
Jul 19, 2006
I'm new here and was wondering what are the best methods of increasing girth. I'm not so much into length but I am quite the finatic of girth and would definately love to increase mine from 5.5" to 6.5 or maybe even 7" but I think anything beyond 7" is definately over doing it. I understand that its mostly about girth where penis size is concered but I wouldnt mind an extra inch or two in length. See my sig for my "specs" lol.
Sow Squash Jelqs are a incredible way to increase your girth but they are an advanced exercise, how long have you been training?
doublelongdaddy said:
Sow Squash Jelqs are a incredible way to increase your girth but they are an advanced exercise, how long have you been training?

Speaking of DLD, I've trained for over five months. I just started doing ssj's a week ago. I've already gained some good length and right now, I want to really nail some girth. SSJ's are awesome, but is it too early for me? I'm trying not to get too intense with them yet. I already get some serious red spots from them.
Well I think you should know that am a complete noob at this so I have no Idea what are Sow Squash Jelqs. I did try some free online jelq techniques once for about 3 constant months but never got any results so I just quite but now I just suddenly developed an interest in getting bigger again(I guess I juts wanna kill some chicks lol). Let it be know that i'm in Jamaica and i'm at a serious disadvantage where Credit cards and online purchasing is concerned, basically I cant buy anything! so any suggestions you make would have to come free of cost to me well unless for the enlargment pills where I can have someone in the states purchase for me but I would have to be certain that they would definately be effective enough to go through the trouble. I do understand that in orderfor the pills to work properly I would have to do jelqs and exercises with them. Let me know whats possible for me and what are my options cuz I was planning on asking someone to bringdown about three months supply of a penis enlarger but am totaly confused as to which one to buy cuz I want the most effective one exspecially girth wise.
Hey DLD I see we share a mind alike so you'll be seeing alot of me in your threads(not in a gay way please.lol).
kaan said:
I made about 0.7 inch girth gain so far by clamping..
Do you think you could gimme a link to find those excercises or send them to me which would be the preferable thing as I am unable to purchase things online so.... Also What time frame did you achieve your results?
I'm doing Penis Enlargement for about 8 months.

About how much I gain in what amount of time, I recently gained 1/4 inch girth (from 5.35 to 5.6) in about 2 weeks.

I do clamping at time intervals of at least two weeks to a month.

I do extreme clamping. There are some pics of mine in the picture section.
Colossus said:
Speaking of DLD, I've trained for over five months. I just started doing ssj's a week ago. I've already gained some good length and right now, I want to really nail some girth. SSJ's are awesome, but is it too early for me? I'm trying not to get too intense with them yet. I already get some serious red spots from them.

I think 5 months is plenty of time to experiment with other exercises. Take your time, learn the exercise before training too hard. Masterly of Slow Squash Jels is vital, one of the best exercises for girth but take your time when leaning them.
I'm about 7 months in; gained about 0.75 inch girth.

At the moment I'm thinking a combination of wet jelqs and clamps (I use a wingnut operated jubilee clip) work well for Girth.

I noticed that Redzulu does 20 mins of wet jelqs in his guide, I think it helps break up any minor scar tissue that can form when you stretch/clamp or something. He certainly seems to have done something right.
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