
Jun 9, 2003
So I've noticed a couple things about my wang and friends...Sometimes, my unit hangs nicely and my balls are riding low and everything seems to feel, well, loose. Nothing is tight or compact. When my unit is in this state, I always seem to get a better stretch or girth work out. Maybe it's the blood flow, who knows.

Then sometimes I have the opposite thing going on. My unit is tight as hell, like it doesn't wanna move, and my balls feel as though they have been shrink wrapped by my skin and they're riding high with no hang. It sometimes feels like I have one nut things are so damned tight. There's no pain, not to confuse anyone out there. But it's like night and day.

I've found the ROP has legitimately helped with my hang and the feeling described in the first paragraph, but I no longer wear it due to the fact that I started breaking out. I cycled on two separate occasions, just to make sure that it was the ROP and I had considerably healthier looking skin while not on it so I gave it up.

I long for that feeling that I have on occasion, but it seems to elude me. Anyone else out there experience the same thing? What can we do (with the exception of the ROP-damn I wish I didn't break out so much) to correct this? Is this more than just a blood flow issue?

Looking for feedback...thanks!
I think everyone has this problem to varying degrees...

Room temperature definitely affects it, if im chilly im tight, Stress and how much water you drink also have something to do with it, when i drink lotsa water, i get a good hang and my nuts usually follow suit with that....

BTW, youve been here since the start Acer, have you managed some gains man???
Since I started Penis Enlargement, I've gained about .5 inches in length and .75 inches in girth. Looking back, I've done alright. Much of those gains came early in my Penis Enlargement career, but I haven't gained much lately. But honestly, I just haven't put much into it lately, so I know I have nobody to blame but myself. I PM'd DLD a while back and he gave me a routine and I stuck with it and I seriously gained a bit, maybe 1/8 inch in a month or two, but those gains have recessed. I think they were clearly inital gains that had yet to be cemented and I kinda gave up. But I'm ready to give this a shot again, for real this time.

My goal right now is to focus on length and that's it. I really wanna hit the 7 inch mark and I think the biggest thing that restricted my gains in the past was laziness. I'd do length, then I'd have to get revved up to do girth or vice versa, and one would suffer. So I'm just gonna go for length right now, and I've been doing length consistently for the last three weeks. Doing more erect stretching too. Hopefully that will help.
I know exactly what you're talking about. All day today I've had an amazing flaccid hang. yesterday, it was tight, girth was thinner, and it was compact. Who the hell knows why.
I think it is important to approach these sessions with an even approach. If you are too high or too low then your session will be either really great or horrible. If each and every session is the same effort wise regardless then you will see continued gains. Being a steady hand and working intelligently as opposed to balls out all the time...there's ultimately a huge backlash and all that momentum ceases. I have a habit of being too high or too low with somethings and it effects many different things, at least in the past. Now I'm aware of these times and I reevaluate what it is I am going after. This more balanced appraoch has helped me with school, lifting, Pe, and life as a whole. This has really come to be because the Lord has been teaching me so much about Himself and showing me what it means to be humble in spirit while also being a warrior. Hope this helps. Have a great day....
This is one of the main reasons I use a heating pad. I do most of my Penis Enlargement in the morning, when it's generally pretty cold and my nuts have gone into witness protection. Ten minutes after puting the pad on, though, and I have to be carful not to step on them.
wants9 said:
This is one of the main reasons I use a heating pad. I do most of my Penis Enlargement in the morning, when it's generally pretty cold and my nuts have gone into witness protection.

I hate it when they go into witness protection!
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