he might mein pride penis, i think. If so it aint a paysite and it aint a rival. DLD used to go there alot.
Well, I might have had it confused with some pay site from my search engine quests in the past.
it was pridepenis. i started off there and then read redzulus post about his reasons for leaving. sounded genuine enough as always and so decided to come here. and he was right this site is better. more info. more discussion and alot more active users. the other site was dead. respect to DLD & Red.
Originally posted by chrissixer
it was pridepenis. i started off there and then read redzulus post about his reasons for leaving. sounded genuine enough as always and so decided to come here. and he was right this site is better. more info. more discussion and alot more active users. the other site was dead. respect to DLD & Red.

Big welcome to ya bro. We're all like family here so make yourself at home and jump right in.:)
Penis EnlargementForums.net... DLD had this huge writing in his sig saying something along the lines of "DLD's own free NPenis Enlargement site!!"

naturally I had to check it out!

I used to lurk at the old Penis Enlargement forum...he was the guy helping everyone...then i took the leap and joined the MOS gang.....
i have the exact same story as chrissixer.. dropped the other site in a second..
I found MOS through �other PE site�. I like the vast amount of original Penis Enlargement related exercises and discussions at �other forum�, and the great �naked people movies� posted here by DLD. Nobody at �other forum� seems to like black women as much as me. :p

I don't think I'll ever decide on one or the other because then I might miss out on something.
Hello everyone.. i just found this site from redzulu's posting on the Pride penis boards. I did notice THAT site was hitting rock bottom only a few weeks after i first joined. So...glad to be here, looks to me like its a very well populated forum with tons of experts and knowledge..

Hello hkferry. So good to have you here. Make yourself at home. Anything you need, don't hesitate to ask.
I saw DLD's excellent posts made over the years at �other PE site�. Then I saw he publicly surrendered his Mod responsibilities at that site (and got exiled) for opening his paysite and how many of the regularls there totally encouraged him with this commercial venture saying he deserved to go PRO after so many years of helping so many of them as a volunteer. I did a websearch on his name and found MOS. I signed up. It was a good decision.
Originally posted by adidas
I saw DLD's excellent posts made over the years at �other PE site�. Then I saw he publicly surrendered his Mod responsibilities at that site (and got exiled) for opening his paysite and how many of the regularls there totally encouraged him with this commercial venture saying he deserved to go PRO after so many years of helping so many of them as a volunteer. I did a websearch on his name and found MOS. I signed up. It was a good decision.

Tough times then, I lost allot of people who I thought were my friends. It was a very sad time and it took quite a bit to get to this point.. Thanks for remembering:)
Originally posted by doublelongdaddy
Tough times then, I lost allot of people who I thought were my friends. It was a very sad time and it took quite a bit to get to this point.. Thanks for remembering:)

As a conservative capitalist American, let me say: There is nothing wrong with you earning a buck from this.

You have done a great deal to help a good many for no financial benefit, and you still do. �other forum� is a good board and there is much to be learned from places such as there, but it doesn't replace the amount of work that you have put into your pay site. I don't think a beginner could possibly learn as much from a message board as from your pay site material, be it �other forum� or even this MOS board. Vets are vets and typically do not need so much help. Nothing replaces the specific routine outlines and video clips. $50 is in the market price for what pay site memberships are selling for and everyone regards your as among the best in existence. Be proud of what you're doing and ignore all the critics.
Penis Enlargement Forums

I noticed no one was posting there anymore, and I remembered about MOS. Well I never knew MOS had free forums, but I found them and sure enough: This is where all the traffic is now. DLD the Pied Piper of Penis Enlargement.
I think i somehow got the link on cheekycherry before the post got moderated
This is my first post here.

I found it through Tunders after it seems that Thunder blocked me from using his forum when I had a drinking problem (over it now) and I may have said some stuff that offended him.

I am suprised, this is a great forum!!!

Thumbs up to DLD, he is the Michael Jordan of Penis Enlargement!

This is something that �other PE site� is sorley missing since he got kicked off over there :(

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