
Nov 12, 2009
hey guys, been some time, first of all i wanna say that i think i did my mersuments wrong,
I am 15.5 cm long with the naked eye, but i have done some reading and i understand that iam suposed to messure from my pubic bone? it that right? when i stick my ruler at the bone iam 17.7cm bpl, i hope this is the real way to do it, beacuse this realy made my realy happyLMAOLMAOLMAO, knowing that iam over the normal penis,:blush:

the next thing is, i just started phase 2, the thing is when iam on my superset, doing jelq and bends, and finish with the isoleted compression sqees, yesterday i sqeesed alot and on my 4set of 7set total, it came out some tears of blood on my shaft:O is this normal, i freaked my out so i didt do my Bathmate session that a always do after the workout as a warmdown.

and one more thing, about the dld blasters, what i do is that i get a nice strech and then i do the kegal 5sec, then i do a reverce kegal, and strech my full power, am i doing ti the right way?

thx for all feedback in advance:blush:
Blood is usually a sign of a small tear in the urethra or meatus of the penis. This is normal when you are working with so much blood pressure. I suggest backing off the intensity for about a week. Perhaps concentrate of flaccid stretching until you heal. As far as DLD Blasters are concerned it sounds like you are doing them correctly. What type of gains have you seen thus far?
not much gains iam sorry, but maby this is beacuse, of my wrong messurment, i did the nuub rutine for 3 mounths, so i went on, but then again my flaccid penis is much bigger now, it was around 3, now its betwen 5 and 6 inches:)
i like the phase 2 much more then the nuub rutine, blasters seem much more for me, then streching in all those directions,
i have modifyed my rutine a but, i do 10 blasters, then 2 x 1min footlong strech, 10 blasters, 2x1min footlong strech, 10 blasters 2x1min fottlong. then i do the super sets. i cant see that my penis hang more then before after my strech, but after my supersets its much bigger, length and width, i belive that the supersets, are the key to get most out of my strech, as i fill my dick with blood, one thing is for sure that the supersets make my dick get alot bigger, much bigger then regular jelq, what do you think of the rutine? do you think i can do it that way insted of 50 blasters? and about the messurment? its from the pubic bone right?

thx for all feedback :)
No, I think your modified routine is awesome. I think Footlongs are a top of the line length exercise.
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