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I agree with PenisHead's sentiment (the idea of forgiveness and moving forward). I, perhaps stupidly, really believe in the power of communication and forgiveness. Minor transgressions can get terribly overblown.

Perhaps my post belongs in Deep Thoughts? har har
Forgiveness and calling the guy a phony. That's rational. I'm sorry that I disagree with the "sentiment" as DLD is very helpful, these pics are high resolution and do not appear to be altered when blown up to a larger size where pixilation and any oddities would be very noticeable.

I honestly don't understand why everyone is on DLD all the time. That is the biggest reason why he doesn't deal with it anymore. If you doubt it buy the MOS DVD and check it out, as he's the one doing the exercises. I've never seen a pic of Thunder nor do I know if he has ever even posted his gains, not that he hasn't but he even said he's never laid it all out in a thread before but it's in bits and pieces. That IMO doesn't make much sense as everyone else is willing to put it together and "earn" their stripes why hasn't he? Come on there is a bit of a double standard here. One guy posts pics of a high quality but he's a fake. Other guys don't post pics at all and are noted as great Penis Enlargement minds. This is just backwards.
Jes [words= said:
Extender[/words]]LightningSS would be a rip of ThunderSS you dumbfuck. Why didnt u use "BTC killer" as ur name here? Your just a whiny little bitch, why dont u shut the fuck up and concentrate on Penis Enlargement, which is why we are all fucking well here!!

Why don't you take a chill pill pal.

And lemme add my 2 cents in, mmkay.
You all that are bitching, moaning and complaining in this thread need to knock it off, seriously.
You don't come here to bitch about other people, you're supposed to come here to Penis Enlargement, supposedly, or at least, that's what most of us like to believe.
And DLD doesn't fake his pics. How the hell do you think you guys would take it if you heard daily that people think that you're dick pics are fake? You wouldn't like that very much, now would you?

....Didn't think so.
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Godsize said:
Another annoying thing is that they let women be members, and even worse, they're MODERATORS. On a men's website! I mean, come the fuck on!! And God forbid you "offend" any one of those old hags... there'll be hell to pay. Fuckin' annoying shit.

If you're gonna have women members on a penis enlargement site... at least let them be fuckin' YOUNG, HOT and NAKED. I don't need some pea-brained 40-something year old bitch trying to tell me how to live my life, or trying to tell me what to think. GRRR!!

Maybe you are not aware that we have several women members here as well, and one being a moderator. How is that bad?
By the way. Why isn't this thread in Deep Thoughts where it belongs since it has nothing to do with how we can make our dicks bigger.
Penis EnlargementTER DICK said:
Maybe you are not aware that we have several women members here as well, and one being a moderator. How is that bad?

Yeah... how is it bad that I'm here? :p
What a punkass.
Jes [words= said:
Extender[/words]]He does, but who cares?

I really don't care about that so much, as everyone who says they have 10 inches gets critized some, it's just that IMO �other forum� is a cold, harsh, unfriendly environment.
it's all about the competition and insecurities we all bring in with ourselves. Personally, I'm not afraid to admit I cringe everytime some guy who has never done Penis Enlargement before comes in saying they have a 7 inch NBP dong by 5.5. For where I started though I don't really care because all I can do is focus on why I sought out a place like this. I wanted to learn how to if it was possible to enlarge the penis.

I think it's cool to have kittie here, but I can see why some guys wouldn't be able to handle it maturely or even just flat out voice that they can't stand it. I think the whole thing is stupid. If someone says something you disagree with then forget about it or respond. Don't flame, but come to a conclusion at some point and nothing will get out of hand. I don't know about �other PE site�, but I'm sure it has it's niceties and whatnot just the same as MOS. I love this site though and don't really see a point in being at both places. People who are really into Penis Enlargement like the theories or ideas of how this works I'm sure love to hang out at several Penis Enlargement forums because there is a higher possibility for the flow of ideas.
I agree with that, definitely.
MOS sounds like a far better place than anything else anyways.
the oversensitivity and general pussiness of that site is sickening,,

it like watching that fuckin show 'the view'
Now now guys, while I'm sure some of you don't like �other PE site�. We all have the same goal whether it be MOS, �other PE site� Penis Enlargement Forum etc. No reason to make accusations.
Jes [words= said:
Extender[/words]]I think the shadowing looks dodgy but to honest, I don't care if they are or not (I think they are though)

If your so convinced that DLD's pics are fake, why are you even a member of this forum at all?
If I call the owner of a restaurant a lying cheat, doesn't continuing to frequenting that restaurant make my claims very weak? And what is this shred of proof that you claim to have. Funny how people like to stir the pot and then fall like a house of cards when asked to back up there claims. Or, maybe you've read a controversial post about DLD's pics and your backing your statement on hearsay. Whatever the case, be a man!
Show us this smoking gun or just shut up and leave.
Why don't we all just stop with this nonsense.
I hate threads that carry on like this, seriously.
bigeasy said:
If your so convinced that DLD's pics are fake, why are you even a member of this forum at all?
If I call the owner of a restaurant a lying cheat, doesn't continuing to frequenting that restaurant make my claims very weak? And what is this shred of proof that you claim to have. Funny how people like to stir the pot and then fall like a house of cards when asked to back up there claims. Or, maybe you've read a controversial post about DLD's pics and your backing your statement on hearsay. Whatever the case, be a man!
Show us this smoking gun or just shut up and leave.

Sorry, but that was a very sili thing to say and you should hang your head in shame... the reason why someone may lie about their size is not to make everyone believe Penis Enlargement works (people find that out themselves). It is because they want to be known as the king of Penis Enlargement and want people to look upto them.

If I owned a site, I would want to be the centre of attention and have everyone thinking I gained more than I have.

p.s. Because I aint in that position, I can openly admit I am 6" BPenis EnlargementL - but if people looked upto me like they do to DLD, then I would be 10" NBPenis EnlargementL, get what I am saying? :)
Like I said before, regardless of his size, he is a great guy and has helped with Penis Enlargement in many ways. I respect him nowadays and couldn't care less what he done aslong as he stays here and helps people out.
PenisHead said:
you should hang your head in shame...
Well, that's not going to happen.
PenisHead said:
If I owned a site, I would want to be the centre of attention and have everyone thinking I gained more than I have.
Listen, when you say stuff like this you lose a lot of credibility. I get what your attempting to say, but I don't buy it.

I'm all ears, prove to me that DLD is not the size he claims.
As I'm From Kansas, I'm sick and tired of hearing about btk. I grew up with a bunch of peeps who where scarred to go home at night. I'm glad the pervert is locked up!
PS yes it's offensive >:(
bigeasy, I have decided it aint worth my effort describing why I think DLD's pictures are fake. I respect him now - I have been a jackass. My opinion should've been kept to myself.
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