Jun 3, 2003
"Edging" is a practice of masturbation to just short of the point of no return. AT this point you stop masturbating and regain control of your orgasm. Wait a minute or two and start masturbating again. This is a great exercise for pre-mature ejaculation but I wanted to consider it's benefits to aiding in enlargement.

A very common complaint with many of the men I work with is that jelqing brings them to the point of no return and they have trouble resisting the temptation to orgasm. This is probably very frustrating because after most men have an orgasm sexual desire is lost and the quality of erection is no longer available. I think that "Edging" during Jelqing may be a two fold answer for men who have these problems. First it will train you to last longer but while your practicing to last longer you are Penis Enlargement'ing.

I do not think edging as a masturbation type exercise will aid in enlargement but when the same person can substitute the jerk with a jelq and apply the same principals the user will benefit instead of being left frustrated.
I actually think that period edging DOES increase girth gains. My dick swells with blood past the point of a full erection when I edge, its almost like working with 110% engorgement. Now, occasionally I do mess up and cum.

I remember RB used to advocate this method, maybe he'll chime in, he's made some great girth gains.
Yup I do this WHILE I'm doing my base squeezes, by masturbating the shaft and head, have had good results with it, plus I can go a little longer now.

This is what would qualify me as an 'unintentional pe' practitioner according to some; I've spent two years 'refining' an edging technique. As a result, it's easy for me to jelq at that near-110 percent level for extended periods. *And* with several nonejaculatory orgasmic events along the way.
This is what would qualify me as an 'unintentional pe' practitioner according to some

Yeah, me too. Plus, my gf "edges" me when she wants to play with my mind... but I don't mind because when I finally do orgasm I really explode!
Originally posted by sufring
... but I don't mind because when I finally do orgasm I really explode!

hey, sufring:

in the interest of clarity, orgasm and ejaculation are different. in fact, there are two types of orgasm: emissions orgasm and ejaculatory orgasm.

a man can orgasm without ejaculation ('emissions orgasm'). edging is, in fact, the process of 'firing' the seminal fluids (emissions) and achieving orgasm, but halting or controlling the final, ejaculatory orgasm.

the thing to remember is that the intensity of the emissions orgasm, while high, is not that of an ejaculatory orgasm. you can actually 'ride' one, discrete orgasm, allow it to subside, then raise back up into the next one. it's really just like surfing. the refractory period between emissions orgasms can be decreased to mere seconds with practice, and can eventually lead to that almost mythical 'continuous' orgasm. (i can do this... oh YEAH!)

a partner can help you along the way, but you're actually 'edging' yourself by controlling the ejaculatory process. it's a lot easier, actually, to learn this in solo practice, cause you have total control and are not tempted to just 'explode.'

allowing yourself to finally cross the threshold and shoot becomes your choice and not an accident of nature. that's one reason why edging can be such an important tool in NPenis Enlargement, particularly for erect jelqing.

the ejaculatory orgasm you get from edging is *so* tremendous that it's worth learning just for the pleasure it brings.

cheers: dewey
Yeah, I guess I wasn't clear. When I am alone and just playin around, I prevent myself from acheiving the ejaculatory orgasm mentally, while my gf prevents me without me having any part in it. So, now that I think about it, she's really mean! ;)
What you wrote is very interesting, tho. I didn't totally realize the difference.
Thanks for the explanation!
This past week I taken off due to injury. I originally planned on no Penis Enlargement at all. But being ADICKED to Penis Enlargement. I couldn't keep my hands off my dick. So I decided just to go really easy. With light tugs, JAI, lazy ass stretches, using thera P magnetic band, getting my self hard as much as I can, I have been edging and have noticed my girth just so plump. The last time I edged. I was just about to cum and I grab the base as far down as I could go. My Penis just started to expand. My dick was contracting about 10 times. What I mean about contracting, was it was pumping blood into my penis over and over again. Not only did it feel good it pumped up the girth big time.

dewey said it. I was having an orgasm and did not ejaculate. So when I was holding the base of my penis and trying not to NUT. It made my penis start contracting off the hook. Give it a try.
I practice edging in all my erect exercise sessions and as well quite often when I have sex.
In fact, I'm edging since I was 16 or so.
I just love it!
And it's an important motivation for me to keep on Penis Enlargement'ing.
I doubt that I would Penis Enlargement 5years + if it was only strenous and gives pain/soreness.

Originally posted by pole
I practice edging in all my erect exercise sessions and as well quite often when I have sex.
In fact, I'm edging since I was 16 or so.
I just love it!
And it's an important motivation for me to keep on Penis Enlargement'ing.
I doubt that I would Penis Enlargement 5years + if it was only strenous and gives pain/soreness.


Very good point. I think Penis Enlargement needs to remain sexual too.
what are your thoughts about eliminating or strictly separating out the sexual aspect of Penis Enlargement. i'm increasingly convinced that, far from being negative or even neutral, sexual exercise reaps great benefits.
have you addressed this elsewhere?
dewey;1341 said:
what are your thoughts about eliminating or strictly separating out the sexual aspect of Penis Enlargement. i'm increasingly convinced that, far from being negative or even neutral, sexual exercise reaps great benefits.
have you addressed this elsewhere?

Very old question and much has changed for me over the years that my opinion is much different than that of 13 years ago. Sexuality does fuel PE in many ways but it is not necessary to the process when there are things like Viagra and Cialis. Using �naked people movies� stimulation is a rocky road to go down as it can change your brain chemistry and give you a completely different outlook on yourself and your wife, partner or future friends, etc. I also think that knowing this will benefit you in sex should be a huge inspiration. If sexual stimulation is necessary then go with the most innocent thing possible, if you have a wife, use her as you sexual stimuli. You do not want your PE to turn into a masturbation marathon. PE is exercise to become larger, in girth work we need stimuli to cause erections, use Viagra and everything will be great and only benefit you and your relationship.
doublelongdaddy;746604 said:
Very old question and much has changed for me over the years that my opinion is much different than that of 13 years ago. Sexuality does fuel PE in many ways but it is not necessary to the process when there are things like Viagra and Cialis. Using �naked people movies� stimulation is a rocky road to go down as it can change your brain chemistry and give you a completely different outlook on yourself and your wife, partner or future friends, etc. I also think that knowing this will benefit you in sex should be a huge inspiration. If sexual stimulation is necessary then go with the most innocent thing possible, if you have a wife, use her as you sexual stimuli. You do not want your PE to turn into a masturbation marathon. PE is exercise to become larger, in girth work we need stimuli to cause erections, use Viagra and everything will be great and only benefit you and your relationship.

Thanks for the reply D,
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