bastbastbast;720924 said:
week 2.... 5lbs lost

Excellent work my friend! Keep up the good work and you will gain a bigger cock by losing the fat. This is called a FREE gain as you have to do not PE to get it! Now when you add in PE it brings even more gains. Pretty cool indeed!
bastbastbast;721070 said:
thank you guys, knowing that i have a baried penis under fat is a grat motivation lol

Hell yeah, one of the best motivations.
bastbastbast;721070 said:
thank you guys, knowing that i have a baried penis under fat is a grat motivation lol

Keep those fat away to maintain the current size you are enjoying.
bastbastbast;721070 said:
thank you guys, knowing that i have a baried penis under fat is a grat motivation lol

When trying to lose weight and having the understanding that when the weight is lost you gain a longer penis...what better inspiration to lose that fat!
huge-girth;719227 said:
You will love yourself more if you can get rid of those fat. This will expose enough inner penis hidden under your fat pad.

I used to have so much belly fat when I made this post. Luckily for me, same cannot be said now. I have a more better body now.
huge-girth;758915 said:
I used to have so much belly fat when I made this post. Luckily for me, same cannot be said now. I have a more better body now.

I am just the opposite :) Gained back weight while I was sick and the weight now has shifted. I seem to be gaining fat around my penis more than my gut. either way, I really am unhappy with this so I am dieting again and soon, when I have the energy, I will be working out again. So glad to hear that you have done so well here.
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