
Nov 19, 2011
hey guys im a 22 yr old male whos never had sex except once when i was 15 and it wasnt very good, so i dont know much about sex. i just started chasing bar sluts but havent really fucked one yet since i was very sheltered as a child and just started going out to meet people. but with that being said i dont wanna fuck some broad and have her not like it you know? i actually want her to like my dick instead of just being contempt with it. i dont consider myself big but i dont consider myself small either. i have 7 inch length and a basically average measurement of girth. my girth has 3 measurements, under my dickhead its 5, the mid shaft is 5.5 and near the end its around 6. i want my dick to be about 7.5 or 8 with atleast 6 inch girth where the 5 measurements are. but the length isnt that important to me as the girth

but the thing i want to know is whats the most sucessfull exercise in penis englargement specifically for girth? and another thing for you guys who have been jelqing and what ever else it is that you do to your dick, has the sensation of cumming ever became less intense due to the exercises? i heard of people saying when the jelqed it made them thinner than before, lost sensation and couldnt get as hard as they once did.
Hi mate and welcome to MOS :)

I understand where your coming from and to be honest your size is good! Your actually larger then I was when I started back in 2001 (I was 6.6 length x 5.4 girth) and now I'm over 8.3 x 7.
That didn't take 10 years to reach in case you wondered :) I have been doing it on and off but with intensity. You will find as you learn that the path will feel better for you on what you choose to walk down, so finding your own rhytHydromax.

Best girth exercise to get started with I would suggest is the basic wet jelq. Check our thread how to wet jelq. We got loads of free penis enlargement routines incl DLDs newbie routine.

The newbie section is really good, checkout the sticky threads. Essentially read the routine threads from such guys like DLD and also the sticky ones in the routine section plus the rest if you can manage to read all that :) It gives you and idea plus what to expect. We also got a picture proof section.

So learn about the jelq and start hitting that. If you like, at first just do jelqing ... I gained from just that when I started and other guys do this now! The sensation of cumming for me isnt an issue when I jelq but can be when I do edging which is really just masturbating till your near about to shoot your load but you stop right NEEEEEAR the EDGE!!! :)

Penis enlargement increases your orgasmic pleasures and the ejaculation becomes stronger. Kegels are the key here, they are explained in the newbie section in the sticky.
I have never heard about jelqing making the penis thinner and would venture on saying who said that is talking shit because it goes against how the body works. It adapts to stress and would need to become thicker, not thinner otherwise your knob would literally snap off in time!

Those that lose sensation could be from simply abusing themselves with total disregard of safety. Always pay attention to your body. Lost sensations will not be a problem, only to those who are tapped in the head or take more risks in advanced work. Erection quality is very much variable on many things ... mood, stress, health, weight, hormones etc etc but sure enough I have seen many cases where guys complain about the old wood not rising like it used to. In 9/10 if not all of those cases they are either stressed out at home\work or overworking the penis and hence its fatigued > they need rest. NEVER have I come across a genuine case where I guy has knackered his erection up with penis enlargement and NATURAL at that, so he cannot get erect anymore or his erection is lower quality! Its only ever temporary and due to fatigue, see it as like working your arms like arnie and afterwards they are tired & sore ... rest, heal and grow.

Anymore questions please ask.
Red hit the nail on the head with that advice.

I can relate to not wanting to feel like an average fuck with a more experienced girl. Good luck with the training!
I'm actually suffering from lost sensation via hanging and extending as we speak. Happened before and I'll hopefully get back.
Just to add a little bit to RED's excelent advice:
1 - personally, I've seen nothing but improvement on my erection quality once I started jelqing. :)
2 - your starting size is way above the average, both in length and in girth. Your size isn't a problem for pleasuring girls. So my advice, regardless of your engaging in Penis Enlargement or not, is that you work on perfecting your techniques in the sex scene. Maybe read some articles on foreplay and that sort of things. That will help a lot :)

Just my 2 cents
SirKyle;463709 said:
I'm actually suffering from lost sensation via hanging and extending as we speak. Happened before and I'll hopefully get back.

That's a concern. Sounds like the extender noose (grip) and/or hanger may have pinched the nerves ... is this sensation around the glans or a few inches below on the shaft?
Takes months for nerves to heal but hot & cold wrap treatment is said to help. Also possible using something like Leech Oil would increase circulation and sensation to the region as it has many active ingredients known for that.
If it is nerve damage it will repair on it's own eventually. How long? If you use some massage and hot/cold therapy (as Red suggested) you will heal faster (one month). I would not stop training because of this, just avoid the same exercise/position again.
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