Before I discovered MOS, I tried to join �other forum� site a few times but was told that registration was closed. This meant that everytime I clicked on a link I wasn't allowed to proceed because I wasn't a member.

I'm glad I found this site which is definitely friendly to new people. I've learned a lot from this site and that was before I became a member. Since becoming a member, my Penis Enlargement techniques have improved which has improved the results that I've been getting.

Anyway, I say good riddance to �other forum� site. They were never any help to me.
As a former moderator here you should already have the answer to that one.

We stillhave the policy, if you want to call it that, of removing formerly banned members who more or less cannot follow the rules.

Your banisHydromaxent is coming soon. I'm going to have lunch first.

I thought this was kind of funny! Probably a good idea to by-pass �other forum�. Do not pass go, do not collect $100!

Maybe �other forum� head is getting too big. I didn't find that asking a question about using a cable from a clamper was too out of line for a newbie. :p
Westla's response to BCC's post was uncalled for. It does sound like they're turning into a bunch of bitchie gays. That is sad. Maybe a few of them should retire.

I know I was damned proud when they banned me. Good riddance!!!!
stillwantmore2 said:
When I think of that forum,'s like the big 'tampon' of the internet. It's just become so effeminate (tainted with an overly strong feminine vibe).

You should fit in well then still, last I heard you were taking it up the wrongun for $$$
kiss kiss

Like the pot calling the kettle black although I have to agree westla is one ugly fag :)
Is Thundersplace a Penis Enlargement forum? I think they are a cartoon show...yeah...cartoons

One other thing and I really wonder this, does �other forum� ban more members than they get?
A few get banned or drop off around here too.
I think most forums ban people from time to time.
Just some more than others.LMAO
doublelongdaddy said:
Is Thundersplace a Penis Enlargement forum? I think they are a cartoon show...yeah...cartoons

Cool I used to love the thundercats as a kidLMAO
As an interesting aside, go to �other forum� and count how many of the 'Recent Threads' in the Recent Threads menu have anything whatsoever to do with Penis Enlargement. I was just there and found that only 3/15 of these threads were related to Penis Enlargement. This is a consistent phenomena there. DLD is quite right, it is not, in reality, a genuine Penis Enlargement forum.
�other forum� makes me feel like Penis Enlargement is a kind of fake joke. It depresses me when I go there.
I think people who are genuinely interested in getting a bigger dick eventually realize that many of the MODS and T deep down don't believe that P.E. works. So, what else can they do but turn to other topics. Sad, huh?
sorry! i wasn't trying to spam newbie just trying to learn ! i understand . sorryagain
yo I wonder how long theyd tolerate me on �other forum�?
yeah..i heard it's like a fuckin spelling b over there. i have a fear that it's less about Penis Enlargement and more about double checking your spelling and puncuation. i already did that in college, i don't need to write another well informed essay any time soon.
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