I've been eating "lean and clean" for almost 2 week now. I eat six smaller "meals" per day and am working out six days a week (3 cardio/3 weights). I'm drinking more water and taking a vitamin supplement. I also drink a whey protein shake too. I have more energy and feel like I'm on the road back to getting my old (new) body back!
Great decision Craig :) . It's totally important to avoid high glycemic carbs. Your body uses carbs for energy first, then fats. High glycemic carbs become sugars very quickly and burn off quickly- so you get hungry again quickly. This is why ultra high protein diets like Adkins do work. Proteins and low glycemic carbs stay with you a lot longer so you don't get hungry. Read up on carbs so you can avoid the bad ones. Likewise on fats. There are good fats and bad fats. Check out interval training. The theory behind that is to use up your available carbs so you can burn some fat. If it's been a long time since you trained, see your doc b4 going too hard and getting injured. Good luck!
High GI carbs do have their place though. Post-workout. Your PWO shake needs to be about 2/3 high-GI carbs (such as maltodextrin) and 1/3 high quality protein (hydrolyzed whey is best) to get the maximum muscle-building effect. Otherwise, yes, you should stick to low and medium GI carbs, specifically fruits and veggies. Oatmeal in the morning is great too.
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