hard going into the tube you're fine. I don't see how staying hard will prevent fluid from building up under pressure. Try using lower pressure, or there's a new method where you wear a condom while pumping, there's a bigass thread on it at �other PE site�.
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Pumping is only good for you erection. If you are having problems getting up.
channel7 said:
Pumping is only good for you erection. If you are having problems getting up.

False. Pumping is good for gaining size as well, and for the overzealous it's REALLY good at DISCOURAGING erections.
From my own experience that is how it has worked. Everyone has there on opinions
pumping has been helping out my glads size a Loooooot lately...a lot
quijjiboo said:
I think as long as you're hard going into the tube you're fine. I don't see how staying hard will prevent fluid from building up under pressure. Try using lower pressure, or there's a new method where you wear a condom while pumping, there's a bigass thread on it at �other PE site�.

I agree completely.
If you have a good erection when you go in, you're able to use less pressure to start. And if you are hard to start, and have a comfortable pressure for a while, you don't get as much fluid buildup.
When I have gone in hard, I also have much less problems with my scrotum at the bottom side of the base of my penis getting sucked in. And you have a longer period of time before you need to pump more pressure into the tube.

If you go in flaccid you end up having to use more pressure to get hard in the tube and you really struggle to stop your scrotum going into the tube.

I also find that when I have gone in a bit soft, and I need to use too much pressure too early, when my scrotum gets sucked in a bit at the base of the tube, it kind of makes it difficult to get hard in the tube anyway, as the pressure tends to pull on the soft skin of your scrotum instead of the shaft on your penis.

Like AlloyCG just said, if you're overzealous with the pump, and really start using too much pressure that's when you tend to get problems.
It maybe because people see their cock big in the tube and find it hard to resist making it even bigger as soon as they can with a lot of pressure.

There is no need to use a high pressure. If I do, then my penis seems to resist a bit, and it gets more difficult to get a "real" erection, but easier to get an erection that is mainly due to a lot of fluid build up.

If you shave around your penis you tend to get a better seal. And when you get a better seal you don't have to pump so much pressure into the tube to start with.

You are always told to use a lot of lubricant. I have recently discovered that too much lubricant was causing me prolems. What tended to happen when I used too much lubricant was that my scrotum got sucked into the tube too easily. If you put your tube onto a reasonably smooth part of your skin such as the palm of your hand, you find you get a strong seal.
I found that using too much lubricant on the bottom of the base of my penis sucked my scrotum in, and what seemed to be happening there is that it was ruining any good seal I could get, because the scrotum's skin is very uneven with ridges all over. the more I pumped to try and get a good seal again, my scrotum would get pulled on again, so obviously the skin ridges move a bit more and change shape, so new folds of skin create different areas of leaking.

Basically keep your scrotum out of the tube, or you lose your seal, and it's harder to keep a good shaped erection. You tend to end up with a bloated penis base and a weaker erection in the tube. You try to compensate by adding even more pressure, but it doesn't really help the situation. You end up having to use way too high a pressure, and a big fluid buildup penis with a donut on the end.

I'm not sure if I've written that clearly and have just made it sound complicated....So I hope that makes sense.
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quijjiboo said:
Supposed to prevent fluid buildup

Yes, I think it's something to do with preventing what normally happens when the pressure in the tube acts on the skin and draws fluid in first, before the tunica has time to expand.
And using the condom apparently prevents that from happening.
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To help you stay erect in the tube try milking the tube. Milking is pulling the tube up and down your shaft, just about an inch is needed, if your coming close or packing the tube it will feel great as well, you will stay hard like this, especially if you pop some pron in the DVD while your pumping. Also you might to Kegel too in the tube, do a combination of milking and Kegeling in the tube and you will stay erect.

Also do short 10 to 15 min sets at 5 hg to 7 hg and you will see very little fluid buildup. To get swollen even faster wrap a heating pad around the tube on MED heat. This will help bloodflow in the penis while in the tube and will also feel great. As far a s the balls getiing clost to being sucked in the tube, keep all lube away from your scrotum.
This is basically the routine that I've been using and it's a blast! I've actually started using a BBQ injector to help vary the pressure. Once you hook the hoses up you can pull the injector shaft in and out to increase the vacuum pressure. After about 10 min of this the shaft is getting nice and thick.
I find your dick will accept the vacuum presure, if you are applying heat while pumping. Last night, I had a bath, soaked for about 10min, pumped for 10 min @ 5-8hg, massaged, pumped again for 10min, warm down, bingo, I had a nice 1.75 pump.Came out of the tube, at 7.6el, and 5.375eg, my wife was making noises i've never heard before, also I could barely get my hand around the base after my pumping session. I got those magical words last nice, " I could really feel the strech" ...that tells me I took her to new dimensions last night.

I started last week, this was my 4th pumping session, and i have just about packed the 1.75 tube...when I move to two sets of 15 min, i will be moving to the 2.00 tube, and trying to pack that....just make sure you don't go crazy with the presure, 4-8hg, is plenty,....you need to condition your love tool, so that it will expand, with no discoloration...I have never had this problem yet..

Last nights routine was

7:00 p.m
5 min warm-up
5 min edging
375 wet jelq
10 ulis, some bends

10:30 p.m

soak in bath for 10 min
pumped for 10 min@ 5-8hg, in the bath, suBathmateersed, almost packed the tube, at the 10 min mark
massage, look for discoloration
pump for 15 min@ 5-8hg, jelqing the tube occationally for 20 strokes
massage and cool-down..5 min.

I am going to try packing the 2.00 tube in the next two weeks, important that you pack the stage 1 tube before moving to the stage 2

I can only imagine the wifes eyes when i whip out 7.5+ x 5.9 eg...

I was not allowed anal, last night, something about ripping her in half...
Not to hi-jack, but when should you get a larger tube? I pumped for 10 minutes @ 5 inHg and I had trouble getting it in the tube. Right when I pumped to 5-6 inHg, I completely filled the tube (girth wise) and I have no idea if I should be filling the tube completely or what?
If you're touching the sidewall when you first go in, you're probably ready for a new tube to help with girth gains. Maybe someone can chime in confirm. My understanding is that you need to have a tube a little larger like say an eighth or so. This way you have room to expand within the chamber. I also understand that you want about two inches between the end of the chamber and your penis. Can anyone confirm this?
I believe you should be packing the entire tube before moving up. when I enter the 1.75 tube my glan, and upper shaft pack the sides, mid and base just about pack, by the end of my first 10 session. My glan is really getting packed at the end the first ten min in first tube. I may have a large head for my shaft girth, (head) 5.3-5.5, shaft upper 5.2, mid 5.0, base 5.35. when I exit the 2.00 tube , i am about 5.3-5.5, every where, perhaps 5.7 at the base.
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