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PenisHead, Gandolf or whatever your name is IF YOU CAUSE PROBLEMS AT MY FORUMS YOU WILL BE BANNED. Watch your step.
PenisHead said:
You say that after I settle everything out?

Damn, you just lost some friends and respect ;)

Sucks to be you then, doesn't it?
I could care less :p :p
Lifer, there's no need for sarcasm. It has been explained why DLD has not been around much. He's got a lot going on personally and with MOS on the whole. Back off of him. I mean really.
millionman said:
Hmmm....wadzilla in the midst???
It was in this very thread. Just two pages ago. Some people are always out to point fingers or get somebody. Maybe think on it a little before slinging mud around at people would be a wise idea? Or not. I don't care.
Thank you Lifer :)

Incase you didn't notice DLD, I was actually trying to stop the argument. I am sorry that you had trouble with gandolf, whoever that is - but like I said, feel free to check on my IP.
I transferred over from �other PE site� to share my knowledge with you all because I got banned for not kissing �other PE site� feet when he asked me to apologise for something which I didn't do.

If you have problems with members you should check their ip. I have been VERY reasonable apart from disagreeing with one thing, but surely that is not against the rules? I am a calm person and you can check on my other posts, I have helped out a lot of people and have kept this free part of the forum in operation.

If you didn't have this free forum then you wouldn't generate much interest in the paysite part. I am a nice guy, don't jump to conclusions thinking that I am some other guy, I have not started any shit with anyone. I have merely defended accusations.
Lifer, that's not mudslingging. Just a question, as he has been a problem here before and has popped up on more than one occassion to stir up things. Before you assume you understand the topic being discussed it would help if you were around for a while good sir.

Regardless the tone of the posts in this thread have a certain tone that DLD picked up on as well as other mods here and he made an assumption. His bad, move on.
And you jumped and followed his assumption. Your bad. Your point about me not having been here that long is interesting, but I can read old posts so I'm familiar with the other troll situations and have some understanding thereof. It's possible that being here a shorter time worked to my advantage in this situation, especially since I was right. Maybe new blood and fresh, non-jaded, no agenda perspectives are healthy once in a while.

Where my newness hurt me, is in my perceived intentions. I assure you it is not to cause trouble. If you'll notice I didn't come here throwing stones, with doubts, or making accusations, just pointing out that the info in question was readily available. Millionman, your intentions are crystal clear. You're a good friend to DLD and looking out for him. Move on, good suggestion, I'll take it.
Well, since you say that you are quite capable of going back and looking at old topics then you may want to look into some of the old picture threads. There are a few threads where I posted about my doubts to DLD's size claims. It's only been with the last two pictures that I have come to think differently. There was always something about the other pictures that didn't "look" right, but these pictures look normal to me. Sometimes it's not about defending your friends or even in DLD's case someone who has helped me out in the Penis Enlargement arena.
PenisHead said:
Sorry, but that was a very sili thing to say and you should hang your head in shame... the reason why someone may lie about their size is not to make everyone believe Penis Enlargement works (people find that out themselves). It is because they want to be known as the king of Penis Enlargement and want people to look upto them.

If I owned a site, I would want to be the centre of attention and have everyone thinking I gained more than I have.

p.s. Because I aint in that position, I can openly admit I am 6" BPenis EnlargementL - but if people looked upto me like they do to DLD, then I would be 10" NBPenis EnlargementL, get what I am saying? :)

Yea, I get what youre saying....that you lack intestinal fortitude and your morals blow whatever direction seems to benefit you most at the time.
Funny how this turned into a different subject, or maybe it's not. My official opinion of DLD pics are he is a doublelongdaddy. They are authentic. Many "transfers" may have a preconceived opinion of the photos because of others spreading shit that they really can't back up. They were told they were fake, over and over again, and that's all there is to it. Well, fuck those jealous ignorants. >:(
The oversensitivity and general pussiness of THIS THREAD is sickening,
it like watching that fuckin show 'the view'

Sorry q had to borrow some of your line ...rotfLMAO

Y'all quit bitchin' and go pull your dicks or at least your heads out of your asses.
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psychojitsu said:
The oversensitivity and general pussiness of THIS THREAD is sickening,
it like watching that fuckin show 'the view'

Sorry q had to borrow some of your line ...rotfLMAO

Y'all quit bitchin' and go pull your dicks or at least your heads out of your asses.

Psych, please beware that other members on the forum may be sensitive to phrases regarding inserting things, or removing things from their anus. Also, please use the spell checker, and refer to the Forum Guidelines LMAO :p LMAO
stillwantmore said:
Psych, please beware that other members on the forum may be sensitive to phrases regarding inserting things, or removing things from their anus. Also, please use the spell checker, and refer to the Forum Guidelines LMAO :p LMAO
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