
Oct 30, 2003
Happy holidays everybody! I always planned on quitting pe when I go off to a university. I've got 1 and 1/2 years of community college left now before I transfer to a university and live in a dorm. Theres no way I can reach my goals by then at the pace I'm goin at and I don't wanna rush myself. I know there have to be a few of you guys who pull this stealth pe off on a daily basis. Just lookin for a few tips and stuff. I know its a ways off but it never hurts to be prepared. I don't think this would be such a problem but I'm pretty sure my room mate will have a very similar if not identical class schedule. Hopefully you guys can help me out.
Well as for stealth Penis Enlargement there is a bunch of threads on it. One easy thing is everytime you go to take a leak when youe done, grab below the glands and pull straight out and take your other hand and press downward in the center of the shaft. Doing both at the same time. Hold for a 15 count. Do it like 2 or three times per "leak". At 3 or 4 leaks per day you'll be amazed how much Penis Enlargement you can get in in a weeks time!!

Its the simple things people often forget.
When i first started pe I was doing it in the bathroom for at least 10-15 min everyone thought i was taking a shit so no one ever asked what i was doing in the bathroom. Also if i was taking a shower i stay at least 10 more min to get a session in.
Good deal add my suggestion to your regime and your in!!
Here is an odd suggestion, but if you really hit if off with your roommate and become good friends, you might probe around a little and see if you could be open about telling him about Penis Enlargement. I wouldn't suggest proposing doing your routine while he's in the room, but at least you might not have to fear the worst if he would ever happen to walk in while you're in the middle of it. This is just something I happened to think of, but I never tried it. I did not know about Penis Enlargement when I was in college, although I have since discussed it with three former college roommates, all of which are pretty good friends of mine to this day.

Aside from that, I think the best suggestion is to do some basic work in the shower or shitter and try more extensive stuff when you're sure you can. For example, if you roommate tells you he's going to the mall for an afternoon on a Saturday, it's a pretty safe bet you could Penis Enlargement for an hour if you wanted to. Again, supplement that with some stealth work in the bathroom.
I agree with penguinsfan, my roomie is one of my best friends and he knows all about pe from me, so we have a great system of calling or knocking, and if he does happen to walk in I casually cover up, no big deal. Have more time in college than i did at home surprisingly.
bIgjOe said:
I agree with penguinsfan, my roomie is one of my best friends and he knows all about pe from me, so we have a great system of calling or knocking, and if he does happen to walk in I casually cover up, no big deal. Have more time in college than i did at home surprisingly.

That's awesome. Had I known about Penis Enlargement during college, I would have totally been comfortable talking to any of my roommates about it and working something out.

You just have to feel out to see whether or not it's someone you can comfortably talk about the subject with. Some guys would be totally cool with it and others would act like there's something seriously wrong with you (although 80% of them individuals would be curious as hell, truth be told).
You can always go off for a while and find some where to study that is usually empty which means the the bathroom closest to it is probably empty as well. When I went to college there were so many places to study that no one ever used, always with a bathroom close by. And if you're lucky you'll have a handicap stall with lots of room to "stretch out" if you want.
thanks for all the help guys, great ideas. Your suggestions work both angles too. If I'm not really close with my roomate and don't share the same schedule then I can find time and place to fit my routine in. If I am I can just be open about it, help it might even earn DLD another 50 bucks. Its a long time a way since I still have 3 semisters left at community college. I'm still at home b/c the college is minutes away and it much cheaper to live of the parents LMAO . Thanks again guys!
Well shit, you might just reach your goals within those three semesters and just phase into a maintenance routine or retire. Don't sweat things that far down the road. Pull and pull hard while you can, young man. :D
I'm hopin for 9X7 nbp for a final goal. I'm at just under 6X5.5 now, so its highly doubtful. I know it a long ways away but the idea of stoping short of my goal has been bugging me recently. Just a little early preperation LMAO .
goin4length said:
I'm hopin for 9X7 nbp for a final goal. I'm at just under 6X5.5 now, so its highly doubtful. I know it a long ways away but the idea of stoping short of my goal has been bugging me recently. Just a little early preperation LMAO .
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