
May 28, 2008
I believe wholeheartedly in long-term progress in my daily endeavors. There is nothing like the self-respect and positive characteristics one can develop by taking on productive habits and watching progress on a long timeline. Right now, my life consists of:

-Daily meditation to eventually become one with my true nature.

-Guitar practice to eventually join a band and perform live.

-Working out every odd day and eating clean to sculpt my body into my ideal self.

-Reading great books every day to gain insights in human nature and expand my knowledge.

-Pushing my comfort zones socially every day and approaching hot girls daily to eventually be competent and strong enough to lead a fulfilling and intimate relationship.

The lifestyle that I am trying to cultivate is one that involves planting seeds and reaping the rewards, and now I have discovered the Penis Enlargement community.

I am interested in what sort of psychological effects Penis Enlargement has had on you so far.

Has it become a source of your self-confidence and self-esteem?
Has it effected other areas of your life?
Has it been truly worth the efforts?

I believe that something like this could bring more to your life than a bigger dick.

Welcome Ryan. Great first post. I have found pe to be very rewarding. I am defenitely more confident. Having a bigger penis just makes you feel better about yourself. Building a bigger penis for yourself will make you appreciate it a lot more than someone who is naturally gifted because you worked hard to achieve it. Is pe worth it? Definitely!! I just wish I had discovered it sooner. I will do pe for the rest of my life, even after I achieve my goals. One thing, don't complicate things. Keep things simple and be persistant. Good luck.
Thanks for being welcoming, tef1. I'm heading out to walmart to buy measuring tape and a heat pad, then I'm gonna get started.

I can't wait to ingrain this as a part of me where it becomes so effortless and natural :)

Consistency;303530 said:
Thanks for being welcoming, tef1. I'm heading out to walmart to buy measuring tape and a heat pad, then I'm gonna get started.

I can't wait to ingrain this as a part of me where it becomes so effortless and natural :)


Also you may want to get a ruler, baby powder, baby oil gel, and some latex mr. clean gloves.

These are all things I use. The ruler is obvious. The oil gel for jelqing. Powder helps with grip while stretching and so do the gloves.
Chaco;303533 said:
Also you may want to get a ruler, baby powder, baby oil gel, and some latex mr. clean gloves.

These are all things I use. The ruler is obvious. The oil gel for jelqing. Powder helps with grip while stretching and so do the gloves.

I got a standard ruler.

I got some baby powder.

For oil I have Johnsons baby oil w/ aloe vera and vitamin E.

I picked up a heat pad called "Hot & Cold PACK ThermaTherapy" from Walmart for $8 and its wrapped around my johnson right now. Feels fucking great.

Should I measure my initial stats before or after my session?

edit: Just measured. I'm 7.25in length x 5.25in girth..

Goal is definitely to break 8inches =]
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Having problems staying flaccid during my first stretch session. Gonna have to complete this semi-erect.

Should I be using two hands to pull with extra strength or keep it easy for the first couple sessions?
Consistency;303554 said:
Having problems staying flaccid during my first stretch session. Gonna have to complete this semi-erect.

Should I be using two hands to pull with extra strength or keep it easy for the first couple sessions?

Take some pre-workout measurements. Some pictures are good too if you can. It's tempting to measure a lot but try to avoid the temptation. I'd take some measurements today and then put the ruler and tape away for at least 3-6 weeks.

The erection problem will probably go away over the next few weeks. I'd look at this as a positive thing and take advantage of it and do girth work first. Then you'll be a little tired and less likely to get erect during stretching.

I'd stick with 1 hand pulling for a while. There's no rush. Rushing will only get you hurt then you'll have to take a few weeks off to heal. It's not worth it.
Thanks for the help so far. That was a really long session... too long--I understand theres a 'clunky' stage before things smooth out.

Day one complete.

Aight time to hit the gym. Thanks again guys.

I suggest you read dld's latest blog post. I think it will be very helpful to you.
Welcome man. Great first post. All those are excellent goals to strive for. I've been trying to do similar sorts of things myself. I always find however that the major problem is time. How do you fit it all in? Do you have a job at the moment? How much do you sleep? Penis Enlargement can eat up alot of time so take that into consideration.

Sleep is my biggest obstacle at the moment. I find it hard to get by on less than 8 hours sleep and often suffer from tiredness throughout the day, despite exercising frequently and eating well.
Rude_God;303593 said:
Welcome man. Great first post. All those are excellent goals to strive for. I've been trying to do similar sorts of things myself. I always find however that the major problem is time. How do you fit it all in? Do you have a job at the moment? How much do you sleep? Penis Enlargement can eat up alot of time so take that into consideration.

Sleep is my biggest obstacle at the moment. I find it hard to get by on less than 8 hours sleep and often suffer from tiredness throughout the day, despite exercising frequently and eating well.

Just like one from the Penis Enlargement community might 'slip' a stretch here and there every time they piss in a public bathroom--I take the same approach with my endeavors.

I carry a backpack with my books everywhere I go. I've almost completed 'The Brothers Karamazov' in it's entirety from spare time. And that's a fucking brick.

I approach girls wherever I see them. When I'm out shopping, when I'm out eating, whenever I'm out. I socialize with everyone. Grandmas, kids, teens, hot girls, milfs, waitresses, shop employees, tourists. I try to get rejected at least once a day, it's very centering (imagine what getting rejected daily will do to your sense of entitlement, to your ability to handle uncertainty, to your ability to face rejection later in life?)

I have a guitar in my room and a guitar in my kitchen. Every time I enter or leave one of the rooms I play a couple riffs. Right now I'm working on Opeth's Still Life album.

Meditation takes roughly 35 minutes a session, I meditate first thing in the morning and almost last thing before bed.

I have a gym in my garage and I've gotten pretty consistent at finishing my routine quickly.

I dislike the mechanical/traditional "time-management" system. I don't write anything down. No time schedules. I'd feel like a robot. My values are completely opposite--spontaneous, adventurous, down to earth, flexible.

I basically take Anthony Robbin's OPA approach. Know your outcome, know your purpose, and take action whenever you can.

O: A big dick, 8 inches by 6
P: To please myself with my commitment to my goals, to please my lovers, to have an extra source of sexual confidence.. to have a big as dick.. who wouldn't want it?

It's that simple (note that simple does NOT mean easy...). That's how I approach everything.

PS: I sleep 7-8 hrs a day. Also, I'm typing this post while waiting for my erection to dissipate so I can stretch more. That's good time management! :)
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Rude_God;303613 said:
Damn man, you have your shit together. Great advice.

Thanks, but really, I'm no different than anyone else. I'm a computer nerd.

The only difference between the way I approach life and the way most people do comes down to implementing positive habits. That's why finding this community was so exciting to me.. I'm gonna have a real big cock. It's already done. Theres no chance in hell I'm not going to have it. Not one percent of me doubts it. It's simple as that. Why? Because I've experienced first hand the capability that the human soul has in evolving an identity

I don't understand how people post threads worrying about.. "How long will it take to grow 2 inches?" "When will I see my first gain?" "Is my dick too small?"

Actions repeated over time become effortless and unquestionable. With just a little faith and persistence, anything you do can become ingrained deeply in your character. Do you think DLD wakes up in the morning and thinks about how he has to "DO" his stretches? No chance in hell. I guarantee (note I've never spoken or met the guy, just my belief) that this process is so deeply rooted in his identity, it's so much a part of WHO HE IS, that it doesn't even register as effort.

Isn't that a beautiful thing?

Stop worrying about when your dick is going to grow.

Start focusing on implementing a habit.
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