
Dec 10, 2003
No matter what time this gets called, or how long it takes to verify the popular vote stands that George W. Bush is the chosen majority leader of the United States of America. I don't know why you voted or who you voted for, but he is a bold leader and is not affraid of a little criticism. He has made some questionable decisions but ultimately he heas stood by them and will continue to. I am very grateful and quite hopeful for the coming time, and may we all praise God for the days to come. Blessed are the meek who will inherit the Earth. My feelings on politics are very strong, but I don't think most would understand why I feel the way I do or approach it in the manner I chose to. There is a book that was recently published that I think deserves much attention and that's The American Prophecies. Very interesting read, even though I haven't read it to completion, but being very much into the book of Revelations and books on the topic are always of interest to me.

I do know that to all my brothers in Christ it is soon to be our time to stand up and to call upon the Lord to move us as one Body and one Soul, no matter what the denomination or creed, or race. Our God will be with us in all things in the coming time and we must stand in faith against the torrent of hatred and upheval against the faith. Do not be alarmed by these words but be prayerful and seeking of Him in all things we do.
I'm not going to go out and dance in the streets, but I'm personally glad that it's Bush and not Kerry. God knows Bush has many flaws. Many good people voted for Kerry because they had enough reason to be disgusted with Bush. Personally, Kerry was further on my disgust scale, although Bush made the rankings himself. I'll just be glad when it's finalized.
millionman said:
No matter what time this gets called, or how long it takes to verify the popular vote stands that George W. Bush is the chosen majority leader of the United States of America. I don't know why you voted or who you voted for, but he is a bold leader and is not affraid of a little criticism. He has made some questionable decisions but ultimately he heas stood by them and will continue to. I am very grateful and quite hopeful for the coming time, and may we all praise God for the days to come. Blessed are the meek who will inherit the Earth. My feelings on politics are very strong, but I don't think most would understand why I feel the way I do or approach it in the manner I chose to. There is a book that was recently published that I think deserves much attention and that's The American Prophecies. Very interesting read, even though I haven't read it to completion, but being very much into the book of Revelations and books on the topic are always of interest to me.

I do know that to all my brothers in Christ it is soon to be our time to stand up and to call upon the Lord to move us as one Body and one Soul, no matter what the denomination or creed, or race. Our God will be with us in all things in the coming time and we must stand in faith against the torrent of hatred and upheval against the faith. Do not be alarmed by these words but be prayerful and seeking of Him in all things we do.

when i read that i couldn't help but visualize a crazy freaky guy with pure white eyes saying it in a haunting monotone voice.
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when i read that i couldn't help but visualize a crazy freaky guy with pure white eyes saying it in a haunting monotone voice.

Im glad Bush won (its just a matter of time before Kerry conceides). I voted for him and feel good about the next four years, but I would SO prefer someone between Bush and Kerry. Where is that party? For instance I support medical marijuana but do not support abortion on demand without parental notification for 14 year olds. I enjoy pre-marital sex but think adultry should be illegal.
I feel like the Dems want to be to loose and the Reps want to be to tight.

Anyway...I hope my friends here who were pulling for Kerry arent to bent over this. I know if Kerry had won I would be pissed. :)
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It's still not over either. In the end the Dems might lose up to 4 seats in the senate including the minority leader Tom Daschle. They are gonna have to rethink their policies and I think they shouldn't endorse wackjobs like Michael Moore. It can't be good for them.
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Well, I certainly have my issues with Bush and I've been quite vocal about that, but hey, it's just another 4 years. Unless an even worse leader comes out of the woodwork after that. :D j/k

Seriously though, I don't want to turn this thread into another Bush beating, so I'll just shut up now. I certainly don't want to ruin anyones joy over the seemingly imminent outcome of this election.

Whatever comes of this, I sincerely hope things turn out for the best for America. I love the country: it is like a second homeland to me, and the years I lived there were rich in experiences and adventures. Hopefully the war will end soon so that America can focus more of it's potential on righting the wrongs of the country and maybe helping the rest of the world do the same.

On a side note, it seems that I'll be going on a 2 week vacation to the Bay Area again this coming spring!! Man, I'm already so psyched! Can't wait! Long live the USA and the Golden State! (*cough cough*.. kiss ass)
its 256 to 252 for bush, don't go shouting like the fox network but wait until all the votes were counted.
Oh and for all the People who belive Bush has been selected by God. Do you realy belive that God would choose a person who has started 2 wars for selfish reasons? Do you realy belive that god stands by a person because of who thousands of people have died, then go sit in the corner and read the bible.
to me picking kerry would be the lesser of two evils...i know a lot of people i know didn't know too many issues that were being discussed besides the war and they didn't watch the debates...but voted for kerry...with the mindset that it have to get better than this...if bush do win the election do you think he can reverse all the wrong that he has done while he was in office...we are still at war and our deficit is out of control...and on the other hand you have kerry who is obviously a pussy...we are just screwed
Texan said:


Hopful, if you look in the Bible, you'll see that there were many wars that were ordered by God to happen. So why would he change his mind in the 21st century just because society has changed its outlook on war?

And, NBC is reporting that Bush has 269 votes and Kerry has 238. I don't know which news station is more accurate, but with those figures the best Kerry can do is tie. Then the House votes, and the house is predominantly Republican. Either way, it looks good for Bush. The only thing I'm not looking forward to is hearing these Bostonians whine for the next 4 years.
I am not a very knowledgeable person when it comes to politics but it seems allot of guys are saying all these things that Bush has done wrong over the past 4 years, can someone be specific and show how it was his doing? Help a lame-man out:)
Yeah, He won. I'm not a huge fan either way, but at the same time if you think a man who can't stand on principle or even on the words that come out of his mouth, you by all means should have voted for Kerry. Bush ultimately stands for what he believes, and starting a war for selfish reasons, what would that be??? I'm sorry farenheit 9/11 was garbage no matter how you look at it, but I am one who doesn't believe everything he hears. And honestly I didn't get the opporunity to vote, my absentee ballot wasn't dated soon enough. I feel that the right leader won, I can't see John Kerry being president. He's all old and saggy, kind of looks like a bushy eyed bull dog..... That's not the point though, we need strong leadership now, and if we were to have had a changing of the guard in the middle of a war that could only lead to confusion and disaray.

By the way, the whole last part of my first post is not neccesarily in regards to Bush as president, but for all the brothers and siters in christ to stand up and be accounted for, it's a call to action. No wild eyed crazed person, just a simple encouragement and call to action.
Congrats to you Bush supporters out there, you deserve it. Bush not only won the electoral votes, but the popular vote as well. No question about it.

I personally am saddened and disappointed in the outcome, but I also wasnt too overly optimistic. I really thought we were ready for a change tho.

But hey, lets move on eh?
hopful said:
Oh and for all the People who belive Bush has been selected by God. Do you realy belive that God would choose a person who has started 2 wars for selfish reasons? Do you realy belive that god stands by a person because of who thousands of people have died, then go sit in the corner and read the bible.

When you think about it in that sense it is safe to say GOD is nor good nor bad. We are free to make our own choices, GOD does not mess with ones free will.

In a biblical sense it would be safe to say Jesus is good and Lucifer is bad. Some worship Jesus, others worship Lucifer. Those with greater power worship one of these two idols as it becomes more aparrent as years pass by.

Bush is the better man for the job to get the main goals accross.
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