so we check ID's... how hard is that.

... do you buy cigarettes or alcohol? kinda like that
It would be better with a sextoy/movie shop. And then have different routines and guides in that one. Because i dont think no-one would want to walk into a penis enlargement shop. :) It's a little private, but in one of those stores it would be appreciated.
Opening a shop or something like this about Pe would draw the attention of many authrotiive type people to put you in a bad light from the offset. Why simple;
Pe is not backed at all by doctors or scientists. There is nothing even to suggest it works other than really word of mouth. You would have people on your back claiming your a scammer etc, and I don't think this is the sort of hassle you would need. Look at the hassle dld gets for his size claims, this is only the net. Imagine this face to face.
Health organisations would probably try and close you down for practicing unsafe practices on top of this.
Secondly beyond al this, Is a man really going to have the guts to go into a place which discusses Enlarging your penis? He would fear to much about what others would think. Hell lots of men are to scared to go in a shop and pick up a �naked people movies� mag off the shelf. If it is made mainstream and it all goes well, the business would die quicker than you think. Word gets around who would pay for the exercises etc then once the word is out on the main?
Bad idea.
Hey Proto, just think if you had a food store on Main St., flogging food and next door you had a Penis Enlargement store, How would you advertise it? You would have to have a picture of a bloke with a big prick hanging between his legs. The coppers would have a field day arresting you and your employees.

Mind you that may not be a bad Idea, In Vancouver BC Canada, a store called Dekap coffee house advertised a joint for sale, the coppers took no notice until a reporter from a TV station went into the store and reported that this store was selling pot. That blew the lid off the top, business went from $5000.00 per day to more that $50,000.00 per day. Then of course the coppers came in a shut the fucking place down. There was a hue and cry from it's customers. The shop opened again the next day and business tripled over night. Of course the inevitable happened the city took their business license away and that was the end. For now anyway.
I remember that shop. Good dope a lil sketchy scenewise though. Wasn't there another shop that you could smoke it in or something?
Kausion, No, I do not think so not in Vancouver, The only other shop is the Mark Emery, Vancouver seed store, that's probably what you mean. Thinks may have changed I have been to Vancouver for many years. Been do busy trying to make my old man longer and thicker. I dont have much time now a day's doing to much fucking, nearly worn out.
Might work, but there are liability issues to consider. Also, I've told my friends about Penis Enlargement, as I'm not ashamed of it either. They're response has always been "I can't believe you'd actually come out and tell people about this".
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