
Dec 13, 2011
Ive been peeing on and off for about a year. I started out very carelessly with no routine. I would skip warm ups often, do some clamping at random times for 10 minutes with no warm-up before. If I did gain anything from Penis Enlargement I think it might have been only a bit. Couple of months ago I found out that I have this “hard flaccid” condition. “hard flaccid” is penis being hard in touch in flaccid state and its also stiff. 3-4 weeks ago I have bought supplements and have been taking them regurarly also started doing some reverse kegels to relax my pelvic floor musles as a treatment. It seems like tension in pelvic floor only makes it worse. Anyway my penis has gotten better its softer when flaccid it is not so stiff anymore. It still tends to get stiff but its definitely better than it used to be. So I started Penis Enlargement again but this time im more careful always doin proper warm up and takin it easier (im currently doing DLD newbie routine Bathmate with jelqs). I don’t get expensions the way I should be getting them tho. Others get this dramatic increase in temporary girth after using Bathmate but all it gives me is stiff penis. Its not encouraged with blood the way it should be.I measured my penis after Bathmate session and havent noticed any increase of size. It was still 12,5 cm (around 5 inches) . It really worries me because I really wanna gain. I was wondering if me not getting these expenions has to do anything with this firm flaccid condition. Ive read your SRT post today and I found out that uve had similar condition to mine I believe in phase 2 of your study. U were saying that your penis felt stiff when flaccid, Bathmate wouldn’t give u the same pump and the exercises weren’t just as productive. What did u do to heal that condition ? How did u turn these exercises and Bathmate to be productive again ? I really believe u could help me Mike. I need to hear that I can gain some inches to my penis, that my chanes aren’t lost. Sometimes I lack faith due to lack of temporary gains. It makes me think if I cant get temporary girth then how in the world will I make my penis bigger. I think there was only one time I got like a cm of temporary girth it was like a year ago. I was doing erect bends. I would grab the base of my penis with one hand and with other id bend my penis down, left,right, up. I was so excited when saw my penis thicker. I was jumping being so happy that Penis Enlargement will work for me. I just wish it would be happenin on regualar basis after workout.

Ure the man Mike. Your experience in Penis Enlargement is priceless and I believe you can help me a lot. Please help me.
I forgot to add that i have also stopped masturbating as part of a treatment. I have read that masturbation only makes the condition worse. Usually after masturbation my penis would get stiff in flaccid state. Like a week ago i had sex with my girl and it seemed to be better tho. My penis was softer. But i still refrain myself from masturbatin
Have you put a plan together Based on SRT or are you following it as it is written? What is your sizes now, weight, height, penis size, etc. What is your diet>exercise routine?
My weight is around 180 lbs and heigh 178 cm. Im currently doing Phase 1 with addition of Bathmate. I dont have money to get the penis extender at the moment but gona be getting it in weeks. My size is 17 cm bpel and 12,5 eg. I do boxing workouts pretty much everyday from 5:30 to 7:40 it includes shadowboxin, heavybag and speedbag work , situps, pushups, chinups, neck, tricep dips and 15 mins of skippin rope. I try to eat healthy. Oatmeal mixed with cornflakes(no sugar) with milk and honey for breakfest , after few hours ill eat like an apple or banana, around 3 ill eat rice , boneless chicken breast and some vegies ( before workout meal) , at like 8-9(after workout) i eat the same meal as before the workout. My weight is around 180 lbs and heigh 178 cm. Throughout a day i take alot of vitamins :
Ginkgo Biloba
Evening Primrose Oil
Vitamin B Complex
Omega-3 Fish Oil
L arginie

This is a list of supplements that this indivudual who suffered from "hard flaccid" would take and it helped him
a link to the post:

Since i started takin these supplements ive noticed some improvement. I also started doing reverse kegels throughout the day to relax my pelvic floor.

I dont know if u have ever heard of this condition "hard flaccid" but here is the definition according to this site :

Hard Flaccid Penis is a condition of the penis whereby the smooth muscles of the Corpora Cavernosa are in a chronic state of contraction or tension, which can result in abnormal blood flow, numbness, pain, erectile dysfunction, incontinence and risk of further injury or disfigurement, as well as significant emotional distress. It typically occursimmediately following mild injury or trauma, but may also present idiopathically or gradually.

And the thing that keep bothering my mind is what if Penis Enlargement is only gonna worsen stuff ? So if u cold check out the link and let me know your thoughts i would realy apreciete it.

Like i mentioned before i dont get these expensions after doing workouts. But i keep doing the routine everyday and im having faith that i will grow. Ive been deprest for the long time due to lack of confidence coz of my penis. I wanna get out there to the world so much but my penis holds me back. I started Penis Enlargement again like a week ago. This time i was more confident and had more faith that its gona work. Iv been listenin to your youtube videos alot. Its like a boost of faith for me. No matter how much my mind is being bombared with these thoughts that its not workin, I dont get expension etc. I still belieieve one day its gona work. Im like if DLD could gain 5 inches then i sure can as well. Ure truly an amazin individual.

If u could check out these links and give me some thought on it it would be beyond great :)

Thank you for replyin Mike. I apreaciete your effort to help alot.
I believe 100% Mike can help me : ) Thers no unknown areas for him in Penis world. I believe he knows it all. I believe hes workin on the way to help me out
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