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So the Forum Guidelines for this site link to a Fag site???

Should I be assuming things about the way things operate behind the MOD curtain here at MoS?
lol i love it how everyone get's so "into it" at a forum.
it's pretty funny. :p
For all of u that wanted me to back up my claims of DLDs fake pics, go look in the members pic forum. Proof like I said.
Jes [words= said:
Extender[/words]]For all of u that wanted me to back up my claims of DLDs fake pics, go look in the members pic forum. Proof like I said.

You're pushin it, buddy, I'd watch your ass if I were you :p
Jes [words= said:
Extender[/words]]For all of u that wanted me to back up my claims of DLDs fake pics, go look in the members pic forum. Proof like I said.

Oh my God! You are right, your proof had converted me from my evil ways of worshipping the Dick of the Almighty DLD. After seeing you irrefutable evidence of the man's blatant vilification I have changed for good. I will no longer think about DLD's penis 24 hours a day, I will no longer stare at it for hours on my PC (which now has a permanent screen burn of DLD's cock due to hours of the same image being on the screen). I have converted, I will no longer compare myself to DLD, print out pictures of his cock, or fall asleep to my 2nd copy of the MOS DVD (The first is stored away, it will be a collectors item) I promise that I will stop wearing my "I Worship Mike Salvini" T-Shirt. I will dismantle my Power Chair. Perhaps I should clarify, I have 25 Power Assists I made into a chair as a temple to all that is DLD....I will destroy it and burn it. Never again will I join an online dating program and use DLD as my username and post pictures of DLD's cock and pretend to be him. This is it, your evidence learned me my new way of life. Ooops, that was you.
PenisHead said:
It is great to be here. Crash, we will make this our new home - we will be kings with our previous knowledge :D

I have a better idea, since you are so knowledgeable and obviously cunning you should start your own forum. Now you have nothing but time:)
KiTTie8695 said:
haha... speechless they are as always, DLD
Blessed are those that refer themselves in the first person. blessed are thos that are blessed. blessed are the members of slipknot and the dude that plays the drums upside down on the ceiling. Blessed is the temple of power assists. Amen. when I say refer, I cant help but think of refer, strange.
The BTC Killer said:
Blessed are those that refer themselves in the first person. blessed are thos that are blessed. blessed are the members of slipknot and the dude that plays the drums upside down on the ceiling. Blessed is the temple of power assists. Amen. when I say refer, I cant help but think of refer, strange.

BTC you have a white boy crackin' the fuck up:D
The BTC Killer said:
Blessed are those that refer themselves in the first person. blessed are thos that are blessed. blessed are the members of slipknot and the dude that plays the drums upside down on the ceiling. Blessed is the temple of power assists. Amen. when I say refer, I cant help but think of refer, strange.

you're a crazy ass muttha fucka haha :cool:
PenisHead said:
bigeasy, I have decided it aint worth my effort describing why I think DLD's pictures are fake. I respect him now - I have been a jackass. My opinion should've been kept to myself.

Just a word of caution, your avatar has a cartoon penis in it and that's not allowed. Please keep it PG-13 and change it as soon as possible. :)

I've just joined �other PE site� and I must say its a very nice place and I've been welcomed with open arms.
I dont see the need for threads like this informing us of what goes on other boards, if anyone cares than either visit the site or PM eachother because its stupid.
What �other PE site� does has nothing at all to do with MOS and vice versa plus all this name calling between the forums is stupid.
REDZULU2003 said:
I've just joined �other PE site� and I must say its a very nice place and I've been welcomed with open arms.
I dont see the need for threads like this informing us of what goes on other boards, if anyone cares than either visit the site or PM eachother because its stupid.
What �other PE site� does has nothing at all to do with MOS and vice versa plus all this name calling between the forums is stupid.

I agree. Maybe it's time to lock this thread as it has nothing to do with Penis Enlargement.
thread locked [its fuck all to do with Penis Enlargement and is just BITCHY!]
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