I use a soft foam sports wrap then the foam pad and then secure it with ace wrap. Finally I strap the Velcro
RedWood7;545739 said:
I use a soft foam sports wrap then the foam pad and then secure it with ace wrap. Finally I strap the Velcro

SOmething very close on the horizon that will eliminate base pain forever!
doublelongdaddy;545742 said:
SOmething very close on the horizon that will eliminate base pain forever!

Are you hinting to a new MOS package? Including pills?
So I used up all my sizegenetics bars already and seem to be around 9inches flaccid extended in this thing all day long (10-12 hours everyday comfortably). I decided to order more bars which ran me up 65$. For metal bars this is pretty pricey but I figure the more bars I can add the more gains I will see. Does anyone think it is a good idea to go past the bar limit and start adding these new bars once they arrive? Honestly I am going to do it anyway but just wondering what you guys would do if you have or could max out your sizegenetics. I imagine DLD and others past 9inches have outgrown the tension a bit so any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!

Add more bars and do 20 minutes of bundled stretches together with your daily SG session. This combination will bring gains very fast.
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